5: night at Gee's

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your POV:

I've been staying here for a full month already. it's been the best summer since forever. I'm leaving next week. god, please give me a reason to stay here, though i can't cause i got to get back to school, i still have one semester left.

ray and i are getting ready to go to the way's house. they have a gig for tomorrow.

"ready? " ray walks in to the bedroom. I'm putting on my eyeliner.

"yeah, lets go" i face him and smile. he pulls me close to give me a kiss on the forehead, i hold on to his arm. i squint when he kisses me. he grab his keys, and we walk out to his car.

"ray, you have the best cd collection, i swear" i was looking at his box of cds.

"yea, i just steal 'em from my brother. do u know any of them? "

"yea, a lot of them" i take an ac/dc cd and examined it.

"u like that album?" (sheeshh eyes on the roadd rayy)

"yeah, it's awesome" i look at him smiling, he couldn't see me, but i bet he can feel me smiling.

"take it, it's yours" i shake my head no. it's probably his brother's, i really like the album though. i opened it and played it. we sing almost every lyric from every song.

the car ride was quite long. maybe ray took the long turn, it just felt longer than usual.

we arrived. we walk down to the basement and greet the others. it seems like everyone was late, cause they didn't complain on how we are late.

ray was tuning his guitar, aswell as the others with their own instrument. i go to the kitchen section, where i saw mikey stirring his drink, coffee i suppose.

"hey y/n" he said.

"hey" i am leaning to the wall next to him.

"you gotta pick your poisons right?" he turns his head to face me. he's referring to the coffee.

i laugh "yeah, you know I don't really know much about you mike" we see each other almost every day though. it seems like gerard always want to get him to talk, but he still doesn't. it's not because he's shy around me, I've seen him get shy before. like when those people complemented him after the show back in New York, shy as fuck.

"well what do you want to know? " he sips his coffee.

"i don't know" i laugh, i dont know where to start.

"well, I'll tell you what" he's really sweet, honestly. "after practice we'll talk, alright?" i notice he kind of has a cute voice (this is true).

"okay" i said. he wave at me and walk to the others.

i make some tea for me and ray. i got ice on mine, he likes it hot. i heard gerard harmonizing. i sat on the couch infront of them.

they played 'give 'em hell kid'. they are so amazing. frank getting all crazy, gerard getting all sassy, mikey... well he has no emotion, he looks cool. but, ray. god, he's so amazing, he didn't need to get all energetic, he's already have a powerful energy just playing it normally. i notice when he gets hyped, he would do jumps, so ADORABLE. they finished the song.

"oh my god! yes! woo-hooooo!" i exaggerated a bit, clapping my hands like wild.

"thank you, thank you, wonderful crowd we got tonight" Gerard speaks on his mic. we all laugh, except mikey. he just smiles and shakes his head. ray walks and sits next to me. he lays his head on my shoulder. (OH MY GOD, Y'ALL KNOW WHAT THIS REMINDS ME OF? THIS ⬇️)

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