Storyline 2 ~ Too Soon (Part 7)

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We went through the doors as she was rushed through on a hospital bed. She screamed in agony.

Lily - "Dennis, I can't do this!"

Dennis - "Of course you can! You're the strongest person I know!"

Lily - "What if it is happening? It certainly hurts enough. What if Alfie doesn't make it?"

Dennis - "He will make it! I promise you on everything!"

The doctors rushed her into a room and wouldn't let me through.

Doctor - "I know your the father, but we need too run some tests. Stay out here and we will shout you when your done."

Dennis - "Fine, but is she in labour?"

Doctor - "Its hard too tell, although she is early, the way she is in pain wise it looks like she is in early labour."

Dennis - "I take it 'early labour' is bad?"

Doctor - "Its definitely not helpful, but we will try our best for the baby if she is in labour."

Dennis - "Thank you... tell her I love her."

Doctor- "Try not too worry too much and I don't think I need too tell her you her, you said it on the way in."

Dennis - "Did I? I can't remember."

Doctor - "That's where worrying gets you so stop, go into the waiting room and sleep or at least do something. Take your mind off it, I'll be back to see you soon."

Dennis - "Thank you again."

We separated and I walked into the waiting room.

My phone starts ringing, its Phil

Dennis - "Phil?"

Phil - "How is she Dennis?"

Dennis - "By the sounds of it, the doctor is making out that she is in labour."

Phil - "Isn't she 6 months early or something like that?"

Dennis - "Surviving that early is impossible. Phil I'm scared..."

Phil - "Dennis, she and the baby will be fine. Don't worry too much."

Dennis - "Why does everyone keep saying that!"

Phil - "Because you shouldn't be worrying!"

Dennis - "How would you know that?"

Phil - "Just a feeling."

Dennis - "Don't want too sound rude but 'just a feeling' is something I can't accept at the moment."

Phil - "Fair enough. Me and Sharon are on our way."

Dennis - "See you soon Phil."

Phil "Bye Dennis..."

(Phil and Sharon arrive)

Sharon bust through the door and hugged me tightly. She eventually let go at looked towards me.

Sharon - "Any news?"

Dennis - "None at the moment..."

As soon as I said it a doctor walked into the waiting room. My attention immediately turned too him.

Doctor - "Hey Dennis, I take it your his parents."

Dennis- "Yeah, this is Sharon my Mum and this is Phil my Dad."

Phil looked at me and smiled.

Dennis - "Is she in labour then?"

Doctor - "I don't think so, she isn't dilated one centimeter."

Dennis - "So what's caused that pain, she was bent double in agony."

Doctor- "By the looks of things she was in some sort of labour but nothing the actual thing. Theres no point of confusing you and giving you the actual name but we call it 'fake labour' it's very common, but never this early."

Dennis - "Is that dangerous?"

Doctor - "I don't think it is... The pains she was experiencing were just a casual process so it can get the body relaxed for the actual thing."

Dennis - "So the baby is not on it's way?"

Doctor - "Not for this moment no..."

I breathe a sigh of relief and put my hands against my knees taking deep breaths.

Dennis - "Can I see her?"

Doctor - "You can, she is tired though."

Dennis - "Are you keeping her in for the night?"

Doctor - "Just too monitor her yes, but nothing else should happen, shes had her experience and now it should be over."

Dennis - "Good too hear! Thank you..."

We followed the doctor towards the room Lily was in, she was exhausted.

Dennis - "How are you?"

Lily - "Tired mostly, just glad its over."

Dennis - "You will get that feeling again."

Lily - "How do you mean?"

Dennis - "The doctor said it was a 'fake labour', it gets your body prepared for the actual thing."

Lily - "Can't wait..."

Sharon - "You gave us a right scare."

Lily - "Dennis, go on my phone and ring Jaiden, he will be wondering where I am."

Dennis - "Will do."

Phil - "I can't wait too see this Jaiden, it's the first time we meet."

Lily - "Dennis already knew him."

Sharon - "Really, did they know him from school?"

Lily - "They didn't really get on until he found out I was his sister."

(2 minutes later)

Dennis - "Hes on his way..."

Phil -  "Who is this Jaiden?"

Dennis - "Oh you know him, you won't be happy, but for the sake of me and the baby. Stay calm."

Sharon - "Dennis who is it?"

Dennis - "Wait and see..."

(10 minutes later)

Lily dropped off too sleep and and I sat at her bedside and watched her sleeping calmly. Suddenly a loud bang at the door.

Jagz - "I got her as soon as I could!"

He sat at her bedside and looked at her, as well as me. As soon as he saw me he realised who else he was sat with as he slowly glanced around the room.

Jagz - "Nice too see you again."

Phil - "Outside...Now..."

Jagz - "All that was a misunderstanding"

Phil - "I'm not going to tell you again. Outside... Now..."

Jagz - "I'm here for her, not for trou-"

As he said that Phil walked too the other side of the bed, grabbed hold of Jaiden and he and Phil both exited the room.

Guess who's back!!! I have recovered from my concussion. Do you think that Jaiden/Jagz and the Mitchell's will eventually play happy families. Thanks for 200 views!!! That's mental!🤘🏼🤞🏼🧡❤🧡❤

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