Storyline 2 - Too Soon (Part 10)

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A/N - Some of you weren't happy that I killed off Lily, so I'm sorry😂

(4 Days Later)

I was sat on the sofa, leant forward, had my elbows on my legs and my hands together in 1 fist resting under my chin. I was staring into space with no emotion showing on my face. Mum walks in the room.

Sharon - "I don't know whether this is good news or not, but they have released Lily's body and you can go and see her at the mortuary."

I jumped in attention.

Dennis - "Yeah, thanks Mum. Can you drop me off there later?"

Sharon - "You don't even need too ask that. Silly question but are you okay?"

Dennis - "It is a silly question. Too be honest Mum, you can never experience this kind of pain and anger until it happens too yourself."

Sharon - "I know how you feel."

Dennis - "How?"

Sharon - "Your Dad."

Dennis - "Oh."

Sharon - "Don't worry about it."

Dennis - "Can you show me some pictures of him."

Sharon - "Are you sure? You've never seen a picture of him before."

Dennis - "I know. I'm ready."

Sharon gets the box from upstairs and brings it downstairs. She opens it and we look through the pictures.

Sharon - "I don't want too sadden you, but your Dad doesn't even know you exist."

Dennis - "He will now."

We smile at eachother.

Dennis - "Why is life so unfair Mum?"

I said looking towards her with tears in my eyes.

Dennis - "She didn't deserve to die."

Sharon - "Couldn't of happened too a nicer girl. Have you thought about the funeral."

Dennis - "I don't know where too start. Can you help?"

Sharon - "Of course."

Suddenly we hear a cry from upstairs.

Sharon - "You should get him, he needs his Dad during these times."

Dennis - "She's all I see when I look at him."

Sharon - "And Alfie is the only thing you have left of her. Look after him."

Dennis - "I know."

Sharon - "I'll see you down here in 10 minutes, then we can see about going too the mortuary."

I get up slowly of the sofa and wipe my eyes. I went upstairs and entered my bedroom which had a cot resting next too my bed. I walk over to the cot and look over into it. Alfie lays there staring back at me. Tears drop from my eyes and land inside the cot.

Dennis - "I'm sorry you never get too your Mum. You deserve better."

I picked him up and rested him in my arms whilst him being wrapped in a blanket.

Dennis - "Me and you will celebrate her life for as long as we live."

The baby let's out a cry.

Dennis - "I'm so sorry..."

I began rocking Alfie in my arms trying too calm him down. He eventually stops crying.

Sharon - "You'll be a great father to him."

Dennis - "If you say so."

Sharon - "Stop being so hard on yourself. Are you ready to go?"

Dennis - "Yeah, can you look after him in the car while I'm there."

She nods at me. We pack a bag for Alfie and leave the house. I walk through the gate which leads to the market, everybody and I mean everybody was staring in my direction. Ben passes by.

Ben - "Theres nothing too look at here, get back too your jobs!"

He walked towards me and put his hand on my shoulder.

Ben - "Are you okay?"

Dennis - "Never better..."

Ben - "Seriously."

Dennis - "I feel empty, like I don't have anything left."

Ben - "I felt the same when Paul died and I'm sure Sharon did when Dennis died and you do have something left, loads in fact. You have your kid and loads of your family."

Dennis - "During times times like this I gather you forget the obvious."

Ben - "Exactly. You know what I did when Paul died, i tried going for the thugs that killed him. Please don't go down the same dark path I went down."

Dennis - "I guess, thanks Ben."

Ben - "Anytime little man, it feels wierd saying that now you have a new young lad. Where you two off to anyway?"

I lower my head in upset. Sharon put her arm around me.

Sharon - "We are off to the mortuary, they released her a few hours ago."

Ben - "Oh, I would say good luck but there's nothing good about it."

Sharon - "I know."

Dennis - "Can we go now?'

Ben - "Of course mate. If you want I can take you, then Sharon can stay here and look after the kid. I've been there myself too identify Paul, it's not nice too even be sat outside the building."

Sharon - "I think that would be a good idea. Thanks Ben."

We set off too the mortuary. During the car there was a silence.

Ben - "It'll get better you know."

Dennis - "I don't believe that, without her, I can't see my future."

Ben - "Like I said, it was the same with Paul. I didn't see absolutely any of my future, but then I eventually met Callum, who's been the best thing to happen too me since Paul died."

Dennis - "I don't want to meet anyone else, life was perfect as it was."

Ben - "If that is the way you wanna live your life. If you want to live your life being lonely and not getting into a serious relationships then that problem, but think about it, you might get another kid out of it."

Dennis - "I'm never taking that risk again."

We once again sat in silence for the rest of the journey.

(30 minutes later)

Doctor - "Are you ready? This could change your life."

Dennis - "This will be my last time seeing her, I'm never going too be ready to let go."

The doctor opens the door and the re she was lying on a cold steel slab. The doctor leaves the room. I walk over slowly towards her body and stare at her lifeless self.

Dennis - "I love you so much... I'm so, so, so sorry"

Hope your all having a good day!💙 Get too 400 views and I'll release the next part!😁💙

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