26 - dr visits

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The next day.

I passed out at school yesterday. I don't even remember how but I should've stayed home yesterday, that's all I know.

My mom called the doctor as soon as we got home.


"Hi Dr. Curtis this is Vanessa Wilson, Anna hasn't been feeling well lately and she passed out at school yesterday. Is there any time we can set up an appointment for her?"

"Oh, uh sure! Let me have my nurse check my appointment times."

I give my mom a look from my bed, I hate doctors. All they do is just poke and prod at you with their weird tool things.

"Are you still there Mrs. Wilson?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay we can get Anna in tomorrow at 9:30, will that work for you?"

"Yes! That is perfect."

"Okay miss, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you Dr. Curtis."

"Of course, anything for my patients." I can hear his laugh over the phone.

-today 9am-

"Mom. I don't want to go." I've been throwing up all night.

"Anna, I'm taking you no matter what."

"I will jump out of this car mom."

*locks click*

She looks at me and smirks



Anna hasn't answered me since she got home yesterday. We've all tried but she won't pick up the phone. I've tried Julien too but all he said was

"she's feeling pretty crappy man I think you guys just should just let her rest."

I just wanna know how she's doing.


We get to the office and my stomach starts to hurt, I don't know if I'm nervous or if I'm going to throw up.


"Anna" the nurse walks in with a clipboard and is wearing a yellow shirt with rubber duckies on it.

I sigh as my mom and I stand up, I walk with my head down through the long familiar hallways. Memories flood through my head.

It's okay, you're okay.

The nurse takes my temperature and it's 103°


She gives me a water bottle and exits the room saying the doctor will be in shortly.

I put my hand to my forehead because it's pulsating, why am I feeling like this?

"You should've stayed home yesterday Anna."

"Yeah yeah, I know, I've missed a lot of school already I just didn't want to miss any more."

"We'll get you caught up don't worry, I'm sure Benny would do all your work if you asked him." She winked at me.

"Mom leave him alone." I shake my head back and forth.

We head a knock at the door.

"Hey!" Dr. Curtis' gloved hand reaches out to shake mine.

He takes a pen out of his pocket and clicks it open on his clipboard,

"So, whats going on Anna?"

"Well a a couple days ago I

"She passed out yesterday." My mom cuts me off and I glare at her.

"Sorry, talk."

"I went to stay with all my friends Monday night and I woke up Tuesday morning and I didn't feel well. I went home and slept all day."

He nods his head and writes something down.

"Tuesday night I was throwing up but I decided to go to school the next day because I didn't want to miss any more days."

I give him a chance to write something else down before he tells me to continue.

"I slept in the first block and after lunch my friends took me to the nurse and I guess I just passed out, I don't remember."

He nods his head.

"Alright, well uh. We're going to draw some blood and then test you for strep because it seems that it's been going around lately." He clicks his pen again and sets it down on the counter.

I'm having my blood drawn and I can feel it being drained out even if it's just a little vial. Why are they taking so much blood?

The strep test was even worse. They stuck a long q-tip up my nose and it felt like it touched my brain. I keep feeling like I have to sneeze but I can't, and even if I do sneeze I might throw up. I feel like shit.


"Mrs. Wilson, can I talk to Anna alone for a minute?"


"Oh! Sure." She picks up her purse and steps out of the room.

"Okay, so." He grabs his chair and sits down.

"When we took your blood we tested you and it got something weird."

Do I have corona?

"Have you been sexually active in the past 30 days?"

My heart stops.

"Um, why?"

"Well, according to these tests. We think you're pregnant."


Hi, I haven't published in so so so long I'm sorry. My work has been scheduling me rediculous hours and the times I would usually write/publish are now spent working so I'm trying to find a space to fill in and try to find time :(

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