Chapter 1: Arriving Part 1

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Aerynelle was blanketed in snow, the shimmering marble and stone city, and its tall spirals and shining windows nearly camouflaging with the distant Ruhn Mountains. Red capes stood out as they fluttered on the backs of their owners as Crochan and Ironteeth witch and humans bustled around.

Aryna watched the sprinkles of snowfall through the windows of her carriage, it wasn't the first time she saw snow, in fact, snow fell plenty in Terrasen, but it was the diversity of the city that caught her attention. Immortal and mortal alike.

Sylvia sighed, Aryna slid her green eyes towards her youngest sister's Ashryver ones, her mom had forced them all into dressing up nice, Aryna was never a fan of such attire, she was much more of her father's personality, quiet and unyielding but with just a small dose of sweet.

They have all dressed in Terrasen green, thick bolts of velvet to protect from the freezing air that came with the Winter in the north. Sylvia and Aryna had let their hair down, the thickness of the golden locks enough to shield and store some sort of warmth. Laurel's silver hair was constantly being tousled and run through by her brother's nervous and impatient fingers.

Aryna then glanced at Cyrus, the only other quiet Galathynius, with her own charm; Cyrus can joke, was charming, and was constantly pampered for being the reader instead of warrior, and she'll admit, Cyrus may or may not be her favorite sibling.

The wheels of their carriage clanked as they stopped in front of the palace's doors. Aryna's mother, Aelin, grinned widely as the white doors of the palace opened and the royal family of Adarlan came out.

Laurel let out an audible squeak as a certain dark-haired princess walked out, her locks flowing and curling at the ends, her sapphire eyes lighting up as Sierra saw them coming out of the carriage.

"We meet again," Dorian said as he embraced Aelin, the latter returning the gesture only to pull back and study them with a raised brow.

"You know I haven't forgotten what you've done to me all those years back," Aelin said jokingly.

Dorian groaned ", Aelin it was one book."

"And my favorite," the queen of Terrasen grumbled under her breath.

Manon raised a brow.

Aelin glared at the witch queen ", One of my many favorites."

Dorian sighed dramatically, leading them into the palace ", Then you'll be happy to know that a new shipment of newly published books just arrived in the library."

Aelin's eyes gleamed ", Go on..."

Back at the threshold of the palace's arched doorway, the children of the royals were bickering with one another as they shoved each other around playfully.

"So," Eyvin started, gold eyes sparkling ", Found anyone cute? I heard the boys of Orythn are especially pretty."

Cyrus rolled her eyes ", If your definition of pretty is Laurel then no."

Laurel flushed pink ", I'll let you know that the ladies think I'm quite handsome."

Cyrus raised a brow ", Oh? Why haven't I seen them then?"

Eyvin chuckled and stage-whispered ", Perhaps he has eyes on a certain person, eh?"

Laurel fumed as Eyvin and Cyrus burst out laughing, their laughter audible all the way to where Sierra had now linked arms with Aryna, the latter holding Sylvia's hand, tugging her along. Sierra inclined her head ", You've been especially quiet."

"I've always been quiet," Aryna said curtly.

Sierra's sapphire eyes flitted around and her voice dropped ", If you're wondering, Arvena is here, she's in the healers' compound in the city."

Something in Aryna's shoulders loosened as the news filled her.

Sierra smiled smugly ", I also may or may not have told her you were coming."

She whipped her head towards  Adarlan's Princess ", Era."

Sierra only shrugged when another round of shrieking occurred. 

"Sadie's here," Sylvia said, suddenly tugging them back to the gates to see the rest of the Terrasen court arrived. The Caravelle and Ashryver families arrived. Cayden, the golden-haired and emerald-eyed shifter punching Laurel and Eyvin playfully.

Laurel fell on his ass, Eyvin only went into a 'playful' wrestling match with Cayden where they had one arm slung around each other's shoulders, squeezing hard as they smirked at each other.

"Sylvie!" shrieked eight-year-old Sadie, her dark brown hair bouncing as her Ashryver eyes met her cousin's.

"Rayne," Sierra murmured as her eyes met with ink-black ones.

"Sierra Havilliard Blackbeak Crochan," Rayne said primly.

Sierra grimaced ", You really had to use my full name."

"How else would I grab your attention," said the young lady of Perranth with a wink, her dark hair swishing. 

Sierra huffed a breath ", You can simply call me."

"And I did, I called your full name which technically is your name."


They smiled at each other, something within Rayne clicked as she held hands with Sierra and started walking into the palace at their leisurely pace.


I wanted to finish this.

I really did, but like this is long enough so here is part 1 owo.

I, now, too realized how many ships there are. There are already two teams for Sierra, a hint for Aryna, and that mysterious lover of Eyvin.

Anyway what team are you on currently lol

-Team Sierra and Rayne (Sierayne?)

-Team Sierra and Laurel (Laurra?)

oh well.

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