Storyline 3 - Never Take A Mitchell For A Fool (Part 2)

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(At Ian's)

Me and Mum was sat on the sofa. She was clearly upset about what Phil said to her and how he legit threw her out the house. Their marriage was over and could never be rekindled. Who knew what was next but when everything went silent, two massive bangs were heard on Ian's back door. Ian opens the door and the sound of the door slamming against the kitchen side enters the room.

Mum - "What on earth is that?"

Karen - "Where is he!?"

Ian - "Who?"

Karen - "That little brat Dennis!"

Ian - "In the next room..."

Karen comes barging through the kitchen door and stomps towards me but Mum gets in the way.

Karen - "What have you done!?"

Sharon - "I don't know what's going on but Karen please calm down!"

Karen - "Alright! Alright... It's Keanu and he's gone missing! It doesn't takes a genius to realise whose done it!"

Sharon - "And you think its Dennis... A 16 year old boy?"

Karen - "After stirring all that trouble in the pub, then coming round to my gaff and threatening Keanu, your telling me that he hasn't done anything."

Sharon - "Dennis you better not have!"

Dennis - "He split this family in two! Don't blame me for being angry."

Karen - "I know your up to something!"

Dennis - "I'm not up to anything! I might of been a few hours ago, but not anymore."

Sharon - "Denny what have you done?"

Dennis - "Me nothing... for now. Anything to do with Keanu has nothing to do with me at this precise moment and just realise Karen that I'm not the only Mitchell that wants to have him killed."

Karen - "Fine I'll go and see Phil then shall I?"

Dennis - "Maybe you should... oh and try Ben while your at it."

Karen - "Evil little rat."

Sharon - "Oi watch your tongue! That's my son your talking to."

Karen - "At least you have a son to talk to..."

Once she said that she left the house and soon after I followed her. Me and Ben met at the alleyway behind The Vic.

Ben - "You got what you wanted."

Dennis - "He's dead?"

Ben - "Yep, no more grease monkey Taylor."

Dennis - "Have you got proof?"

Ben - "He's on his way."

Soon Martin comes walking down the alleyway in all black and blooded up.

Ben - "Have you got it?"

Dennis - "Got what?"

Martin - "Yes I have."

Ben - "Show us."

He began to play a video. The video shows Keanu sat holding his shoulder.

Keanu - "Please don't do this, I have a kid Martin, don't do this. I'm begging."

Then a massive bang appeared in front of the screen and a flash. The video then shows Keanu falling back wards and onto the floor behind him. The video then follows Keanu and shows him completely dead on the floor.

Ben - "You really did it..."

Dennis - "Good job. Now our family can live in peace."

Martin goes into Ben's face.

Martin - "Now you sort my problems!"

He walks off.

Dennis - "What problems?"

Ben - "Doesn't matter."

Dennis - "Who else helped or knew about this?"

Ben - "Dad and Louise."

Dennis - "Louise! Have you gone mental?!"

Ben - "She can cope!"

Dennis - "I hope your right because right now I could see us in custody by the end of the week!"

Ben - "Shes your sister! She wouldn't do that!"

Dennis - "We'll wait and see."

I walk home, took my shirt off and my Jean's leaving me in my boxers and laid on top of my bed. Phil walked into the bedroom.

Phil - "Jesus christ Den put some clothes on."

Dennis - "Its my room Phil!"

Phil - "Just put some clothes on, I wanna speak to you."

I put my clothes back on and sat on my head.

Dennis - "You can turn back around now."

Phil joined me and sat on the end of the bed.

Phil - "I'm here to speak about your Mum."

Dennis - "She made a mistake Phil, don't act as if butter wouldn't melt."

Phil - "It wasn't just a fling. It was a full on affair! They were going at it for months! One of them nights being when your sister was with him."

Dennis - "That's not nice to think about."

Phil - "I'll make a deal, only you can mention her name in this house. We won't talk about her in a bad way when you are around. You can still see her and I won't have a problem because shes your Mum."

Dennis - "I will happily take that."

Phil - "Okay, but last thing... Keanu. You know what's happened?"

Dennis - "Yeah, it was us three that planned it. I've seen the video. Hes dead..."

Phil - "I know, but promise me one thing."

Dennis - "Okay."

Phil - "You will never grass on our family and if we ever get caught out. I flee the country with Louise and you and Ben stay here. Say it was all us two."

Dennis - "Are you sure?"

Phil - "Positive, we have no reason to stay. You have to stay for Alfie and your Mum and Ben has to stay for Callum."

Dennis - "Fine. If it does I'll miss the pair of you."

Phil - "Night Den."

Dennis - "Night Phil."

Phil leaves the room, I strip back down to my boxers and get back on top of the bed. I take a moment to process everything and realisation hit me at once. I began to break down in tears.

Dennis - "What have we done?"

This wasn't tears of sorrow towards Keanu. It was tears of regret and tears of anger on how we could make such a cruel mistake. Although he deserved to die it didn't feel right having him killed. There was a hint of happiness that he was dead and gone forever but there was also regret. After processing everything I fell to sleep. I began to dream about what happened and what he said on the video. Keanu voice repeated in my head over and over again.

This was far from over.

Hope you all enjoy the new storyline. Goodbye now!❤

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