Chapter 17: Aryna, she dead

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Arvena had been knocked out for quite some time before she once more had the ability to open her eyes, the dark room once more greeting her. Her thick gold-streaked brown hair had cushioned her head, preventing any blood to be shed.

She was stuck in a daze for a few moments, simply laying there against the cold stone wall, the rough-hewn texture scraping against her skin as she finally gasped and shot up, vertigo hitting her like a punch to the gut.

"Holy shit," she cursed under her breath as she stood on shaky legs, making her way to where she was before Aryna blasted her off-


She groaned, her head still swaying. She knew she couldn't but she still wished she had the ability to heal herself, it would be a hell of ability in times like these when she couldn't even stand straight. The princess most likely had gotten herself killed, but she could only hope.

So Arvena ignored the absolute mess of thoughts that flew around her head, flinging at the walls of her mind, and took a breath. Not even giving herself a breath to hesitate, because if Erawan was stuck in this mirror then so will she, she leaned down.

Her fingers grazed the glass and she was gone.


Arvena stumbled backwards in shock at what lay before her.

The princess of Terrasen, heir to the throne, beloved by her and many, Aryna Ashryver Whitehorn Galathynius, lay collapsed on her side, eyes closed, her golden hair strewn behind her, the green of her gown like a bright alluring light from the darkness of this cursed prison.

"Aryna?" Arvena mumbled, her voice uncertain, eyes wide as she walked tentatively towards whom she thought she would spend the rest of her days with, whether it be the shining walls of Orythn or the chilly plans of Aerynelle.

She dropped to her knees when she saw the paleness of her usually golden skin, her bloodless lips and she realized that those twinkling forest green eyes would never share its brilliance with the rest of the world, not anymore.

A sob broke out of the usually stubborn and rash healer as she realized that she was dead.



With that fucking Valg King with her.

Tears slid down Arvena's dark golden skin at the memories and promises that simply meant no more, at the sacrifice the misunderstood princess had taken. She was never cold, she was the tether of peace, of calm, the one who understood most yet was never understood.

She stroked the golden locks, the curls running smooth trough her slender fingers as she used her other arm wipe away the tears. "Stupid," Arvena said under her breath, her voice blubbering ", You're so stupid."

But it was simply too late.


It was a simply burning day in Orythn, Arvena hated the heat, though it did open the skies up to a beautiful clear blue, lighter than the ocean but vaster, she often felt as though they all lived in a giant snow globe and it simply just didn't snow all the time. So she under a tree, watching as the children ran around, chasing after Abraxos, who's apparently as capable at babysitting as she was even though he didn't even have hands.

Abraxos gave her a look, as though he knew she was thinking bad about him, she stuck her tongue at him. The wyvern huffed and proceeded to flap his wings in the way chickens would, the young royals trying to hold on to the leathery substance.

She sighed, blowing a raspberry, a strand of her hair flying off her nose at the motion. Looking around, all she saw was the shining palace of Orythn on their left, the plains of Theralis reaching far and wide around them. Her eyes scanned the palace's walls, nothing but blank clear windows showing hallways after hallways, until-

She jolted as a pair of pine green eyes met hers, a shine in those animalistic eyes as the princess cocked her head from her perch on a window bay, a book lay in her crossed lap, her billowing white gown making her look out of this world.

She walked towards the princess, looking up at her as she crossed her arms, brows raised. "You know," Arvena said, flicking her nose, the act only possible due to her tall height ", You could have just called me if you wanted to talk."

"I didn't," said the princess.

"Why were you looking at me then?"

"Because I wanted to," said the princess simply, her pine green eyes straying away as she said ", Your hair looks beautiful in the midday sun."

Arvena flushed.



so uh  I don't think you guys will be that mad since you never had the chance to connect with Aryna that much but then again, you actually never met Thomas

many oofs.

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