✈︎ 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚌 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 ☕︎

213 19 28

I'm in love with this book already. Anyone else?

1 week after Ashton's left

Calum groans, rolling over onto his side. "Mikeyyyyy," he whines, not having to open his eyes to know his best friend was there.

"What is it, Cal?" Michael asks, turning over to face the maori.

"Come drag me out of bed, I don't want to do it myself," Calum mumbles.

"Cal," Michael replies sternly. "Don't you have a call with Ash today?"

That made Calum sit up faster than ever, but he suffered the consequences as blood immediately rushed to his head. He groans again.

"Don't hurt yourself," Michael mumbles from under the covers. "I won't!" Calum calls as he throws on a new pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

He hops to the kitchen, as he ties his sneakers on the way. Pushing the computer lid up, Calum quickly logs in and enters Skype.

He set up the meeting, waiting for Ashton to join him.

Michael walks up, his blonde hair spiky and sticking up everywhere. "Geez,  Michael. What, did you bang Cal last night?" Ashton's voice rings out in the room, and Calum's face lights up, seeing his husband had answered.

Mike rolls his eyes. "I would, duh, but you'd murder me. Shred my bones and then throw them in a dump if I did."

Ashton giggles, but turns his attention to Calum.

"Ashy! Oh my god, I've missed you so much, it's not even funny. I can't wait til you come back," He says. "How's it going there?"

"Oh, it's going okay. We're just training for the time being, but we'll get into the.. actual war part soon," Ashton shrugs.

"I might get transferred to another house, though. Apparently I'm too 'soft' for what they have here." The older Irwin rolls his eyes.

Calum chuckles. "You are squishy."

"Babe! They don't need to know that," Ashton huffs.

"Sorry, sorry," the kiwi beams brightly once again.

But, all of a sudden his smile fades.

"Cal?" Ashton's voice is suddenly distorted background noise in Calum's ears, as he focuses on not puking all over the kitchen table. He hasn't even eaten anything today?

"Calum?" Michael's voice joins Ashton's. "Is everything alright? You look even paler than me."

All of a sudden, the nausea hits him like a train, and Calum races down the hall to the bathroom. He immediately throws the toilet lid open and starts puking his guts out.

"Oh my god," Ashton whispers out, concern lacing his voice. "Michael!" He shouts.

"What?" Mike asks, turning towards the screen.

"Go check on him, for fuck sake!"

"Oh, right, right. On it!"


man down
I repeat


✈︎ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚞𝚜 ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now