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Willows pov

"You are supposed to go down to get ready for the interviews after dinner. " Haymitch said

"It's today?! " I asked
"Woah, Willow why are you so nervous? " Tyler asked.
"I don't know what to say or do. What's the point of the interviews anyways?" I said

"The point of the interviews is to help you get sponsors. " Haymitch explained, sounding a bit irritated by my comment.
" I'm not good at making friends or even making people like me," I said.

"Just be yourself, Willow. " Tyler said with a smile. That small sentence and smile melted my heart. Wait-what no I can't like Tyler.

Only one Victor. Both of us aren't going to get out.  At least not alive.
"Yeah I mean you already made all of your prep team and us like you. "Effie said jokingly."Okay everybody gets cleaned up we are leaving in ten," she added.

Ten minutes. In Ten minutes how I do on the interviews will determine my sponsors. Ten minutes where I would have to smile and nod. And not say the truth of how I feel about the Capital. All of this would happen in Ten minutes.

We get cleaned up and then go down to the preparation center. Where I would again meet Amber, Caleb, Sapphire, and Violet.

They come about five minutes after we arrived. They immediately take me to get ready.


They put my hair in two side braids and a middle one then braided them together. My nails were clear nail Polish with glitter. At the top were flame designs.

My makeup looked amazing again I had the smokey eye look but this time with a golden lining at the bottom of each eye.

And my dress was gorgeous. I mean more gorgeous than the other one. It was red at the bottom and as you go up the color gets light until the top Wich is covered in greyish-white feathers.

We go down to where the interviews are going to be held.  For some reason, there is no volume on the televisions backstage.  Maybe so we can't hear the other interviews.
"Willow Mellark, you're on in three." A lady in a silver uniform informed me.

Great. I'm next.


"So Willow, How did you react when you found out that the Games were going to start again?" Cesar asked

"Well to be honest I was shocked and I started to cry and panic because not only for me but for my parents because my mother being the only Victor of District 12 she was definitely going back into the Games and my father had a 50/50 chance of going back in.  Now, look at us.  All three of us are tributes in this year's Hunger Games."

"I'm truly sorry.  Willow, I heard that your dress is supposed to represent something and it looks like fire can you tell what is ?"

" Of course, see my designer Violet said that Tyler and I were supposed to represent the rising ashes coming out of my parents' fire."

" Well, Willow can you twirl? "
" of course!" I start to twirl and the darkest part of my dress starts to light up like fire and keeps rising until it reaches the white part which turns to ashes when I'm done twirling my dress turns back to normal.

"What an extraordinary idea! Very creative!" Cesar said.

" Now Willow, I heard that you sing do you have a song for us tonight?"

" Actually yes. I have a song that wrote about the Games for you guys tonight. It's called Rising  Ashes."

"Okay then let's hear it!"
" I don't think anybody wants to hear me sing Caesar," I said jokingly.

The crowd goes wild with cheers and laughs all over the place.
"Oh but I think we do, Willow." He said.
" um..okay, "I said nervously.

"The funny thing is that we were once strangers.  Never talking.  Just strangers.  Just like a storm, everything's changed.  Once they called out our names." I start once the piano starts.

" But all that's different now.  We are fighting for our lives.  We are rising ashes, from the fire within!  We are rebels from the start.  Never really knew what will happen.

Now nothing else matters.  Fighting we are.  Till the end, we'll be staying on guard.  We will survive this fight.  We live in a cruel world.  All the happy endings have vanished...from our lives.

But all that's different now.  We are fighting for our lives.  We are rising ashes, from the fire within!  We are rebels from the start.  Never really knew what will happen.

Just close your eyes.  The moon is in the sky.  We are rising ashes.  Let your bow rise into the night.  We will survive this fight."  I finish the song with a shaky voice.

"You truly have a talent " the buzzer goes off I leave next is Tyler.

I'm freaking out! Talking with Caesar made me realize that tomorrow I'm going to go into the Games and that this is the interview that tomorrow that's all is going to come true.

I start to cry a little.
" What's the matter, baby? Why are you crying?" My mom asked sitting down next to me.
" I don't want to be in this stupid game. I don't want to die in the Games I don't want to be here in the stupid Capital!"

I turned around to run but I bumped into my dad but he wasn't there to comfort me. He's been acting strange ever since his interview.

"Willow, Katniss runs! Go away!" "Oh no, he's having a flashback Willow Run!"

My mom tried to run with me but it was too late dad grabbed her by the neck and threw her against the wall.

Her face was turning purple. I tried to do something but all I did was scream. I heard My mom say, " Peeta...this...isn't...real." And then she passed out and he threw her on the floor. I screamed again and this time he came after me.

When he was close enough he slapped me and grabbed Me by the neck and pushed me against the wall. I was about to blackout when someone pushed my deranged father down.

I look towards the ground while the ground slowly meets my head, it was Tyler. He jumps off when he sees Haymitch has a  hold on dad.

"Willow! Willow please wake up!" I hear him say when he sees me.

Then my dad's turns back to normal as I get up my mom was already next to him.

" Willow,  Katniss,  I am so sorry please forgive me.", Was the first thing he said.

" We do". Mom said looking at me.  I'm still in shock.   My dad hasn't had an attack in five or ten years!!  The Games were bringing back the memories to him.

"I'm so sorry," he said again.  "It's all my fault, I'm sorry."  "Peeta, it's not your fault it's the Capital's fault for hijacking you and for bringing back these stupid Games!"

"Let's go back to the penthouse you all need to rest," Effie said.

Please comment and vote guys !!!!  Also, I went today 1/18/16, and edited out the original song willow sang.  Which were Eyes Open by Taylor Swift.  Instead, I actually wrote an original song that I wrote today, almost a year after this chapter was created, and filled it in for that. I hope you all loved it. Thank you.

" are you, are you,
Coming to the tree where
the dead man called out
for his love flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."
-hanging tree, Mockingjay part 1

(UNDER EDITING) Willow Mellark-Rising AshesWhere stories live. Discover now