1: the concert

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today i am going to a concert with my bestfriend, ash. we both love music, we connected so much through music we are practically music sisters. There's never been a boring night here in new york. tonight, a band from jersey is performing. i have pretty high expectations, cause misfits are from jersey, and we love misfits.

"what is the band called again? " as i asked ash, while trying to put on another layer of mascara. i'm wearing a a navy blue hoodie, with some shorts.

"my chemical romance" she was busy doing her own thing, probably changing her clothes. she's indecisive.

"fuck, thas a cool band name. i hope they sound as cool as their name". putting on some finishing touches of make up "are you ready?".

"hmm... fuck it. yeah, let's go!" she wore a black tanktop and blue jeans. she was tired of trying more clothes. we both laughed and go.

the crowd seems good tonight. we are close to the front row. we are infront of the center left stage. four pale looking men walked on stage.

"I'm Gerard, and we are MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. and this one is called heafirst for halos". 'headfirst for halos' plays. i kept eyeing the lead guitarist. i can't believe I've never heard them before. he got skillsss.

"hold your horses, we've only been here for 15 minutes" ash joked. as she saw me staring at him.

"omg, shut upp!!!". i blushed, not really thinking of it much.

the band has played for about an hour. this is a great night, i thought in my head. then i feel something on my ass (i mean butt :))))) ). i turned around and see a guy about my height, he seems drunk. i thought, no way this douche is gonna ruin my night.

"the fuck you think you're doing?" i gave him a hard glare and loud tone.

"calm down babe, whatabout we take this energy to the bathroom? " he dragged his word like he's about come at me. his hand was aiming to touch me. i kick him on the groin area he bend forward, in pain. then i made him trip, till he's faced down on the floor.

the crowd was getting wild, they saw what happend and became violent. ash was scared, she seemed like she was gonna cry. i tried to calm her down, because i don't want to ruin the night. the someone punched me on my left cheek, i felt a little drowsy.

ray's POV:
the crowd was good at the beginning, there was this girl with shiny (y/h/c) hair, she and her friend seems to be enjoying the show, i saw her dancing but she would stop everytime i'm playing a solo. i can see her from the corner of my eye, i just smiled like an idiot. then, the crowd, it became very violent. as i saw another guy falling to the ground. i saw the two girls in the middle of it, they seemed to be in trouble. i told the guard to pull the girls out of the crowd. as the guard tried to walk to them, i saw one of them getting punched. i took off my guitar. and went down to the crowd

"ray, where are you going man?" frank pulled my shirt. "it's getting more violent".

"it'll be quick. you guys can go to back stage without me" i assured him. i pulled the girl in the hoodie out of the way. i also pulled the guy who punched her and punched him on the face. she went up to the stage. she didn't resist when i pulled her back stage.

the guys are chilling on the couch. "get out of the way, guys. get up! ". they all got up. "hey are you okay? " i sat her on the couch next to me.

"I'm gonna get her ice" mikey walked out.

your POV:

"uhh... yea. where's my friend? " i see a puffy figure of a guy. he smells like sweat and beer.

ash came through the door "y/n! are you okay?! " she got teary eyes but she's fine.

"calm down, i'm alright" i saw a lanky figure in glasses giving me ice. i took it "oh, thanks". the room was filled with silence.

"sorry for what happend to you, we could've helped sooner". a shorter guy spoke to me.

"no it's alright, i kind of started it. it was my fault". ash looked mad at me. the guys was waiting for more explanation. "uhhh... so someone was touching me inappropriately, so i fought him".

"so sorry for what he had done to you" i looked at the puffy figure again, i realized it was the guitarist that i was eyeing. i got nervous and there was a long pause before i spoke again.

"haha no worries, you should've seen the other guy" i laughed, they all laughed, except ash. she nudged me on my arm. "I'm sorry for ruining your show, really". i looked down causei felt bad.

"naahhh, it was really no big deal. we still got payed anyway" he smiled at me "I'm ray". he said, i pulled my hand out. he looked at my hand then wiped his hand on his jeans, he's quite sweaty. and we shook hands.

"i'm y/n, this is my friend ash" she smiled "what's your names? " I'm aiming at the other guys. apparently the short one is named frank. the nice lanky guy is mikey. and the singer of course is gerard.

"is this your first time here?" i was looking at the other guys, but i can feel ray's eyes on me.

"yes this is. we always wanted to play here" gerard said.

"you guys are from New Jersey right?" ash asked. "we love misfits" i added. their faces all lighted up, as if they have been waiting for this question their whole life.

"yeah! us too" i can hear ray's excitement in his tone. i laughed at their reactions. we continued talking about misfits for awhile. but it was getting late, in fact it was about 2am. we all look pretty wasted, and we barely drank.

i thanked them again for saving us, and they thanked us for coming out tonight. frank gave me a paper and said "i know ray is gonna regret not asking so, im doing him a favor" he seemed hesitant. then saw me blushing. he was sure of what he's doing. i wrote down my phone number. we said our goodbyes. we may see each other tomorrow at a party.

hiii! my first chapterr. i'm beginning to think that there is not enough ray in this chapter. but ray is a man of few words so lets be real here :/// . but, i promise there i'll be more y/n x ray interaction on the next.

stay gold,
ice bear.

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