9: tickets

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* that pic has nothin' to do with the fic, i just uhhh,,,  want to put it heree :))
*y/f/b: your favorite band

your POV:

i got back from campus around 5 pm. i fall asleep as soon as i entered my room. i woke up after hearing a loud thud. i got up from my bed half asleep, searching for the source of the sound.

*loud thud*

someone is apparently throwing rocks at my window.

"okay, okay!" i ran to the window. i look down to see ray.

"hi" he looks over. my tired eyes widen, i duck down. shit, i look like SHIT. i began to fix my hair.

"hi there" i stand up- looking down from the window. i had a confused look "what chu doin' here, bud?" i raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"i was around, i thought I'd stop by" he smiles. dang, his smile. i miss it so much. i rested my chin on my hand, spacing out. "hello?".

"oh, yeah! wait a second" i snap back to reality. i ran out the door and forgetting my jacket. i opened the front door. ray standing in front of me, smiling. i went completely blank, i just stared at him.

"y/n? are you okay?" he cocked an eyebrow.
i fall into his arms, my head on his chest. his arms on my head and my back.

we decided to walk around a bit and chat. the night was cold, i crossed my arms- shivering.

"who told you it's a good idea to wear a baby's shirt in a cold night" ray looked over me.

"no one. it's called a crop top, ray" i shook my head down. he took of his jacket and put it on my shoulders. "thanks".

we snuck in to a lake. we had to jump over the gate. ray went first,  when i jumped, he catches me. soon enough we realized it's not a good idea, cause it's really fucking windy. so we decided to get back.

"where are you staying?" i asked. we jumped over the fence again, getting out of there.

"at a hotel, want to come over?" he catches me again. his hands on my waist. i like it when his hands are on my waist, it feels right.

"yeah" i giggled.

we walked to the hotel. it's pretty decent. he came 2 days earlier. he said, he "misses his girl". he opened the lock and i ran onto his bed.

"god, you're such a child" he shakes his head. i was jumping on top if his bed.

"yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" he jumps at me, bringing me down with him. i yelped, "rayy! i didn't mean for real! " my voice muffled under him. he laughs it off. we cuddled until we fell asleep.

~in the morning~

"morning, sunshine" said ray. i yawned and stretched my arms. "what are we gonna do today?".

"let's get back to sleep" i turn my body away from him, positioning to fall asleep again. ray spoons me from behind.

"it's 11am" he whispered in my ear. i whined, and i covered his face with my hand, gesturing him to shut up.

"you know what?" my voice tone changed. "we should get the tickets now" i sat up in the bed.

"alright" he sat up.

"but, 5 more minutes!" i plopped back to bed.  ray shakes his head and got back to spoon me.

~after an hour~

"ray! you read the map wrong" i snapped at ray, whining. we are driving to a place to meet a guy who's selling the tickets. ray is reading the map, while i drive.

"i thought you know New York" he kept flipping the map, trying to get an accurate view of it.

"New York is a big place" i muttered "this place seems uhh- shady" i looked around the sidewalk.

"maybe we should leave"

"what?! and miss a y/f/b concert?!?! hell no" I'm very determined to see them.

"aren't there any other guy we can get the tickets from"

"probably, but we are already here!" i pointed at the coffee shop the dealer ('dealer' i don't think that's right
👁👄👁 but oh well) said we'll meet. ray looked concerned.

we got out to the car and walked in the cafe. ray insisted that he goes first, checking the surrounding. i agreed, although that was a bit much.

"carl?" i never met the guy, he's a friend of my friend, kind of.

"yea, y/n?" he raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"yup" i smiled. seems like a nice guy, ray  would say other wise.

"two tickets right?" he handed out the tickets. i took it looking at it. i nudged ray, gesturing him to pay the guy. ray pulled out his wallet getting out some money.

"thanks, carl" we walked out from the cafe. ray said nothing all this time.

"a pleasure doing business with you" he gave me a little salute and a smile.

when we got into the car, i asked ray why he was so tensed.

"you do this all the time?" he seems concerned.

"what do you mean?" i didn't understand.

"he's a stranger, and you agreed to meet him in the middle of nowhere?"

"ray, I'm an adult. geez! " i kissed his cheek. "don't be such a pussy" i teased, with puppy eyes.

"what did you say?" he said in a playful tone. he turns his head to face me and raise his hands.

"nothing... noth- aaah!" he tickled me, we were laughing so much people were looking at us from outside. ahh good to have him back.

heyy how y'all doinn? we made ray trending on his b'day, that's awesome. he called himself an old man, idk how i feel about that 😔 hmm

ps. I'm saving up some money to get a bass guitar, wish me luck!

pss. don't forget to leave a comment and vote! i would much appreciate that.

stay gold,
ice bear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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