✈︎ 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚜? ☕︎

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"Are you doing it?" Michael asks through the bathroom door.

"Yes, yes. I'm pissing on it, what else do you need to know?" Calum sasses.

Michael gives Luke an offended look, and he just chuckles, and flinches when Calum throws the door open.

"Now we wait," he declares.

They sit around on the couch, listening to the clock tick, when finally, the timer goes off.

All 3 of them rush towards the bathroom, almost bumping into each other on the way.

Calum snatches the test up first, holding it close to his chest so only he could see.

He stares at the test in disbelief, looking down at the result.

It read,

+ pregnant +

He gasps, shoving the test at the other two. His mind immediately goes to Ashton, away, fighting in the war..

"We have to call him," Luke blurts.

"Yes, please," Calum whispers, scurrying to his computer on the kitchen table. They didnt have a call scheduled for this week but he didn't care.


Ashton reached into his pocket, his aim slipping a little bit as the jeep went over some bumps, but he finally pulled out his phone which was vibrating, showing he had an I coming Skype call from Calum.

We don't have a call scheduled this week, do we? He thinks, his eyebrows lacing together in confusion.

"Everything alright?" Charlie asks from next to him, glancing down at the screen. He notices the wedding ring on Ashton's finger, then continues by asking another question, "Is that your man?"

Ashton giggles lightly, then says, "Yeah, it is. We don't have a call scheduled so I hope nothing is wrong."

"We'll be quiet, okay?- HEY, EVERYONE BE QUIET, ASHTON IS GONNA TALK TO HIS MAN!!" Charlie turns and yells at all the other men (and of course a few women) who wince at his loud and abrupt announcement.

Ashton's cheeks burn in slight embarrassment, but he answers the Skype call anyway, picking up Shawn chuckling in the background.


Calum smiles when he picks up, noticing he was in a car with other soldiers. "Hey, sorry if I'm interrupting something, I know we didn't have a call scheduled."

"That's okay. That's alright. Whenever you need me, baby," Ashton beams.

The maori giggles when he heard someone "awww" ing  in the background and another adding "look at the lovebirds!"

"Ashton.." All of a sudden, Calum seems nervous, and his voice is shaky.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

The maori keeps silent.


"Ashy, I'm pregnant."


oooooo spicy


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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✈︎ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚞𝚜 ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now