8: too much

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*pic of ray in the recording studio

no one's POV:

y/n is studying in the middle of the night, cause she will be having a test tomorrow. until...

*phone rings*

y/n: "hello? " her deadpan voice is proof of how burnt out she is.

ray: "y/n?" his voice sounded different than usual.

y/n: "ray? are you okay? " y/n started to worry.

ray: "uhh... yeah I'm alright. it's just that i had... a frustrating day" ray is having a hard time with his words.

y/n: "what happened?" she was clearly concerned.

ray: "to much happened. i think the band is breaking up"

Ray's POV:

~earlier that night~

"man, get out of here. i don't want the others to see you like this" i heard someone arguing as i step out of the recording studio.

"what do you mean, little bro? you guys can't start without me" it's what it seems to be gee and mikey arguing.

"go home, we can talk later, okay?" mikey holds his brother's shoulder.

"hey what's going on here? " i step in. "gerard are you drunk?"

"the hell do i look like, ray?" he walks forward and throw his body all over the place, cause he can't walk straight.

"i don't think you get it gee, we can't let them see you like this. they'll drop our contract" mikey explains. i can hear he exhaustion in his voice.

"come on you guys! it's not a big deal!" he falls on to me. i pick him up. "no, no, no, put me down, ray! ahahha!" he began to push me away, he couldn't cause he's weak right now. i told mikey, I'll take him home. he needs to tell the others that we are done for the day.

i didn't speak a word to gee in the car, cause it's not gee. whoever this person beside me is not the gee that i know. until he breaks the silence.

"you know, i love you ray" his drunken voice said.

"i know, i love you too, but this isn't you" i said coldly.

"i don't know what i am anymore, maybe this is me" he said sloppily. i shake my head, not saying another word. i then pull up to his drive way.

"thanks for the ride" he looks at me.

"yeah" i couldn't look at him, i kept staring at the steering wheel.

he walks to his house and i drive off.

i walk into the apartment that's seems to be be blank space. i was right, it is uncomfortably quiet without her.

*phone rings*

a call from mikey.

ray: "hey"

mikey: "so i told them it's done for today but there's bad news"

ray: "what is it? "

mikey: "matt's done. he quits"

ray: "well, fuck. atleast the record deal is still on right?"

mikey: "yeah"

ray: "how did frank took it?"

mikey: "uhh... bad. he seems off, didn't say much too me"

ray: "should i check on him or something?"

mikey: "nah, nah. i think we all need some alone time right now. we'll talk tomorrow, alright?"

ray: "alright"

*hangs up*

i can feel all my emotions coming through. i space out, looking up at the ceiling. i don't know what will happen tomorrow. this is all i have. maybe i should start looking for a job, just incase. maybe film? i thought of y/n. i might just give her a call.

~fast forward~

your POV:

y/n: "oh" i didn't expect that, i was lost with words. i wish i was there with him, but I'm not. i gotta do the best i can, while being apart.

ray: "we are Just having such a bad time right now. gerard has been going to practices drunk, more than usual. our drummer is quitting. mikey is just tired. frank is sad. i don't know what to do, y/n. please tell me what to do"

y/n: "oh alright, alright. where are you ray?"

ray: "at my place"

y/n: "i left something for you under the bed" I'm hoping my emergency pack is gonna make him feel better.

ray: "what is it?"

y/n: "just look at it"

*sounds of ray walking*

ray: "y/n?"

y/n: "yea?"

ray: "thanks" I'm guessing he found it.

y/n: "do you have my hair tie too?" i smile behind the phone.

ray: "i have it with me. man... i feel better already" i could picture him smiling through the phone.

y/n: "alright. it's quite late don't you think? "

ray: "yeah"

y/n: "try sleeping"

ray: "but i don't want you to go"

y/n: "I'm not going anywhere. lay down with me"

ray: "i can't sleep"

y/n: "i won't sleep until you do"

ray: "y/n, i love you so much. when things go bad, i know that you'll make it better" he said that once before "even when you don't know, you always do"

y/n: "i love you more ray. you are the strongest guy i know" i exhaled heavily "even when you're not trying. you are the best"

our love felt strong tonight. we talked for a long time. he fell asleep after a while, he must be so tired. i hope he has a good day tomorrow, he deserves the world.

ray's POV:

~a few days later~

we are packing our bags. ready for tour, it's called 'warped tour'. it's pretty sick, i know some awesome bands that's gonna perform. though I'm scared for the future of our band, but the others doesn't seem to care, so i probably shouldn't worry.

"nice shirt, ray" mikey said to me when i arrived to the bus.

"thanks" it's the sweater y/n gave to me. it keeps me calm..

I'm getting all the luggages to the back. "frank, where's your bag?" i couldn't find his bag. mikey, gee and i stare at him ready to kick his ass.

"SHIT" he took a second to think.

"you fucking kidding me! " mikey shouted. gerard slaps the back of Frank's head. it seemed like he forgot it back at his house. this is gonna be a long trip to warped.

hey y'all! how are y'all doing? i don't like how sad this chapter is 😔 anywayss have a good day!

ps. RAYMOND IS GON BE 43 DJKWKDKW. I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THATT! 😔 i hope we get some new pictures! 😭

stay gold,
ice bear.

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