Storyline 1 ~ The Gang (Part 3)

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All of Jagz's gang started at me and smiled. I started back and tried too be as brave as possible but really my heart pounded out of my chest. I walked towards Jagz and said "What is your problem with me?" I asked him. "What is my problem? I tell you shall I? Your Dad has put one of my men in intensive care, so why not pay the price back too him and put you in intensive care... sound good lads?" He said. They all surrounded me like a pack of lions, some had weapons, some has their fists ready. "Jagz, leave him alone!" I heard a familiar voice say. I pushed past two of the members and walked towards the familiar voice. I looked up and it was Tiffany. "What is he too you?" Jagz questioned. "A good mate actually. He doesn't deserve this." She explained too him. "Dennis go home" she continued. "What about you?" I asked. "I'll be fine..." she said. I turned around and started to walk home until I saw phil walking towards me and towards the gang. "Dennis! Which one of them thugs put a brick threw my window!"he screamed. I pointed him out and Phil began too walk towards him, luckily I stood in his way. "Phil leave him! If you want me too live the rest of my life without stress then you leave him!" I warned him. "I thought he was your Dad." One of the members said. "What happened too Daddy?" Jagz said childishly. I turned round slowly too see the whole gang smiling. Phil grabbed my arm. "Don't you dare!" He said warningly. I began too walk home with Phil and Tiffany followed behind us. "Dennis! Wait!" I heard her shout. I turned and saw her in front of me. "Thanks for that by the way..." I said. "No problem, come too the caff, we can talk there." She said and I followed her.

(At The Cafe)

I finished my drink and I went to order another. I got too the desk and said "Another coffee please Marie". I waited two minutes and the coffee was ready. I tried to get the money from my pocket which then began too fall on the floor. As I went too pick it up a girl in her teens leant down too help pick the money up. We both stood back up "Thanks..." I said. "No problem" she replied. "I'm Dennis" I continued. "I'm Lily" she responded. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I walked back too the table and saw Tiffany smiling. "What are you smiling at?" I asked her. "Young love..." she replied whilst still having the biggest smile on her face. "Why don't I leave you too it? Go and speak too her!" She said nudging me. "Fine" I replied. I walked up too her table. "Hey, you come here alone?" I asked her. She nodded awkwardly. "So.... Lily, Where are you from?" I asked. "I'm from just outside of the square. I moved in recently with my brother." She replied. We were talking for hours on end.

(3 hours later)

"It was nice talking too you... your one of the first people that has come too me and decided to listen so thanks for that!" She said honestly. "No problem!" I replied. "So are we going too do this again Lily?" I asked innocently. "Yeah I guess so." She replied with a smile on her face. "Good" I said and began walking and so did she. I walked round the corner and realised something. If I was meant too see her again I needed her number. I ran back the opposite way and caught up too her. "Lily! I didn't get your number..." I said needing her attention. "That would of been a good idea wouldn't it Dennis" she replied and laughed. We exchanged numbers and then once again began walking home. At the end of the street I saw Mum "You got that girls number did you? I heard you say it from over here!" She giggled.

(Inside Dennis' Bedroom)

I looked at my phone and added her too my contacts. I text her immediately.

Dennis - "Thanks for tonight! I really enjoyed it!"

Lily - "Me too, I'm tired so I'll text you tomorrow morning! My brother will go mental when I get back, but i reckon he will be fine when i tell him i met somebody like you!"

Dennis - "My Mum heard me ask for your number from the other side of the square lol. I told her you were nice and I might have told her you were slightly fit, sorry about that..."

Lily - "Omg😂 I guess I'll say the same thing too my brother when I get back... talk too you tomorrow! See ya x"

Dennis - "No problem, one more question?"

Lily - "Go on..."

Dennis - "What's your brothers name? Just so you dont have too keep saying 'My brother'"

Lily - "Oh, hes called Jaiden. Hes my older brother (18)"

Dennis - Okay, speak too you tomorrow! X"

Lily - "See ya x"

I laid down on my bed and just thought about tonight. Am I really starting too like this girl?

Next part should be out tomorrow, if not soon!

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