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you and ricky walk hand-in-hand into the bayou, the restaurant slash bar you’d agreed to meet red and ashlyn and ashlyn are already there, sitting in the waiting area, laughing at something they’re watching on ashlyn’s phone.ricky walks up to red and nudges his foot with his. red looks up, standing to greet ricky with a hug.“y/n!” ashlyn squeaks, standing up as well. she opens her arms for a hug, and you gladly embrace her.“hey!” you smile brightly. “how are you?” ashlyn asks as red and ricky walk up to the host to ask for a table. you tell her about your day as the four of you walk back with the host to your table. he hands you some menus and returns to his station to greet more customers.“so i hear you have a son?” ashlyn says, quirking a brow.“yes,” you smile. “his name is finn, he is four and a half.”you pull out your phone to show ashlyn your lockscreen which you’d since changed to a picture of ricky and finn snuggling together.“awe!” ashlyn coos, placing her hands over her heart. “he’s so precious!”suddenly, ashlyn frowns."ugh, i’m so upset you left! i bet he was the cutest baby.”you and ashlyn didn’t talk much in high school but you’d always thought you two could be good friends if you ever mustered up the courage to talk to it seems as if you’ve been friends forever.“he was.” you unlock your phone to access your album of his baby pictures, then hand your device to ashlyn, watching with pride as she coos over your baby.“hi, i’m isaac, i’ll be your waiter this afternoon. can i start you off with some drinks?”“i’d like some coke, please?” ricky says.“i’ll take a tea, light ice.” “just water.”“lemonade,” you smile at isaac.“great! i’ll be right back with those drinks.”red leans in to whisper something to ashlyn. taking advantage of your friends busied with something else, ricky places a kiss behind your giggle, leaning away from him. he pouts at you, and you lean forward to give him a quick kiss.“here you are!” isaac says as he approaches with your drinks. he sets them each down one-by-one, then claps his hands together once. “ready to order?”“no, we’ll definitely need a few minutes here.” ricky says, giving isaac an apologetic smile.“of course! take your time.” with that, he walks away.“so why’d you name him finn?” red pipes up.“yeah, why did you?” ricky says, curious.“maybe i just liked the name,” you shrug. “it’s of irish origin, meaning fair. also,” you take a sip of your lemonade. “finn hudson from glee was my favorite character.”"i think the question now is are you two going to have kids?""i'm twenty, honey. definitely not for a few more years."you chuckle nervously, taking another sip of your lemonade.several minutes later, isaac returns."you ready?" he asks all nod in agreement and one by one, place your orders. isaac writes it all on his notepad. he gives you a sweet smile and tells you he’ll be back shortly with your food. “what else can you tell me about finn?” ashlyn inquires. “why?” you smile. “well, red is like a brother to ricky which makes him finn’s uncle. and since i’m married to red, i’m technically his aunt. so i want to know all about my nephew so i can spoil the hell out of him once i finally meet him.” you open your mouth to speak but ricky beats you to it. “harry potter. literally anything harry potter,” ricky groans. “it is his heart and soul. he’s a ravenclaw, and his favorite characters are ron and hermione. he also likes beetlejuice. y/n’s sister introduced him to it back in like, december, and now the broadway soundtrack is the only thing he’ll listen to.” “but he also likes quite a few disney and pixar movies. his favorites are monsters, inc. and university, moana, coco, and incredibles two. oh, he also likes all the ghostbusters movies.”you’re talking about finn’s array of toys when isaac returns with your food. the four of you thank him and he leaves to go greet a family of four that just sat down. "mm, we should have a ‘meet finn’ party,” ashlyn suggests. “how about sometime in june?” ricky says. “they’ll be back in salt lake by then.” “huh?” “we’re moving back,” you say. “to be with ricky. be a family.” ashlyn awes. “okay, june it is.” ♫♪♬. you and ricky walk into playhouse together. the plan was for ricky to spend the weekend with you guys, and you're sure finn will be super excited about you guys all being together for the weekend (well, before and after your shifts at the gas station).you walk up to the preschool door, taking note of the sign that informs parents the class is in the gym. "you grab him, i'll meet you at the door?" you say to ricky."sure," he gives you a quick kiss before heading down to the gather finn's stuff, his jacket and some artwork he made, and head out of the classroom, down the hall to the front door to wait for ricky and finn.when he enters the gym, finn is chasing another kid around the gym on a tricycle. his third lap around, he notices ricky and immediately stops in his tracks."bye, soren!" finn calls, running up to ricky.ricky lifts him up, waves to ms. macy, and heads out to meet you at the door."mom!" finn's smile brightens when he sees you."we're all going to be together this weekend," ricky says to finn. "mom and i have some big news to tell you.""what?" finn asks ricky as the three of you step outside and head toward your open the back door for ricky to place finn in his carseat and buckle him up. you decide to let ricky drive, climbing into the passenger's seat."what's this?""pwease?" you pout, and ricky scoffs, rolling his eyes before climbing into the driver's buckle up, turning as best you can to face finn. he flashes you a smile."finn, did you like grandpa mike's place?""yeah, it's kind of big though. our house is not big, and daddy's house is small."your aunts' place was a one story three bedroom, two bath. one of the two baths was the master, connected to the master bedroom, which was your aunts'. when you moved in, you got what was originally the guest bedroom and for a while, finn resided in that room with you. it wasn't until he was almost two that your tia rosa decided he needed his own room and thus sacraficed her scrapbook room for him."well, what would you think about living there?""you'd get your own room. bigger too. we could paint it however you want."his eyes widen, large as saucers, and you can practically see the ideas going through his head."me and dad were thinking about moving in with grandpa mike.""why?"you smile."so we can all be together. and like you said, grandpa mike's house is big. you'd get your own room, dad and i would have our own room.""what about grampa mike?""own room," you promise."well what about school?""dad and i found a good center for the summer. and open house for the kindergarten we want you to go to is at the end of july.""open house?""we go to school and meet your teachers.""oh. well, okay."“yeah?” you say. “would you like to move in with dad and grandpa?” finn smiles, his eyes bright, and nods. “but i can say goodbye to my friends, right?” “promise,” you say. “we won’t be moving for another month or so.”♫♪♬.you and ricky had been spending the last couple of weeks packing up your belongings. the first week, you spent at ricky’s apartment packing up his stuff. you’d brought it over to the house the following sunday.this last week, you two had been at your aunts’ place, packing up your stuff and finn’s. you had already left the gas station, and planned on looking for a job once you settled back in salt lake.ricky and you had also toured bright horizons last week, and decided to reserve a spot for finn starting in june. it does seem like a great center, even better than playhouse. you loved the teacher to child ratio and the classrooms are bigger, and they equally focus on different subjects throughout the day. the plan was he’d attend there for the summer and start kindergarten at ensign elementary in the fall. you’re not yet sure if he’d go back to bright horizons after school for a couple hours, but you have time to figure it out. “this yours?” ricky asks, pointing to a mixer on the counter shoved into the corner. you nod. he grabs the mixer and places it in one of the two kitchen boxes you have. you pull out a few specially-crafted utensils—lego handles, hercules, construction vehicle handles—finn’s, and throw them in a zip-up bag before placing them in a box. “the blender?” you shake your head. “cindy’s,” you tell him. “tell me what’s yours.” ricky says, leaning against the counter and placing a hand on his hip. “there’s three cupcake pans and some cookie sheets under the oven. two of the twelve-cup cupcake pans are mine. a medium cookie sheet, large cookie sheet, and small cookie sheet are also mine. and anything pyrex, also mine.” you tell ricky, before remembering you’d gifted your aunts some pyrex dishes a few times. “actually, run the pyrex by me.” “got it,” ricky nods as he opens the compartment under the oven. he pulls out the cupcake pans and cookie sheets, placing them precariously in the box closest to him."you good?" you ask ricky once you're done sorting through the utensils. he nods. "i'm going to go pack up some bathroom stuff. call me if you need anything."he nods again and you grab a roll of packing tape, a box, and head down the hall to the bathroom you and finn assemble the box, setting the roll of tape on the counter. you throw in a few towels first, then grab your shampoo and conditioner. you grab finn's bubble bath—"y/n!" comes ricky's voice from the kitchen. you sigh, placing the bubble bath in the box before walking out into the kitchen. your boyfriend is still sitting on the floor, sorting through the cabinets. "yes?""i love you," he smiles at you. you jokingly roll your eyes at him, saying you love him too, before going back into the bathroom. you pack up finn's green apple scented shampoo and conditioner, as well as your body wash. you move to the cabinets, packing up the packaged non-scented soaps, your brush, hair products, the comb you use for finn's hair, and your tape up the box and bring it out into the living room. by then, ricky is done with his work in the kitchen."what's next?" he raises his arms, stretching. yawns. "well," you look around the living room at the packed boxes. "there's really nothing left besides a couple of miscellaneous things."you really didn't think packing up would be this quick but alas, it was."want to pack up the car?" ricky asks, jabbing his thumb towards the front sigh and nod your head. "why not?"you grab a box and ricky opens the door for you, pinching your bum on your way out the door. you squeal, nearly tripping on your feet."ass!" you say over your shoulder.ricky grabs his keys, unlocking the car for you. you thank him before opening up the trunk, shoving the box to the back.ricky comes out with a box, placing it in the trunk. the two of you spend about an hour and half packing up your're about to go inside and rest when you catch sight of the oven clock—4:58. you have to go pick up finn."we'll get a truck and get the beds tomorrow?" ricky says, questioning tone just to nod."we have to have dinner with my aunts on sunday as well," you tell ricky. "so they can say goodbye."you grab your keys, lock up the house.ricky gives you a kiss on the cheek, smiling at you as he pulls away."see you in a little bit?""see you." you smile, climbing into your car. "love you.""love you too."ricky heads to his car as you pull out onto the road, driving towards playhouse academy.twenty-ish minutes later (more like sixteen), you pull into the playhouse parking lot. you climb out of the car, locking it up, before walking up to the double doors. you type in your indivual passcode, opening the door when you get the green light.this is the latest you've ever picked up finn. you make a stop in the office.carol juts out her botton lip as soon as she sees you. she stands up from her desk, walking toward you with open embrace her, squeezing tightly."here," you pull a card out of your bag and hand it to her. "thank you so much for taking care of finn these last couple of years.""of course," she sniffles. "i love him. we'll miss you guys immensely.""i'll bring finn back to say goodbye."you go back to the preschool room to find that there are only four kids left. finn is at the art table, hunched over a piece of paper, a pink marker clutched in his hand. you notice his face is covered in chocolate.oh gosh."hey!" ms. macy greets you.all the kids look toward the door to see whose parents came."mommy!" finn cries once he notices you. he drops the marker in the marker bucket and completely forgets about his drawing, running up to you. without missing a beat, you lift him up, smothering his face in kisses. he lets out a loud laugh as you set him down."what's with all the chocolate?" you ask him."ms. macy threw me a goodbye party with chocolate chip cookies and milk!"you hope finn isn't hyper tonight. you'd hate that for him and yourself for the first night at the technically new place."ah," you purse your go to grab finn's stuff, nothing much except his"bye finn!" ms. macy says, waving a hand."bye finn!" the other three kids repeat in unison. he waves at them. you say goodbye to ms. macy and take finn to the office to say goodbye to carol. he gives her a quick hug and tells her thank you. then he grabs your hand and you two walk out to the car. jean jacket and a piece of artwork. "bye finn!" ms. macy says, waving a hand."bye finn!" the other three kids repeat in unison. he waves at them. you say goodbye to ms. macy and take finn to the office to say goodbye to carol. he gives her a quick hug and tells her thank you. then he grabs your hand and you two walk out to the car."are we moving to the new house today?" finn asks as you buckle him in."yup!" you smile at him. "daddy and grandpa will be waiting for us with dinner.""spaghetti?""better!"finn furrows his brows."what could be better than spaghetti?" he asks. you chuckle, closing the door and climbing into the driver's seat.before you start the car and get a move on, you text ricky to tell him you're leaving.immediately, he shoots you a "see you soon" text and you frown, telling him he shouldn't be texting while driving."tablet?" finn asks as you start the car."crap. the tablet is with dad," you mentally smack yourself. you plug in your phone and hand it to finn before driving onto the main road. he types in your password, 3466 (the numbers which have the letters to spell his name), and goes to your movies your surprise, you don't hear a harry potter movie. instead you hear . . . cinderella. the 2015 one. you'd been in love with it when it first came out and it kind of made you smile proudly to yourself that your son was watching this movie for the first time of his own accord.a little over an hour drive, and you pull into the bowen's driveway. your driveway now? eh.finn pauses the movie, dropping your phone on the car sigh as you unbuckle him. he jumps down onto the pavement, running up the driveway and inside the house.ricky appears outside a few short seconds later."ah," ricky smacks his lips. "need any help?""no," you roll your eyes at the reminder. "ms. macy decided to throw him a goodbye party and stuffed the kids’ faces with cookies.""can we just, unload the car tomorrow?" you ask."sure."you grab your phone and charger, lock up the car."why didn't your dad cook more when we were dating?" you ask ricky. he shrugs. "i love his cooking."ricky grabs your hand, leading you inside the house. the smells of steak and potatoes hit your senses, and you're drooling."want me to show you around?" ricky asks."yeah," you say. "it has been a while since i've seen this house in its entirety.""and we have changes. but here, we have the living room. as you can see, not much has changed since you've last been here except we got a bigger tv, and yes, we now have a different couch. the kitchen," ricky gestures toward the cooking and sitting area. he leads you toward the front door. there's an entryway leading into an area between the front door and the hallway closet door. "so dad actually decided to make this area his space. we agreed the bathroom down here is his unless we're all migrated down here for some reason and really have to go."ricky takes you upstairs."so my old room will be finn's." he says, opening the door to his old bedroom. already, the boxes are in the room. he brings you to the master bedroom, "ours."there's a bathroom connected to the master bedroom, and another bathroom in the hall."finn can have that bathroom," ricky says. "if you think he can handle his own bathroom." he shows you the last two empty rooms. "and these, well. i don't know. we can make one of them a guest bedroom or something. yeah.""mommy! daddy!" finn shouts from downstairs. the two of you storm downstairs. you son in sitting at an island chair, a plate of cut up steak and sauteed potatoes with asparagus in front of him. "dinner."you and ricky exchange glances, laughing to yourselves as two of you join finn and mike at the pick up a fork, immediately digging into the potatoes. "mm, this is delicious mike!" you groa.
"thank you, grampa." finn says, taking a bite of his potatoes. "yeah, thanks dad. this is- amazing.""so finn," mike starts. "what's your favorite show?""harry potter!" finn answers enthusiastically. "and my favorite character is hermione granger. or ron weasley. honestly, i change it everytime but always those two."mike laughs. you smile to yourself."what's your favorite color?" mike asks."that's easy. orange, like weasley hair.""have you read the books?"finn nods in earnest."that's easy. orange, like weasley hair.""what's your favorite color?" mike asks.mike laughs. you smile to yourself."yeah, mom reads them to me all the time and i even know some words in the books. i'm a ravenclaw."finn nods in earnest."have you read the books?"mike shrugs. "i don't know much about it, actually.""mhm!" finn takes a bite of steak. "do you like harry potter?""right?" "yikes dad," ricky cringes jokingly. "you shouldn't have said that.""we can watch it tomorrow!" finn says happily. "please?""well," mike looks at ricky. "i don't have anything else to do.""great, dad. y/n and i can go get the beds tomorrow, you watch finn?""sounds good.""he'll quiz you, to make sure you're watching," you tell mike. "so pay attention.""grampa, you should take your house test!" finn says. "we can do it after dinner.""alrighty," mike chuckles."where's your computer, grampa?" finn bounces on his feet. there are a few conversations here and there. mike asks you about your pregnancy with finn and you tell him as much as you feel comfortable telling him; he compares some parts to lynne's pregnancy with ricky. finn asks if he can get a pet turtle and ricky says you guys will think about it. mike leads him to the living room, where his laptop is on the coffee table. "you have to go to pottermore," finn smile at ricky, who playfully shakes his head."that's all you." ricky says, jabbing his fork in the direction of your four-year-old son instructing his grandpa on shrug a shoulder, nodding. "yeah," you don't deny it.the two of you sort of zone out, focusing on finishing your food. when you're done, you search for tupperware to put away what finn left."gryffindor!" finn cheers. he runs to meet you guys in the kitchen. "grampa is a gryffindor!"
"i totally see it," you say. "can you get the dvd player and movies out?" finn asks you. "to watch ghostbusters?"you place finn's leftovers in the fridge and look at ricky."how about we get the tablet and watch it at bedtime?""where are we all sleeping?" you ask ricky, realizing you didn't think tonight through."there's a pullout in the basement. it will be uncomfortable but it will fit all three of us.""alright."thirty minutes later, mike tells you he looked up how long it takes to watch all the harry potter movies and he's going to bed to be prepared.once you walk down to the basement, ricky has already fully set up the couch bed and he and finn are already situated. there are several pillows against the sofa back, and three different blankets—one for each of you, you assume. you assist finn in getting ready for bed, brushing your teeth along with him and handing him his mike wazowski onesie. you send finn downstairs to join ricky, and go out to ricky’s car to grab the tablet and you turn on the 2016 ghostbusters. by the concert scene, where the ghostbusters officially capture their first ghost, finn is asleep. you turn off the movie upon noticing this, and lean over the little body to give ricky a goodnight kiss.he rests his head on ricky's plug the tablet charger into an outlet, plug the charger into the tablet, and set it in the middle, on finn's lap."which ghostbusters?" you ask."the snl one," he tells you. you then press a kiss to the crown of finn's head. ricky follows suit."love you," you tell him. "always.""i love you," he says. "always.".

Word count:3891

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