ricky×y/n-glee Au/crossover

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i wake up around four in the morning, frowning when i realize ricky isn’t in bed with me. i grab the baby monitor on the nightstand, turn it on. “hey shh,” ricky coos. “it’s okay, buddy. mommy’s sleeping, so you’re gonna have to take this bottle. please?”i bend down, grabbing a shirt of ricky’s and throwing it on, before heading to the nursery. ricky’s back is facing the door. he gently bounces on his feet, patting finn on the back. i walk up to ricky and finn, holding my arms out for ricky to place our son in.i continue to pat finn’s back as i go to sit in the rocking chair. i lift my shirt up, cradle finn in my arms, and offer a breast to him which he eagerly latches on to.“what happened?” i ask ricky, kicking my feet to rock the chair.“he woke up, screaming at the top of his lungs. you were so exhausted when we got to bed last night, i didn’t want to wake you up. i was really hoping he’d take the bottle.”i shrug, rubbing finn’s arm. his eyes droop as he suckles. ricky comes to take a seat on the floor next to the rocking chair, leaning his head on the side. “you should try singing to him,” i whisper. “i already tried that.” ricky sighs, running a hand through his hair. i frown at my boyfriend. “yeah, but i don’t think he’d have stopped crying until he got some milk. but look, he’s drifting off already.” ricky sighs, and begins singing his version of “when there was me and you.” i smile down at finn as his eyes flutter close. he continues to nurse, though his suckling gets progressively lazier as he drifts off. eventually, he nods his head to the side, completely knocked out. i pull my shirt down, and grab the hem to wipe some milk that had dribbled out of his mouth off his chin. slowly, i stand up and walk over to the crib. i place a soft kiss to his forehead before i place him on the mattress, patting his tummy a few times. ricky grabs my waist, spinning me around to face him. he smiles tiredly at me.“i love you,” he mumbles. “i love you too,” i say. he presses his lips to mine in a short kiss, his hand reaching to grab mine. we walk out of the nursery, back to our room. ricky climbs into bed first, opening his arms for me. i giggle softly, then jump into bed, my back facing ricky’s chest. he wraps his arms around me, squeezing tightly, but i don’t mind. he kisses my neck before muttering something incoherent. “goodnight, ricky.”
(9 months old)

outside of the auditorium doors, i cradle finn close to me, one hand supporting his bottom and the other holding his face to my chest.i watch with bouts of anxiety as parents, siblings, other family members, and friends shuffle into the auditorium. it’s the night of the spring musical, mean girls. ricky is aaron. originally, i was going to leave finn with my parents but i had decided against it. now i’m wishing i hadn’t. what if the crowd got too loud and he started crying uncontrollably? what if it hurt his ears and—“hey, y/n!” red calls. i turn to find him running up to finn and i. “hey, how’re you doing?” “oh, you know? i’m just a little— excited but terrified.” “did you get that from zootopia?” he asks. i nod. “why are you feeling that way?” “well of course, i’m excited for ricky. he loves this. but finn, he’s still so small and i’m nervous the crowd’s cheers will hurt his ears.” red bites his lip, scrunching his nose as if he’s thinking of something. he smiles, playfully smacking my shoulder. “ricky wants to see you,” he says. “and i’ll try to find you back there with a pair of noise cancelling headphones. be right back.” and with that, he runs off. i head to the dressing rooms to find ricky sitting in a chair, typing something on his phone. he looks up, smiling when he sees me. “i was just texting you!” he says, standing up and shoving his phone into his back pocket. he holds his arms out for finn. “hey, buddy!” ricky places a kiss on the bridge of finn’s nose.i walk up to ricky, resting my head against his arm. he moves to wrap his arm around me, letting me instead rest my head on his chest. “you excited?” i ask, craning my head to look at him. he nods. “yeah, i am. totally.”
he gives me a kiss on the forehead.kourtney walks in. “ricky, we’re on in five. oh, the whole family is here!” she squeaks, pulling out her phone. i hear the familiar sound of the snapchat camera go off. “can i hold him?” ricky shakes his head, causing kourtney to frown. “fine. hmph!” “actually,” i swallow. “kourtney, you’re not in the show, rigcht?” “not this time, hopefully.” she flicks her hair back, quirking a brow at me. “could you stay with finn? if he gets antsy or won’t stop crying, just text me and i’ll come back here. or if red shows up with a pair of headphones, i’ll come grab him.” “fine by me, hun.”       
(11½ months old)

ricky and i are snuggled up on the couch, enjoying the little time we have left together before he starts college at the university of utah. finn is sitting on the floor, playing with an empty amazon box and plastic shapes. i rest my head on ricky’s shoulder as he pulls me closer to him. he grabs my hand, fiddling with the ring he’d given me the moment we’d gotten home from the hospital after finn’s birth.“do you think we’ll have another kid?” he mumbles so quietly, i almost don’t think he’s talking to me. “ask me after we’re married,” is my answer.“that’s not a no,” he chuckles. i feel him nod. “i can see us having about three kids eventually.” i close my eyes, envisioning finn with two little ones. in my head, they all look like mini-rickys with curly, brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, but i don’t know—one of them might end up with some prominent fabray genes. ricky nudges me out of my daydream. i smile and nod up at him. “someday, we’ll have another.” i finally say, squeezing his hand. “but really, i want to be married first.” “of course,” ricky leans down to kiss me. “anything for you, babe.”

Word count:1113

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