✈︎ 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 ☕︎

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Calum woke up that morning, and immediately starting sobbing. He couldn't help it.

Glancing over at Ashton, he noticed the man was still sound asleep. Soft snores could be heard from him, as he frolicked in dreamland.

The maori bit his lip and sucked it up, focusing on his wedding ring instead. It has an "𝑨" engraved in it, where the sun beams hit it perfectly. The red jewels around it gleamed brightly in the new dawn.

Ashton had a similar ring, but it had a "𝑪" engraved in it, with blue jewels surrounding. They both agreed on the idea, deciding it was a perfect fit. Red and blue was the theme of their wedding, a couple years ago, so the rings went nicely with it.

Calum felt the mattress move under him, and he moved his focus from the nostalgia-filled memories his ring held, to Ashton, who was now sitting next to him.

"Why are you crying, love?"

His face was tinted with an expression of worry; concern. He wiped Calum's cheeks, doing his best to erase the tear tracks.

"You're leaving today."

"I.." Ashton couldn't seem to find a response to the remark, as he stumbled over something to say, but trailed off.

"No, it's okay. Don't overthink it. You should get ready. I can't wait to see you in your uniform, babe," Calum quickly changes the subject. "I bet you look hot," He adds.

Ashton chuckles. "Yeah, sure."


[Flashback to last night]


"Dinner was nice. So good. You know spaghetti is one of my favorites," Ashton smiles, sitting down next to Calum, who was staring into space.

"Babe?" Ashton nudges him, and he quickly turns to his husband.

"Sorry, what's up?"

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Noth-"

"Calum," Ashton says sternly, which immediately stops the kiwi from rambling on.

"Fine. I just.. I'll miss you. A lot," He whispers. "I don't want you to leave. It's dangerous out there."

"Calum, let me tell you, everywhere you go is dangerous. Going to the grocery store is dangerous. You never know when a criminal could break in with a gun, and rob the store," Ashton reassures Calum. "There are so many germs on shopping carts. Did you know that?"

Calum quietly shakes his head, cuddling into Ashton's side.

"Well, there's a lot of germs, so you could pick up those and get sick."

"Interesting," Calum mumbles.

"So going to war tomorrow, is just the start of a new everyday danger, like driving to work. Any second you could get in a car crash, but everyone else drives safely, so you don't," Ashton finishes, seemingly proud of his speech.

Calum giggles. "Thank you Ashy." He sits up, leaning in and kissing his husband. Ashton kisses back, but goes in for a second one.

It escalates, as Ashton flips Calum over so the maori is on the bottom.

"I-" Calum tries to protest.

"Shh. You know you like it better this way," Ashton smirks, and the other man nods, letting his husband carry him bridal style into the bedroom.




"I was right. You do look hot," Calum states, eyeing his husband up and down. "I almost wanna bang you again. Round 2?" He jokes.

Ashton giggles and shakes his head. "Maybe when I get back."

That set a tension between the two. Ashton knew Calum was just stalling. Even after their talk, it would still be hard to let go.

Calum felt arms wrap around him, and he felt safe.

He hugged back, but started crying again.

"Shh, baby. It's okay. It'll be okay. I'll be back before you know it, yeah?" Ashton soothes Calum in a quiet voice, careful not to upset his husband more, as he wipes his tears.

"Yeah," Calum nods.

"Okay," Ashtom grabs his suitcase, and begins to walk out the door, but Calum quickly turns him around, and kisses him. They stay like that, until they run out of breath.

"I love you," Calum whispers. "Stay safe, you idiot."

"I will. Love you too," Ashton responds, a small smile etched onto his lips.

"Promise me you will?"

"Cross my heart hope to d-"

"No!" Calum exclaims, putting a hand over Ashton's mouth. "Don't say that!"

Ashton laughs, removing Calum's hand. "Okay. I promise. Pinkie swear." He held out his rather large pinkie, for Calum's smaller one.

They shook on it, and Calum didn't even notice Ashton had left until he looked up at the front door, closed shut; and no Ashton.


Oops, I hit ya with the feels right in the first chapter didnt I 🤫🤭

Got no shame-


✈︎ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚞𝚜 ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now