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y/n had kinda been known as a klutz and being dragged into auditioning for the musical by ashlyn  probay wasn't the best idea. "y/n come on, i've seen you dance. it's the one time you have one hundred percent coordination. and you can sing like no other." ashlyn pleaded as she lead you to the auditorium. y/n sighed, "okay," ashlyn let out an excited squeal which y/n interrupted, "but, i'm not playing anyone with any solos, or lines."ashlyn deflated sighed slightly but smiled nonetheless, "i'm taking it as a win, now let's go."  ashlyn grabbed y/n's hand and drug her to the auditorium. after an amount of time y/n couldn't even begin to measure, rehearsals were over and the cast list was up and ashlyn got her part as mrs. darbus and y/n got background dancer, just as she had hoped. ignoring the triangle drama between ash's cousin and ricky and nini, ashlyn and y/n went out and got celebratory milkshakes, a tradition they had when there was something to celebrate.the two were sitting together drinking their milkshakes and talking about the excitement of the first rehearsal tomorrow when y/n felt her arm start to throb, she rubbed the spot in a futile attempt to soothe it. "what'a wrong?" ashlyn asked, tilting her head at y/n's arm.y/n shook her had, pulling up the sleeve of her shirt, "uh, soulmate bruise." she chuckled lightly brushing it off, changing the subject back to the musical.


carlos was walking through the steps of the dance is the second act and it seemed like no one was getting it. "can we at least lose the blindfolds?" y/n asked, tugging the blindfold off, the other dancers mumuring in agreement, "'cause i could get this dance down pretty quickly if i could actually see the light of day." "okay, fine! we can go through it once without the blindfolds." carlos sighed reluctantly sinking back into the chair. the group went through the steps again and the klutz in y/n came out for a moment because one moment y/n was upright, learning a dance and the next she was on the floor, her ankle already starting to turn purple. "oh my god, y/n! are you okay?" carlos asked, pulling you up with the help of seb. y/n groaned, "i'm okay," she tried to stand on her injured foot only to crumple again (carlos and seb caught her), "maybe not." "well at least it's thanksgiving break, right?" ashlyn offered weakly. "um, y/n rolled her ankle." carlos explained as he helped her to a chair. "that's right!" miss jenn announced as she entered tomorrow will be our last rehearsal until after the break people, "what happened here?" "take her to the nurse, stay home tomorrow y/n. and heal up during the break please." miss jenn sighed. carlos nodded as he and ashlyn walked y/n to the nurse where they passed by a worried looking nini and gina surround a hurt ricky. ashlyn gave nini a look that asked what happened? which nini returned, looking at y/n. ashlyn shrugged as they continued to help y/n to the nurse. y/n spent the next few days her ankle wrapped, elevated and iced. and she was getting stir crazy and ashlyn texted her about a thanksgiving party she was having. after some begging from y/n and a compromise of using a crutch while walking, y/n was permitted to go, if she got a ride (which she did from carlos). when she walked into ashlyn's using the one crutch, she had refused to use both of them, explaining that her family made her when everyone look at her with confusion. they responded to her explanation with laughter. y/n went into the kitchen where ashlyn stood, looking slightly dumbfounded."what happened?" y/n asked, nudging her.ashlyn blinked, "um big red, complimented me, i think." "get it, girl." y/n said nudging her again.ashlyn smiled before going back into the living room leaving y/n to stand in the kitchen alone standing against her crutch. that didn't last long because soon gina and ricky arrived and were in the kitchen. gina put her cupcakes down and greeted y/n, "ashlyn told nini and i about your ankle, how is it?"y/n chuckled lightly, "yeah, it's okay. i have to carry this around for another week but then i'll be better and ready to back you guys up." "that's good," gina smiled, looking back at an awkward looking ricky mouthing talk to her before turning back to y/n, "i'm going to go say hi to everyone.""yeah." y/n muttered turning back to face ricky who was still at the doorway with his hands stuffed into his pockets, looking uncomfortable. ricky cleared his throat, walking further into the kitchen, "so was that why you were gone friday? your ankle?" y/n nodded, adjusting her grip on the crutch, "y-yeah, i twisted it thursday running through the choreo. it still hurts, a bit." "um i bet," ricky trailed off, "hey, i'm sorry.""what are you talking about?" "we've drifted apart, since sophmore year." ricky began."y-yeah, i don't know it was a first l-love kind of thing, i guess." he explained."and you though she was your soulmate, right?" y/n asked.ricky sighed, "yeah, i-i did." ricky sighed, "yeah, i-i did." "yeah, i feel bad for whoever my soulmate was, i bet their ankle hurt pretty bad for a bit there." y/n laughed, "plus they're kind of a klutz themselves, i had this huge bruise on my shin for like three weeks when we started rehearsals.""um, y/n?" ricky said looking down at his feet."yeah?" y/n asked."is your ankle still bruised pretty bad?" he asked, moving to sit on the counter in front of her. "well, you were right," he rolled up his pant leg and tugged his sock down, revealing a dark purple bruise trailing down his ankle, an exact copy of y/n's wrapped ankle. "oh, and that shin bruise happened when i was practicing the troy dance and i ran into the coffee table.""oh my god, you're," y/n stopped looking to her left to see a living room full of people watch the scene unfold in front of them."yeah," ricky trailed off, looking at the group. he turned back to y/n, "want to talk somewhere more private, to talk?"y/n nodded, tearing her gaze from her audience to look at ricky, "yeah." he grabbed her free hand and lead her to the stairs. where they sat, attempting to sit comfortably with y/n's injured ankle, which she ended up elevating on his lap with an short chuckle. "so um," he started inly for y/n to hold up and hand for him to stop."you guys can stop eavesdropping now!" she called with a light laugh, getting a chorus of laughs in response. "okay," y/n sighed, "continue." "it's okay, i didn't really have anything, to say. um, this is weird, don't you think?" he said beginning to ramble. "hey," y/n said softly, putting her hand on his reassuringly, she whispered "what about nini?""there's nothing there anymore, we've both moved on. i want to focus on this. and i've wanted to for a while now." he explained, his voice soft as to avoid any eavesdroppers from hearing. "really?" y/n asked hopefully.ricky nodded, "so, do you want to go back in there and play carlos' weird game?" "of course!" y/n said, "same team?" ricky nodded, helping y/n up and into the living room where the group look at them expectantly, "let's play this game!" ricky and y/n announced, a chorus of cheers following. ~after the game and gina's phone call, y/n and ricky walked to his house, their fingers intertwined. y/n leaned on ricky more than her crutch for support as they made the short walk to his, thankfully, empty house. "so..." ricky trailed off, sitting on the couch. "what do we do?""i don't know." y/n shrugged, sitting down on the couch next to him. she laughed, "i feel like we should watch glee or something." ricky chuckled, "i haven't actually ever seen it." "what? no, that's it. we have to watch it. you better get comfortable because it's a lot."ricky laughed as y/n sunk into the couch a bit more, scooting herself a little bit closer to him. "so earlier you said that you wanted to focus on this, us. how long have you felt that way?" "so you rememeber when miss jenn was going to lose her job and we all sang that song for her?" y/n nodded. "well it was when i saw you dance and how you and carlos made and taught up that choreography in one night. that's when i realised i didn't really want to be your friend. so then, when ashlyn told me and gina about you hurting your ankle at the same time as i fell, that's when we both figured out that we were soulmates.""is that why gina walked with you today?" y/n asked, picking at her sweater."well i'm glad you did because now i can do this," y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, connecting her fingers as the nape if his neck and pulled him closer and kissing him. after the initial shock wore off, ricky grabbed y/n's chin and deepened the kiss. he pulled away for a moment, his forehead resting against hers, still holding his chin and they both tried to catch their breath. "yeah, she was helping me get the balls to tell you we were soulmates." he laughed."so," y/n started."so," ricky echoed. "glee?" y/n asked, ricky laughed in response. he grabbed the blanked that was thrown over the back of the couch and draped it over them as y/n put glee on the tv.ricky's dad smiled to himself at the sight if y/n resting her head on ricky's shoulder, his head on hers.

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