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1. Don't - Ed Sheeran

Camilas POV

I met this girl late last year
She said, "Don't you worry if I disappear."
I told her I'm not really looking for another mistake

It was a cold winter day, and I decided a nice cup of coffee would do me right, I threw on a coat and walked out my door, but not before grabbing my purse.
I was walking along the side of the street when I saw a car drive past, it was a nice car, black, small enough for a family of four, I looked into the drivers window and saw a woman, all I saw before she drove away was black, black locks of hair.
As I walk out of Starbucks looking at my phone, where I yet got another text from my ex, I rolled my eyes,
"Mila, please forgive me, she forced herself on to me!" I chuckled at the screen in front of me,
"What's so funny? If you don't mind me asking beautiful," I look up from my phone screen and there stands the woman from the black vehicle, she has waist long jet black hair, red lipstick on, I look at her clothing choices and A small smile comes to my face, the complete opposite of what I would usually look for in a girl, but first... I look up to her face, and am immediately enveloped into a pool of green, they remind me of the grass in spring.
"So are you going to tell me or just stand there drooling?" She said confidently, smirking.
"Well, I don't know is there anything for me to drool over?" Two can play at this game, I see something flash across her eyes, amusement? Hurt? I wouldn't know, because it was gone as soon as it came.
"Feisty, I like it, so are you gonna tell me sweet cheeks? Or just leave us here freezing our asses off?"
"Well, would you like to go back into Starbucks and have a seat?" I ask, I like where this is going, except I have no clue why she came to me.
"Sure but first," she stuck out her hand "Lauren," I shook her hand politely, hands of an angel, I was melting inside, "Camila,"
"As in Cabello? Camila Cabello?" She asks shocked, I shyly nod my head,
"So are we gonna have a seat, or just stand here freezing?"

I called an old friend thinking that the trouble would wait
But then I jump right in
A week later returned
I reckon she was only looking for a lover to burn
But I gave her my time for two or three nights
Then I put it on pause 'til the moment was right

It's been a year since I met her, Lauren, her name just rings in my head constantly.
She hasn't replied to any of my texts, calls, emails, nothing. She would have replied in a heartbeat, but not anymore. Her and I, we had a thing. I don't know what to call it, friends with benefits? No, not even that otherwise she wouldn't have left like she did, one day she came to my house, we did the usual thing we do when we meet up, either a hotel or my house, never her house, I had no clue why. And then the next day when I woke up, she was gone, she always stayed, but not this time. I searched everywhere for her, but I never ever found her, I had connections to her, but they led to nowhere. I made a mistake trusting her, and to think I thought she lo-
*ring ring* I grunt, what now?
"Hello?" I answer annoyed, not bothering to look at the caller ID.
"Camz?" I suck in a breath, that voice.
"Lolo?" My voice shakes,
"Camz! I found you, I knew I would find yo-"
"Lauren.' I say sternly,
"Camz? What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? You disappear for over 6 months, 6 months! And now you just ring me in the middle of the day! Expecting everything to be okay! You left me Lauren! You just got up and left out of my life when I needed you most!"
"Do not Camz me Lauren! You do not have the authority to call me that right now!" My hands were shaking,
"Fine, Camila. The reason I called you out of the blue was because I realized I made a mistake. I couldn't just stick around when I loved someone!"
"You loved someone? Who is this someone? Was it me? Oh wait of course not, you only appreciated me as your 'release buddy'! How dare you ring me up and ju-"
"But camila, it was you." She says confidently, I stay quiet for a few moments before she speaks yet again,
"I only left because I was scared, I was scared of losing the one person that meant the most to me, and I knew you didn't love me, so I just, I just left."
"But that's the problem Lauren, I did love you!"
"Do! Did! Whatever, you better come to my house so we can sort this out," I smile softly, thankful that i in a way said what has been on my mind.
"Good to have you back Camila"
"Lolo, please, call me Camz."
"Alright Karla, see you soon." She hung up before I could say anything about her calling me Karla.
I look around my lounging room and decide it would be a good idea to tidy up, I got into it for about two minutes before I feel a body pressed against my back, I suck in my breath
"Hello Camzi, did you miss me?" Her husky voice sent chills up my back,
"Lauren," I sigh and lean into her back longing for her touch,
"It's been a while Camz, I'm sorry." She sighs, and releases me, I turn around ready to be met with her walking out the door, but she quickly hugs me, I leave my arms hanging by my sides, she chuckles,
"C'mon Karla, hug me like you mean it," I quickly push her away from me and look into her eyes, they show hurt, I break out in a smile and jump into her arms, giving her a famous koala Camz hug. I dig my head in her neck,
"I missed you so much, you have no idea," I look up and into her eyes, and she looks into mine, her eyes quickly flick to my lips, and mine flick to hers. We slowly lean in and our lips touch, it wasn't the softest most passionate kiss ever, I missed my lauren kisses. She then starts to walk to the stairs as our soft kiss turned into a hot make out session.

It continues for three more days, the best three days of my life, I would say we kept it in my room, but that would be a lie. Three days, three days were to short, she left again, she didn't tell me why she left me before, she said because she loved me, but I could tell there was more behind it, she didn't tell me this time, she just left a note saying "I know we will see each other soon. I promise Camzi." I immediately grab they paper, screwed it up and fell to the floor crying. How dare she! She did it again! She said she wouldn't but she did. I can't believe her, I texted her asking why and she just said sorry. How dare she have the nerve.

I went away for months until our paths crossed again
She told me, "I was never looking for a friend."
Maybe you could swing by my room around 10:00
Baby, bring a lemon and a bottle of gin
We'll be in between the sheets 'til the late AM
Baby, if you wanted me then you should've just said

I went on tour, I'm in a group of five, the members are very nice, I'm glad that I can call them my sisters, they support my every move and choice, except maybe that I let Lauren back in after everything. Their names are Ally Brooke, she is the second oldest in the group, shes 21, she's one of the little Sunshines, and although she is small, she's got one hell of a voice the other one is Demi Lovato, she's the oldest, 22 years of age but a maturity age of 4, the other is Normani Kordei, she's 18 and she acts her age.. Most of the time anyway, the other one is Dinah Jane, she's 17 and she is the tallest, but youngest, she calls ally and demi her 'short stacks' normani her 'chocolate swirl' and me her 'side chick' , I don't even know, so, I call her DJ well, everyone does but doesn't matter. Our girl group is Called Fifth Harmony and it's one of the best things that has ever happened to me, these past few months have been amazing, we had heaps of shows, demi got pied by dinah, demi got stringed by all of us, demi got a lot of things, but not as bad as me, I got shocked, because coincidentally Lauren, is across from my hotel room, directly straight ahead. I didn't realise it until we both walked out the door at the same time, and walked into each other,
"Just like old times huh Camz?" She laughed,
"Speaking of old times lolo, how about you come around to my room around 10:00 tonight,"
"U-uh ye-yeah sure Camila- anything you wa-nt me to- to bring?" She stutters,
"Just yourself," I start walking away, and look over my should and see her staring at the ground, probably confused at my actions, I turn my head back in my direction and yell,
"Don't forget the bottle of gin and a lemon! We will be at it till the AM!"
I walk into the elevator at the end of the hallway to see her looking up with a small smile on her face, I smile back, I pull out my phone and decide to text the girls,
Camila: Emergency! I saw lauren in the hallway and invited her over tonight! I told her to bring gin!! What do I do?!? Guys advice?!
Normani: you did what?!? After everything she's done vanilla swirl? Can't believe you,
Ally: c'mon Normani, but I also in a way agree, why'd you do it mila?
Normani: see I'm not the only one!
Dinah: YAS cheechee! Gettin ins! Hole in one, am I right Demetria?
Demi: yes your right puta! You gotta go for it mila!! It's your only chance to show her what she keeps on leaving does to you! You gotta handcuff her to the bed! Am I right puta?
Ally: y'all need Jesus, demi, come to room now please we need to recite the bible.
Ally has now disconnected.
Demi: guys please I don't wanna recite the bible! do you know what she's gonna do. Kill me!
Normani: you got yourself in this mila, your gonna have to get yourself out of this, I know what you want to do to her but don't do it out of anger, do it to show her what she's missing out on. I'm not saying handcuff her to the bed, I'm just saying be careful I don't want your feelings to get hurt.
Camila: thanks mani, ill try to not rip her clothes off lol
Dinah: good luck Demetria!!
Demi: she found me!
Demi has now disconnected.
Normani: yep, she's dead.
Dinah: good luck chancho, I have to go we have dance rehearsals, see you in two minutes otherwise your late.
Normani has now disconnected.
Dinah has now disconnected.

And we were, we were in between the sheets till the late AM.
She ended up staying.
I asked her to be my girlfriend.
She said yes.
That was five years ago, but here I am now at the end of the aisle waiting for the love of my life to turn that corner and say I do.

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