Kourtney×ashlyn-happy new year

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“Why are we having a New Year’s party? The show will be over by then,” Big Red asked, their voice shrinking at the last part. Carlos had suggested a New Year’s Cast Party at his house, while they were waiting for Miss Jenn to walk in for one of their last rehearsals before opening night. Carlos let out a small laugh, patting them on the shoulder. “Doesn’t mean we can’t still hang out,” he had said with a small smile. But he dropped it quick, eyes wide. “Y-You don’t have to come, if you don’t wanna see anyone or me again, it’s okay no pressure I can’t stop you,” he said quickly, gulping nervously. Ricky let out a giggle, wrapping his arms around Red and Carlos. “Of course we will be there,” he said warmly. “Can’t pass up hanging out with my family now, can I?”As soon as he said that, the entire rehearsal space echoed with ‘Aww’s and claps. Rico walked up to Ricky and ruffled his hair, and Charlie shook their head, rolling their eyes as Bianca hugged their shoulders. Nini leaned her head against Seb’s shoulder, both of them sat on the piano bench as they were talking. Gina looked over at Nini, their smile softening as they walked over to sit on the ground on her side of the piano bench. “I’m glad you made it back for the show,” Nini said softly as the general chatter of the room continued to grow. Gina smiled curiously, tilting their head as they scrunched their nose, something Nini secretly found adorable. “Really? What happened to being rivals in all parts of life?” they asked, their smile evident in their voice. Nini couldn’t stop her grin as she shrugged. “What fun is that?” she asked, her cheeks heating up, embarrassingly. Gina giggled, hiding their face as their heartbeat picked up as expected. Ricky looked over at Gina, smiling nervously as he picked up his hand, waving at them slightly. They looked up, waving back, a small laugh escaping their lips. Nini looked between them, her smile dropping, as she looked down, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she felt her heart sink into the pit in her stomach. Seb looked ay her, placing a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. “Hey,” he whispered, drawing her attention. “Don’t assume things,” he said softly when she looked up at him. Nini let out a small sigh, looking back to see Gina get up to go talk to Ricky. “Easier said than done, Seb,” she whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder again as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly. Red looked over as Gina and Ricky walked to the corner of the room, laughing and smiling about something, and they hung their head, walking over to wear Ashlyn was sitting, plonking themselves beside them. Ashlyn looked over at Red, a tried smile on their face. “How’s it going?” they asked, and Red sighed, looking ahead. Ashlyn nodded understandingly, looking over at Ricky, who was standing with Gina, and Carlos had joined them. “I’m sorry bud.”“I know nothing will happen,” Red said quietly, looking over at Ashlyn. They shrugged, a sad smile on their face. “I’m just hoping it goes away.”“I know what you mean,” Ashlyn said understandingly, their eyes going over to where Kourtney was laughing with Bianca. Red looked at Ashlyn, bumping shoulders with them, a small smile on their face. “Looks like we both are in the same boat,” they said, and Ashlyn laughed, shaking their head. Ashlyn scoffed, shaking their head. Suddenly, they bolted up, grabbing Red’s shoulder. “I have an idea!”“Oh no,” Red said instinctively. Ashlyn rolled their eyes, shoving their shoulder. “I’m serious! It’s genius!” They said, and Red smiled, sighing as they rested their head on their hand. Ashlyn cleared their throat, looking at Red. “Before this year ends, you will tell Ricky how you feel, and I will tell Kourtney how I feel.”
As soon as they heard that, Big Red’s eyes went wide, and they immediately started shaking their head. “Oh no no no,” they began muttering, getting up. “Ash, I love you, but I, I can’t.”“Red,” they said, grabbing their hand. “I am terrified too, god you have no idea!” they said, sighing. “But I don’t wanna go into the new year with something like that still on my mind. And if it goes wrong, at least I know how it goes.”Red sighed, sitting back down. They looked down, eyes squeezed shut as they tried to reason it out. Finally, they looked up at Ashlyn, holding out their hand. “Deal.”Ricky smiled, Gina punching his shoulder playfully. He happened to glance over at Red, but stopped when he saw Red and Ashlyn hugging, both of them giggling like crazy. For some reason, he felt a deep pit in his stomach, his smile dropping slightly as he looked away, chewing on his lower lip. Gina noticed this, and turned to Carlos. “Carlos, I’m taking Ricky for a minute,” they said softly, and Carlos smiled.“Sure thing!” he said, walking over to where Charlie was calling him. Gina nodded, grabbing Ricky’s elbow, making him look at them. Ricky pulled his eyes away from Red and Ashlyn, looking at Gina with a hasty smile. “Everything good, Bowen?” they asked, tilting their head. Ricky looked like he was about to try and find an excuse to pull through his teeth, but one look at the way Gina was staring at him made him realise they already knew. He sighed, looking down. “Red and Ashlyn they’re, they’re nice together,” he said, glancing over at them. Gina followed his eyes, narrowing their eyes. “Why do you think they are a thing?” they asked curiously, looking back at him. Ricky looked up, shrugging. “They’ve been spending a lot of time together,” he said, his voice strangely choked. “Maybe,” Gina said, shrugging. They looked at Ricky, grabbing their shoulder. “But, why are you so, off, about it?”Ricky shook his head, turning away. “I have no idea,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “I should be feeling happy for them but, I just, can’t,” he muttered, looking down. “And I think I have a feeling I know why.”“Why?” Gina asked, walking to him, but Ricky shook his head. “I don’t wanna say it,” he whispered, and Gina nodded, pulling them in for a hug.“It’s okay,” they said as they pulled away, their eyes glancing fleetingly at Nini, laughing with Bianca and Seb. “I get you.”After rehearsal was over, Seb stayed back, trying to gather all the piano sheets and put them in his bag. Carlos had packed all his stuff, but he stayed back, bouncing on the balls of his heels, a nervous smile on his face as he walked up to Seb. Seb turned around and saw Carlos walking up to him, and his face broke into a big smile.“Hey Carlos,” he said brightly, bending down to pick up his bag. His energy was infectious, and Carlos couldn’t help but feel his smile grow, his nerves shrinking away. “Hey Seb!” Carlos said, sitting down on the piano bench, clasping his hands together. Seb sat down beside him, and reached out, intertwining his fingers with Carlos’, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Carlos couldn’t help but let a small giggle. “So, new year’s party?”Seb smiled, looking down. “Well, my parents did have plans with the family, but I think I can get out of them,” he said, bumping shoulders with Carlos, a soft smile on his face. “Great! That’s great!” Carlos nodded, his smile almost too big for his face. “I’m really glad you’re coming,” he said softly, and Seb’s smile softened, and he squeezed Carlos’ hand. “I love spending time with you Carlos,” he said tenderly, looking fondly at him. “I have the best time with you.”Carlos sighed, placing his other hand over their intertwined hands. “I love spending time with you too,” he said quietly, and Seb smiled brightly.

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