Where Am I?!

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Willows POV

"He likes me." I keep thinking It's the only thought keeping me sane right now. I feel like I'm going to freak out. Tomorrow we are going to the Games and I probably won't make it.

After that, we just sat there looking at the night sky. We were laying down on the floor. My head against his strong chest. NO! you can't like him.

I scoot over a little. "Willow, if I can't fall in love with you then at least let me enjoy tonight," he said.

" I don't want you to fall in love with me," I said.
"Willow, at least let me enjoy you tonight," he said.
" Fine," I said. Then I lay on his chest again.

"You have to understand there's no way I'm letting you go." He said, staring at the stars. That's the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.

I wake up around two o'clock  ㏂ . The roof was getting really cold as each gust of wind blew around us like a storm. I look at Tyler he was still sleeping and holding on to me.

I regret telling him not to like me because I think I have feelings for him as well.
" Tyler. " I whisper.
"Tyler wakes up." I shake him a little. He wakes up after a few minutes.

" Come on, we have to go back to our rooms. " I tell him.
" Yes, we really have to," he said.
" I'll walk you to your room."
"Okay," I said.

When we get to my room. He says goodbye.

"Tyler Wait, " I said then I kissed him on the cheek.


Immediately, when we woke up, we ate breakfast then we were taken to the hovercrafts. Inside the hovercraft was black with small blue lights.

A lady in a white uniform, I guess she is one of the peacekeepers, came over to me.
She said, "May I see your arm?" And I looked at her confused.

I guess she could tell because she said," It's your tracker. That way, the game makers can track you during the Games. Don't worry you won't feel a thing."

" Oh okay," I said and give her my arm. She was right it didn't hurt. Then she went to the next tribute. I'm next to Naveah, a career from district 1

and Alex, her partner, is in front of me. They are brother and sister. You could tell by their appearance. They both have the same green eyes and the same golden blond hair. Naveah has long wavy hair and Alex has it short. Then on the other side of me is Noslen Mathews the male Victor from district one. He sort of looks like Gale in a way. Next to him is Jennifer Moon. She has long black hair and it's also straight.

Tyler is on the other side of Alex. My mother is next to Tyler and my dad is all the way at the end. I remember that My mom said " stick together. If we can. If not then we'll find each other throughout the Games." She also told me to try to get a resource bag and to stay away from the weapons for now. They're too risky.

The hovercraft starts to rise. The lady said," You may now put on your seat belt. " We all did at once.

Then just as I finished putting on my seat belt, the hovercraft speeds up. You can barely feel it. The lady said, "the hovercraft is going 200 miles per hour. "

Then the hovercraft starts lowering down after about ten minutes. When we got to the location. We were all separate to go get the uniform on for this year's Hunger Games.

This year, the uniforms were long sleeves and looked like the ones my parents wore in their first Games. But they were warmer.

Not that warm but a little.
"30 seconds." Said a female voice. Violet said I have to get in the tube. I start to cry, however, before I do. "Thank you, Violet, for everything. " I said.

"Oh Willow, I'm sure you'll get through this." She said.
"15 seconds." The same voice again. " Willow your mother wanted me to give you this." She pulled out a black Mockingjay pin.

" It was hers during the rebellion," she said.
" She is wearing the classic one". "Thank you," I said. She puts it on me." 10 seconds."
" Now go to your tube, Willow. "

I get in my tube and the glass starts to close. The metal plate starts to rise. I stare at Violet and wave goodbye. I'm scared. No, terrified.

When I got to the top I try and tell myself to focus I only have 1 minute to get as much as I can do. Where am I?! I keep thinking.

I look around the place on the north side was a frozen tundra covered in snow.

On the east side, there was a forest. Like the one back in 12. On the west side was a rainforest.

And on the south sides were mountains not too High not too low. Perfect height.

Then I try and find My allies.  Alex is on the pedestal next to me. Better watch out for him. Tyler is on the pedestal in front of me which is 20 feet away.

My mom is twenty pedestals, away from me. I can't even see my father from here. 10... I finally look in front of me It's water all around. I'm going to have to swim. 9...I look for the closest book bag.

It's about 10 feet in front of me. 8... I look for a bow and a sheath of arrows. There are three bows, and two sheaths for each bow. I focus on the one closest to the bookbag closest to me.

7...6...5..4...3...2... this is it. 1...may the odds be ever in your favor. I jump into the cold water.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Wear a necklace of hope,
Side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

-Hanging Tree, Mockingjay part 1

(UNDER EDITING) Willow Mellark-Rising AshesWhere stories live. Discover now