✈︎ 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 ☕︎

178 13 19

I was halfway through writing this chapter and then it wouldn't save and I couldn't go back in bc I deleted everything in the chapter title so..

but I took screenshots bc what I wrote was SO GOOD and I didnt wanna lose it.. so here we go. Again.

I was reading mpreg stories on Ao3 so I got inspired.


Calum groans, slowly opening his eyes and letting them adjust to the light. He's seriously got to pee, but Luke and Michael are on both sides of him.

He tries not to wake them, as he climbs down to the foot of the bed and flicks on the light switch in the bathroom.

"Cal?" He hears Michael's morning voice first, and he replies with "In the bathroom."

Michael's footsteps approach, as Calum struggles to zip his jeans back up. "These fit yesterday," he mumbles.

His best friend sends him a weird look, but offers to help anyway.

He tells Calum to "suck it in" but they both cant zip up the pair of jeans.

"Damn. That was the pair Ashton said I looked hot in," Calum sighs, dumping the jeans in his laundry basket. He'd donate it to Goodwill or something later in the week.

"According to Ashton, don't you look hot in every pair of jeans you wear?" Michael questions, taking his turn to use the toilet.

"Only according to Ashton," Calum replies, throwing on a pair of sweatpants, and going out to the kitchen to make breakfast.


When Luke finally emerges, Calum is on his 4th or 5th pancake and Michael's plate is clean, except for a few crumbs.

"Morning, buddy," Michael says. "Tired from that threesome we had last night, huh?"

"Shut up Gordon. You are so annoying sometimes," Luke groans, and Michael snickers as he watches him get a plate down from the cabinet.

"You know you'd be a needy bottom if you were with a guy."

"Yeah, but I'm straight. And you're a messy bisexual," Luke responds.

Michael's mouth hangs open at that comeback, and Calum laughs his ass off.

"You should close your trap before the flies come in," the maori chuckles.


"Hi, babe!" Calum's smile lights up the room once again when he sees Ashton's face.

"Hi, baby," Ashton's smile is just as big. "How're you? I see Luke is there."

"Yeah, I'm doing okay. I still miss you though," Calum replies, jutting his bottom lip out for the pouting effect.

Ashton's eyes soften as Calum continues.

"But Luke came by last night and he's gonna be staying with me, too. So I have Michael and Lulu to babysit me, don't worry."

The camo-dressed man on the screen laughs, his floppy hair dipping in his eyes a little bit as he showcases that smile.

But then the connection starts to fade, and the screen gets all glitchy, and Ashton's voice is cut off.

But you can still tell he's panicking.

Calum hopes that it's just Skype crashing, but he sees those words on the screen.

Call disconnected


Ohhh shit

did I just drop a cliffhanger

you 100% bet I did

but this took so long to copy down and finish so please, worship me

jk jk dont do that


✈︎ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚞𝚜 ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now