ricky×nini-pinning and prom

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A few things to explain before the story, I apologize, this got away from me this was not what I had planned out in my head originally, and it became slightly more Nini/Ricky friendship-centric than Gini and Caswell. Also, this is an AU where there are a few major differences: 1.) Gina and EJ are cousins, but she’s not cousins with Ashlyn (honestly don’t ask me how it happened, it just sort of did), 2.)EJ and Nini dated and Ricky and Gina dated, but Ricky and Nini never dated 3.) and they are all seniors. With that, I hope you enjoy it!Nini and Ricky had been sitting next to each other, staring across the cafeteria at Gina and EJ for about ten minutes before Seb came over and sat down next to them.“What are we staring at?” Seb whispered in Nini’s ear, making the girl jump.“Seb, you can’t do things like that!” She chastised after she had sat back down.“But seriously, what are you two staring at?” Seb turned his head to look out across the cafeteria, his eyes landing on the pair Seb slowly turns his head to stare at Ricky and Nini giving them a knowing look as he leaned on his arm to get a better look at both of his friends. Ricky’s face turns beat red as Nini begins to look around the cafeteria, desperately trying to look anywhere but Seb and Gina. Seb lets out a small chuckle before elbowing Nini.“Don’t worry guys. Your secret’s safe with me.”“What secret?” Ricky asks, playing dumb. Nini internally groaned before putting her head in her hands, sighing deeply.“That you aren’t over your exes.” Nini looks up and glances at Ricky, who let’s out a burst of laughter before they both begin to laugh uncontrollably. Now Seb looks confused. Is that not what they were just doing?“You don’t have to laugh…” Seb spoke, embarrassed. Nini and Ricky tried as hard as they could to stop laughing before either of them spoke.“No, no,” Nini was the first to stop, Ricky was still chuckling, “We’re both over them.”Seb was even more confused now, “Then why were you staring at them?”Nini and Ricky glanced at each other, having a quick psychic debate. Ricky really didn’t want to tell him, but Nini’s eyes were very convincing.“Fine,” Ricky lifted his hands up in defeat. Nini smiled, feeling acomplished.“Well, you see…” Nini spoke, trying to find the right words for her friend.“Nini and I are bi and now I like EJ and she likes Gina.” Ricky finished the thought after a few beats of unbearable silence. Nini glared at the boy, she would have gotten there eventually, easing Seb into it.“Oh…” Seb didn’t know what to say. This was not what he had expected, he had sort of just assumed the two of them were straight, and he knew better than anyone not to assume someone’s sexuality.“Yeah…” Nini whispered, “But you can’t tell them!”“Well, why not?” Seb asked, knowing the answer, but feeling like dragging this out for as long as possible.“Because it would be weird, man,” Ricky offered, “Wouldn’t you think it weird if your ex started dating your cousin?” Seb pretended to think for a moment before nodding.“Yeah, yeah, I guess it would be, but for the record, you didn’t need to tell me not to tell them, I’m not a complete idiot.” Nini and Ricky smiled kindly at their friend before the three of them began eating their lunches for a few moments of silence, letting the conversation drift to mundane things, like what they were doing for the assignment Ms. Jenn had then working on. Ricky flopped down on Nini’s bed when they got up to her room.“Ugh…” Nini shoved his head out of the way so she could sit down.“Stop moaning,” Nini said as she pulled a book out of her back pack and dropping it on his stomach, prompting another moan. She giggled to herself as she lied down next to him. “So… Friends Prom this year right?” Ricky turned onto his side to look at Nini. Nini sighed, pulling her hands down her face.“Can’t we just skip it this year?” Nini groaned. Ricky shook his head before settling comfortably on his back and stared at the ceiling.“Remember, we promised Kourtney we’d support her, especially after what Derick did to her.” Nini sat up, clearly angry.“I still can’t believe he did that!” Nini punched the mattress between them, making Ricky sit up next to her.“I know, it sucks,” Ricky replied, “but all we can do now is be there for Kourtney.” Nini nodded, clearly still angry.“You know what will make you feel better?” Ricky filled the silence after a few moments.“What?”“This,” Ricky smiled and stood, “Alexa, play It’s Oh So Quiet.” As the song softly began to fill the room, Ricky extended his hand, Nini let out a snort before graciously accepting it. The pair began to dance around the room. After a few moments, all that could be heard was the sounds of their favorite songs playing softly in the background as they shouted the lyrics to each other as loud as they could, while doing the most ridiculous dances.
Nini sat at the table her, Ricky and Kourtney had quickly claimed as their own immediately upon entering the dance. Kourtney had left to talk to a girl from her church choir, and Ricky had gone over to say hi to Big Red and his date, Ashlyn, EJ’s other cousin.Nini glanced around longingly at all the couples laughing on the dance floor. She really wished she had a date to dance with. As Heaven began playing through the speakers everyone began to grab each other and sway slowly to the music, making Nini turn her head grumpily, refusing to watch. She really didn’t need to be reminded that she was very single while her favorite slow song played.“May I have this dance?” Nini heard after a few lines had been sung.“Kourtney, that’s very sweet of you, but…” Nini’s voice got caught in her throat as she turned in her seat to see Gina standing a few inches away from her, hand out stretched.  Nini sat stunned for a few moments, unable to speak.“This is the part where you say yes,” Gina grinned, making Nini blush before tentatively grasping the girl’s hand and walking over to the dance floor with Gina. Quickly the taller girl took over and placed one hand against Nini’s waist and with the other grabbed her hand and began to sway them back and forth. The pair swayed in silence for a many moments before Ricky caught Nini’s eye from where he was at their table. He gave her a questioning look, and Nini responded with a shoulder shrug. Ricky gave her two thumbs up, making her blush furiously before turning her full attention back to her dance partner, who was staring intently at her.“What? Do I have something on my face?” Nini questioned. Gina laughed and shook her head before speaking.“You look cute when you blush,” the words left her lips right as the last few notes of the song played. Nini’s blush returned as she quickly fumbled out a thank you before awkwardly making her way back to her table and friends.“Nice, Nini,” Ricky patted her on the back as she sat back down in her chair. She looked up and caught Gina staring at her. Quickly she grabbed Kourtney’s drink and quickly chugged the whole thing before gagging loudly.“Gah, that’s awful, what is it?” Kourtney looked at her friend in exasperation.“That was my punch,” Nini shook her head as she sheepishly gave the cup back to the laughing girl.“Sorry.”“It’s all good, I brought over a second one, just in case we were here for a while,” Kourtney spoke, “Which I think we will be.” When Ricky and Nini gave her a curious glance, Kourtney quickly pointed across the room at Gina and EJ, who were talking to each other while staring at them from their table. Ricky and Nini whipped their heads back to stare at each other before speed walking out side to the open air.Nini and Ricky stared at each other in a panic and began whispering aggressively back and forth.“What is going on?”“How am I supposed to know?”“How am I supposed to know?”“Well, you dated her!”“What does that have to do with anything?”“I don’t know! I’m panicking!”Ricky took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.“I know, but it’s fine, it’s fine. Just because they were looking at us does not mean they were talking about us, right?” Ricky had been pacing, but once he had finished, stopped and turned to look at Nini, who’s face was very pale.“They’re standing right behind me aren’t they?” Ricky softly spoke, turning around to see Gina and EJ standing there, looking very amused.“Hi,” He gave a weak wave before turning his bright red face to the ground. Gina and EJ chuckled.“Would you like to dance, Ricky?” EJ asked. Ricky glanced over his shoulder and Nini gave him an encouraging nod, before taking a step forward and gently nudging him forward towards EJ’s outstretched hand. Ricky sheepishly grabbed the other boy’s hand who promptly pulled him onto the dance floor, and they slowly began to sway back and forth. Ricky kept giving Nini panicked looks over EJ’s shoulder, as she and Gina watched, smiling from the door. After a few moments, Nini looked over at Gina, who was still staring at her cousin and Ricky.“Why’d you guys ask us to dance?” She spoke quietly after a beat of silence, which made Gina turn her head and stare at the girl for a moment.“A little birdie told us you guys liked us back.” Gina shrugged nonchalantly, before turning back to stare at the boys swaying on the dance floor. Nini stared dumbfounded as Gina’s face slowly turned into a wide grin.“I knew Seb would tell you two.” Gina let out a laugh.“He actually told Carlos, who told me, and I told EJ.” Nini should have known, Seb was great, but he told Carlos everything, and Carlos told his best friend everything.Nini smiled and looked before leaning in and putting her head on the other girl’s shoulder. Gina glanced down at Nini and smiled, her heart ready to burst.“Hey, Nini?” Gina questioned“Yeah?” Nini lifted her head to look in the other girl’s eyes.“Would you like to go out with me?” Nini smile was so wide, it looked as though her face might split open. She leaned in and gently pressed a soft kiss to Gina’s lips.
“I would absolutely love to, Gina,” she spoke quietly. It was Gina’s turn to smile, before she pulled Nini in for another kiss.“Ricky?” EJ whispered while they were finishing up their dance.“Yes?”“Would you, maybe, want to go out with me?” Ricky looked at EJ, mouth agape. He stood, stunned for a few more seconds before gulping and bobbed his head in agreement. EJ beamed.“Cool, I’ll, uh, I’ll call you tomorrow?” Ricky nodded, still unable to speak as EJ slowly walked away. Ricky turned to look at Nini, who was looking for him. And the pair began to freak out together, across the room.A/N Please let me know if there are any mistakes or inconsistencies, I had planned to do a lot more editing but I got slammed with homework and to top it off I’ve been pretty sick this past week, so I apologize for any of those. (And if you have a better title PLEASE let me know, I absolutely suck at naming fics).

Word count:1992

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