20 | Behind the facade

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You knew Jimin probably wouldn't touch anything at lunch. He had been looking so drained lately, barely eating or even smiling. It worried you more than you cared to admit. So, you took it upon yourself to prepare him a meal, hoping to lift his spirits even just a little bit. As you chopped vegetables and seasoned the meat, you couldn't help but wonder if you were capable of making something that would actually entice him to eat.

After what felt like hours in the kitchen, you finally finished cooking. The aroma of the food filled your small apartment, making your stomach growl in anticipation. You plated the meal neatly, adding a few garnishes for presentation. As you looked at the finished dish, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Maybe this would make Jimin smile, even if just for a moment.

With the meal ready, you pulled out your phone and sent a text to Jungkook, asking if he wanted to join you for lunch. Chansook was out of town for the day, visiting a relative, so it would just be the two of you. Jungkook quickly agreed, but mentioned he was in the practice room with the others. That was fine with you; you needed to see them anyway when you delivered Jimin's lunch.

With the food carefully packed into containers, you headed out of the apartment and made your way to the company, and then to the practice room. The thought of seeing Jimin's reaction to the meal you had prepared filled you with both excitement and nervousness. Would he appreciate the effort you had put in? Or would he brush it off like he did with everything else lately?

Your heart thumped in anticipation and uneasiness as you stood outside the practice room door, Jimin's lunch in hand. You shifted nervously from foot to foot, the weight of the containers making your arms ache slightly. With each passing second, your anxiety grew, and you found yourself biting your lip in anticipation.

"Sweetcheeks, you should be quick or the food will go cold."

You sighed, "I know, I know, just give me a second to collect myself, will you?"

"Whatever you say."

Finally, you mustered up the courage to knock on the door. The sound echoed in the hallway, seeming unnaturally loud in the quiet space. You hoped that whoever was inside would hear it and answer soon. The anticipation was almost unbearable as you waited for a response.

The door swung open, revealing Hoseok standing on the other side. Your heart sank a little when you realized it wasn't Jungkook, but you put on a brave smile nonetheless. "Hey, Hoseok," you greeted him, trying to mask the disappointment in your voice.

To your surprise, Hoseok returned your smile with a small one of his own. "Hey there," he replied, tilting his head curiously.

You shook your head slightly, trying to focus. "Um, sorry to bother you, but are Jungkook and Jimin around?" you asked, hoping he would point you in the right direction.

Hoseok nodded and stepped aside, gesturing for you to enter. "Yeah, they're in the back. Come on in," he said, his voice warm and inviting.

You thanked him quietly and stepped into the practice room, scanning the area for any sign of Jungkook or Jimin. Your gaze landed on a group of people huddled in the corner, chatting and eating lunch together. You couldn't help but roll your eyes when you spotted your nemesis among them, but you pushed the annoyance aside and continued your search.

As you looked around, you heard the sound of someone singing nearby. Following the sound, you found Jimin standing in the corner, his eyes closed as he sang softly to himself. Your heart clenched at the sight of him, and you felt a pang of guilt knowing that he hadn't been eating properly.

Without hesitation, you approached him, holding out the lunchbox you had prepared. Jimin opened his eyes as you stopped in front of him, and you offered him a sheepish smile as you held out the food.

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