2: NY party

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*picture above is how ray looks at the party*

"do we really gotta go? why don't we just stay in the bus and play video games?" mikey groans. the boys are getting ready to go to the party. getting ready is simply putting another layer of jacket, and packing up more cigarettes.

"come on mikey, we can't keep living like this, we need to socialize" gerard answers, "especially you".

ray's POV:
i really don't know what to say to y/n when i meet her. she must think I'm so weird for letting frank ask for her number, well... i didn't know. kind of glad frank did it though, i would've regret not getting it.

"are you ready ray?" ( ehwhehehhehe) frank shouts.

"yeah". i take my leather jacket and went with the others.

~at the party~

y/n's POV:
i hope my the band comes tonight, i would be so happy to see that fluff of a man again, what should i say to him when i see him? should i wait till he says hi? is he gonna say hi? does he even remembers me?

"are you okay y/n? what's wrong babe?". ash snaps me back to reality. i get really anxious sometimes, i beat up guys but I'm still anxious to say hi to ray?

"maybe I'm not getting enough sleep" that is also true, didn't sleep much. we go down stairs too see what the party is like. pretty good, typical small house party. everyone is still sober, this will change in a couple of minutes. i take a drink with me outside and sat on the sofa next to the pool.

ray's POV:
we arrived to the party and people are recognizing us, so we are making conversation with them. i was taking some of the punch, then i saw in the corner of my eye, what looks like an angel. it's y/n. The girl from last night. i smile to myself.

i gotta say hi to her. she's alone, good timing. the people aren't really focusing on me, they are to fixated on gerard. so it's like i was never there. i walk to the backyard. she was looking up to the sky.

"hi" she kind of jumps a little bit. "oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you".

"jesus, rayyy... no worries" she smiles. "come sit here" she taps the sofa next to her. "how long have u been here? ". she looks at me, kind of happy. could she been waiting for me? no way.

"maybe 10 minutes ago, why are you alone?" i take a sip from my drink.

"the quiet spots of a party, is the best spot of a party" we were just making eye contact then it turned awkward and she looks away, smiling. "did you get my number?" she breaks the silence.

"uh, no? what do u mean?" yes, i know what she means, I'm just too ambarassed.

"oh... nothing" did i make her sad? please don't, i want to see that smile again.

"i know what you mean, frank gave it to me. i seriously don't know why he did that". YES I KNOW WHY HE DID THATT.

"haha don't worry, it's cute that he tried to help you". damn, her smile really is cute.

"you are adorable" i mumble. i snap and realize what i just said, i take a lighter from my back pocket and light my cigarette up.

"sorry, what? ". she is not listening, i hope she's not. we spoke for hours. though it seems like minutes. we laugh a lot, she was talking about NY, i told her about NJ. not much of a difference really, we have the same view of life.

it was getting really late, but the crowd never got calmer. it was about 1am.

y/n's POV:
it was time to say goodbye to ray, i would ask him to walk me home, but my house is to far away from the party. i know i would regret not spending more time with him, so i thought. i had this idea, so i did it.

"ray i need to go home" i said with a sad tone. as i stood up.

"oh do you want me to walk you? "he stood up too. he saw me looking sad, he wanted to make me feel better.

"i wish u could, it's just that it's too far away" i gave him a disappointed sad look.

"owh" he looks down to think of an idea.

"ray?" i spoke, ready for my plan.

"yea-" i cut him off. i kissed him, it was just about 2 seconds. he didn't pull away, he slightly leans in. i can feel he was a little shock, he wasn't expecting that at all. there was a slight pause, i looked down and smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear. "uhhh, goodnight y/n". ray did that too, then he put his hands on his back pockets.

"you're welcome" i laughed it off. as i walk away i shouted "give me a call, ray toro!".

"sure thing!" he waved at me.

i can't believe i did that. it was such a bold move. i still can't stop thinking about it. he really is shy, sometimes i got to make the first move. i told ash and my other friends about the kiss, i didn't tell them who it is though. but, i bet ashley could guess. I'm gonna sleep happy tonight.

ray's POV:
oh shit, i thought in my head. i need to tell someone, definitely not frank. i saw mikey watching tv with some drunks.

"mikey, what's up? ". i sat next to him.

"the beer is running out, good movie though. where have you been? ". he takes a sip of his last cup.

"I'm glad i went out tonight, but maybe next time we should just go to a bar".

"yea? hey atleast the drinks are free" he throws the cup away.

"you know y/n? the girl from last night?". i said.

"uh yeah" he looks at me.

"she was here, and i was with her this whole time" i mumble.

"did she kiss you? " he raise an eyebrow.

"well- what? how did u know? " i gave him a confused look.

"it's written all over your face, man" he taps my shoulder.

"ugh" i bury my head under my my shoulders and extending my arms. this means i gotta make the other moves, she did the first move, what move do i do?

we found the others, gerard is drunk, the most drunk out of the others. frank grabs gee's hand and put it on his shoulder. we walked back to the buss.

"what are you happy about, ray? ". frank teases me. is my face that easy to read?

"he kissed the girl from last night" mikey spats.

"oh shitt, go ray! the girl from last night? good one, man". frank enthusiasticly says.

"yea it was great, I'm gonna give her a call tomorrow". i can't wait to, i think to myself.

"yee-haw" gee said randomly.

"are you sure that's nothing more than alcohol? " i said. the boys laughs, gee gets really weird with alcohol. we got to the bus, and we all tried to sleep the booze off.

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