✈︎ 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 ☕︎

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"Cal?" Michael whispers, rubbing his best friend's back as he leans over the toilet bowl.

Calum coughs up a bit of bile, and then he lifts his head up. "Did Ashy see that?" He groggily mumbles. "He saw you run out, bubba. I'm sure he'll call you back as soon as he can, yeah? Ashton wants you to get rest," Mike replies, wetting a washcloth, and wiping the maori's mouth.

"Okay," Calum groans, putting a hand on his upset stomach. "Please, take me to bed or something."

He makes grabby hands at Michael, who he knows can't resist his puppy dog eyes.

Michael sighs, and picks Calum up bridal style. "Into bed you go."


Arriving with some chicken noodle soup, is Luke.

"I heard someone was sick," He says, smiling at Calum as he walks in the room, Michael trailing behind.

"Lukey!" The kiwi immediately sits up, seeing that one of his best friends was visiting. "What are you doing here? You didn't have to come by."

"I know, but I wanted to," the younger man says, setting down the bowl of soup on the nightstand. "You're alone here, and I figured I could come and stay with you and Michael, too."

"Sierra would let you do that? Crystal is still pissed at me, but she understands," Michael chimes in.

"Yeah. She doesn't like the idea of me being gone for months at a time, but she understands."

"You guys are literally the best. How did I end up with best friends like you?" Calum sighs, wiping his eyes.

"Hormonal, much?" Michael jokes, sitting on the right side of Calum, as Luke slides in on his left.

"No! What the hell, shut up," Calum whines, pushing the blonde off the bed.

"Hey! Ow!"


idk this was kinda fluffy:))
so hemmotinal was introduced! welcome hemmotinal 👏👏


✈︎ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚞𝚜 ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now