Chapter Nine: Surprise Vistors

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Manon woke up.

She was laying comfortably on a pillow, her body curled up, her own white hair was strewn behind her as her eyes fluttered open. Someone had changed her into a dressing robe, her shoes having thrown off at the entrance of the room.

A look at her bandaged arms was answer enough to what happened. She turned sideways, her burns a dull ache as she met sleepy sapphire eyes. The corner of Dorian's lips curled up slightly as the king yawned and stretched.

"Good morning, Witchling," he murmured, brushing a strand of hair off her face.

"It's midday," she said, frowning.

"How do you know?"

"There's a window behind you."

"Details," he smirked, sitting up.

She tracked every single of his moment as he got up and circled the room that they'd shared for all these years. Books were expected, they lay on the nightstands, their writing table, and even the floor sometimes.  Their bathroom and closet were barred off from the main room. 

It was originally designed to be library-ish, except Manon had threatened that if she had to see more than six books in the bedroom then she was taking Abraxos and flying off to live in the Blackbeak keep in the mountain passes. Dorian had begrudging made a personal library to store many of his books, that he all claimed as his 'favorite'.

Manon cocked her sideways, curious, "What are you looking for?"

"The guests we are invited are coming soon," Dorian said ", I want to make sure things go smoothly."

Manon snorted. 

Dorian chuckled, sitting back down, "Of course you would think it's unnecessary."

They lapsed into an easy silence when Dorian grabbed a book and started reading it in his lap, one hand idly playing with a lock of his mate's white hair. Manon watched distantly, thoughts turning in her head as her eyelids once more began to droop.

Then a thought paused her from falling into sleep.

"What is it?" Dorian whispered.

"Do you..think they hate us?" Manon said, her voice solid but uncertain.

They both knew they weren't talking about the guests.

Dorian gave her hand a squeeze and murmured ", I don't know, we have been horrible parents towards them."

"Do you think I've been too harsh with them?"

 "No," he replied with a shake of his head then cracked a smile ", besides if you were too harsh then I doubt they'd speak to us at all."

Manon scowled ", To me, they wouldn't talk to me, I was never meant for the role of mother."

Dorian closed his book, placing it on the nightstand and pulled her close to his side. "Don't say that. Sierra and Eyvin love you."

"There isn't a training session that they never cried at during a kid."

"They were kids."


"You are really are getting are soft-hearted and fussy, witchling," Dorian crooned.

"Don't try to change the topic."

"I'm not," her husband said, his hands raised ", We might want to change your bandages before the guests arrive though."

"Fine," Manon said ", Where are they?"

"Right here," Dorian said, pulling them out of a drawer and passing them to her ", Do you need help?"

"What do you think?"

Dorian rolled his eyes. "Never change."

Manon only gave him a look.


The Night Court landed on their ass in the snow.

"Your mate couldn't have made the landing smoother?" Nesta said coldly, getting up and brushing her skirt.

"We would if we could, sister dearest," Feyre said back.

"Let's not fight," Elain said quickly ", We wouldn't want to visit and destroy things."

"Elain is correct," Dorian said, coming out of the palace's threshold, a smile forming on his lips ", Long time no see."

"Long time?" Cassian barked ", It's been a decade."

Rhysand rose smoothly from the snow, the rest of the Night Court along with him, none of them had come equipped with winter clothing, so they stood shivering in the snow. A familiar dark-haired Fae by his side.

"Maven," Dorian said in recognition.

The Fae had grown greatly. He had adapted his father's stalking gait and looks, but those hands not only wield great power but also a love for art, he had his mother's lips, his dark hair slightly wavier than his father's but still similar. Maven cocked his head ", Do I know you?"

"Long ago," Feyre said.

Nesta and Amren then looked at Manon, who stood at Dorian's side. The three shared a terrifying smile. Their stances suddenly switched from wary and cautious predators to stalking and confident and very dangerous wild beasts.

"Missed me?" Manon purred.

"Hard to forget," Amren crooned.

"Besides you're hardly easy to replace," Nesta said, eyes gleaming.

"Oh shit," Aedion, Lysandra and Sadie at his side, called from not so far away ", Is that my buddy I spy?"

"You bet it is!" Cassian yelled back.

"For fuck's sake, Aedion," Aelin said, coming up to them ", You just cursed in front of your daughter."

"You just swore in front of your niece," Aedion retorted.

Aelin gave him a look ", Try me, brute."

"I remember you, though," Maven said ", I have the distinct memory of you starting a small fire in the kitchen when you offered to help with pancakes when I was two."

"You were one and a half," Aelin said.


"One and a half."


"One and a half-"

Rowan sighed ", Whatever will Aryna think when she realized that her mother is fighting with a kid."

"Why, she'd join me."

Rhysand chuckled ", This is going to be just like the old days."


I didn't know if I could publish this in time- 

hudhfhalsLHAJWIRSD *insert more keyboard spam*

anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter

Who did you think the surprise guest was? Did you get it right? 0.o

Don't worry, if you know me, there's probably me going to be another chapter tomorrow because I can't help myself-

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