Part 8

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Percy P.O.V.

I woke up, Annabeth in my arms. I slowly removed my hand, which was under her head and kissed on her forehead. Today we were once again going to meet our gang. I quickly went to make Annabeth breakfast. After making breakfast, I saw a piece of paper on the dining table. It read,

Sorry we are leaving on a short notice.

Paul and I had an urgent meeting, so we left a little early.

We will be out of town for a few days at the least.

Take care of yourselves.

With love,


When I just finished reading it, Annabeth came in and she looked surprised that I had woken up earlier than her.

"Good morning Wise Girl." I said.

"Morning Seaweed Brain. Why did you get up early?" She asked.

"Couldn't sleep." I simply said with a smile.

"Where are Paul and Sally?" She asked. (Thank you AlikiLove125 for pointing out a mistake!😊)

 "Yeah I forgot about that. They left for an urgent meeting so mom and Paul had to go early." I said.

"When is the gang going to come." I asked.

"Probably within a few hours." Annabeth replied.

------------------Time skip------------------

Its been 3 hours, they should be here any minute now. And that's when I heard sounds outside.

"Yeah they just fight and destroy the whole place." A girl said which I recognized as Thalia.

"Yeah and they are just like 'Hey we saved you all people' but they never clean the destruction they had done." A boy who sounded a lot like Nico said.

At that moment I opened the door to see the whole gang there. Which included Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Calypso, Thalia, Will, Nico, Clarisse, Katie, Travis and Connor Stoll's. So basically our gang consisted of 15 people.

"How are you guys?" Annabeth asked.

"We are fine what about you guys?" Jason said.

"Come in guys then we can talk." I said.

And they all came in and sat in our hall.

"Where were you guys?" I asked pointing to Clarisse, Katie and the Stolls. (Thank you Gabaly08 for pointing out a mistake!😊)

"Chiron had some work for us. So after that we came here too." Clarisse said.

"So what were you guys talking about." Annabeth asked.

"Nothing just about the group called 'Avengers' who says that they protect the city." Piper said.

"They protect the city but they also injure a lot of people because of them." Will said.

"You know what I might just have an idea!" Leo said.

"No, no, no and no. Your ideas are very dangerous." Annabeth said.

"Just hear me out first, please." Leo said, faking hurt. (Thank you Ryder1307 and Fan_500 for pointing out a mistake!😊)

"Ok, go on." Annabeth said.

"I was thinking that maybe we should form our own group to fight crime. I mean we are 15 people." Leo said.

That was a pretty good idea if you asked me. I mean we will protect the people and there will be less casualties. We were all free from our works so why not?

"You know, for the first time your idea is actually something good. What do you guys say?" Annabeth said punching Leo on the shoulder slowly.

"Yeah it is good. But what about our 'Group' name, our names and most importantly what about our suits. What should we wear?" Frank said.

"As for the suits leave it to me. I will complete it till tomorrow at max." Leo said excitedly.

"And as for the 'Group' name, what about 'Omega'." Annabeth asked and everyone nodded as it was a very good name.

"Then for our names, we can choose it ourselves." Calypso said.

------------------Time skip------------------

After a lot of thinking and all we came up with our names. They were as follows,

Hurricane                            - Percy 

Sage                                       - Annabeth

Storm                                     - Jason

Dove                                       - Piper

Mystique                               - Frank

Mist                                          - Hazel

Flame                                      - Leo 

Titan                                        - Calypso

Shocker                                  - Thalia 

Shadow                                  - Nico

Medic                                      - Will   

Beast                                       - Clarisse

Poison Ivy                             - Katie

Bandit                                    - Travis

Ninja                                       - Connor

We were all pretty happy with our names and the 'Group' name. All that was left were the suits which Leo would bring tomorrow.

"Ok then. We better go, it is late already." Will said.

"Yeah see you tomorrow with our new suits." Leo said with a smile.

Everybody started going after we all said our goodbye's. It was time for us to relax too. We went on our bed and muttered our goodnight's and snuggled and slept comfortably with each other's warm embraces. (Thank you MrReadsToMuch1 and EmdaughterofDemeter for pointing mistakes!😊)

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------ Goodbye and see you soon :) ------


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