Chapter 22: A break

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The forest's singing leaves fluttered as the wind swept through in a gentle breeze, feathery wingbeats surrounded them along with the sharp and singsong calling of the different birds perched throughout the thickets of trees and bushes.

Sierra sat on the porch of the Blackbeak Keep, the building was nestled under a mountain's shadowed step, the nature surrounding it was a constant reminder of how isolated they had been to the population for the past two weeks. 

"Sierra?" Rayne called from the doorway, her footsteps sounding from the worn wooden floor as the Lady of Perranth lowered herself next to Sierra, resting her head against her shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

The princess smirked half-heartedly ", With that beautiful face of yours with me? Great."

Rayne swatted at her ", Stop flirting, you're terrible at it."

"But you are quite the beauty," Sierra said, nuzzling the young lady's neck.

Rayne sighed, the body loosening at her touch, her slender fingers running through Sierra's blue-black locks ", What's wrong?"


"Don't lie."

The princess stayed silent for a moment, her face buried in Rayne's neck, breathing in the misty smell of the aftermath of quick spring shower. She felt the lady shift her body, and felt her smirk without even looking. "You smell nice," Sierra said midly.


The princess chuckled ", Of course, because you totallly didn't steal one of my pillows because you said it had my scent."

Rayne reddened, crossing her arms ", We both agreed you saw nothing."

"You said that, I never any indication that I heard," said the princess midly, playing with a lock of Rayne's hair.

Rayne opened her mouth to bite back a snarky reply when Maven rushed through the door, his dark locks bouncing, those stunning violet eyes seemed to filled with a new hope, even if the shadows underneath them showed the struggle of having to calm Eyvin after his nightmares, of gently coaxing the prince back to sleep, of hiding the impatience and hurt whenever Eyvin turned him away, too afraid.

Maven never once complained.

"I think we found a lead," he said, hiding the excitement in his voice with a mildly interested tone.

To reviving Aryna.


Manon had heard the court whisperings the past few days, they had spread like wildfire, the ladies and lords thinking that it would go unnoticed by the king and queen. Had tried to keep it hidden, yet it still reached her immortal ears.

The prince likes males, the princess likes both. 

Who's going to produce a heir?

Who's the next in line?

The people were so 'worried' that they wrote to the former queen of Adarlan, who had retired to the mountain of Ararat years ago after meeting Dorian's and Adarlan's new queen. The meeting was cold, brisk, and was simply an exchange of who was the bigger female.

Their relationship was strained to say the least.

And now Georgina Havilliard was coming back.

So she walked by Dorian's side, the king's back was stiff, taut. His deep blue tunic cut to fit his lean but strong frame, his steps were clipped, the marble floor shining beneath his feet. His expression cold, yet Manon could see the nervousness in his sapphire eyes.

Manon had refused any formal attire, opting for her flexible leathers instead. She may or may not have done it to piss off the former queen.

The witch eyed her mate, the hands that were crossed at his back, his pursed lips barely evident, yet they stood out to her like a sore thumb. "Why the hell are you scared of your own mother?"

"The same reason why Abraxos's scared of the dogs," he muttered under his breath.

Manon smirked and crooned ", What a baby, the king."

Dorian snorted ", Says the one who tried to escape by saying that Abraxos needed an extra flight."

"The only thing your mother could scare me with is the fact she'll drive me insane from her stupidity," she replied midly.

"She won't be here long," he promised.

"She better not be, I have plans for you."

"Oh?" He asked with a quirked brow.

Manon only gave him a sly smile ", We're going to run away from this gods-damned shiny palace for a bit."


sorry the slow update-

I used to update everyday but THAT WAS BEFORE I GOT CRESCENT CITY OKAY??


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