4: surprise

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your POV:

it's been 5 weeks since ray left. we never stopped texting and we just started penpaling. ray suggested I should visit for the summer, i said i'll think about it. but i actually already decided.

i have Frank's number, we called before. i planned a surprise, frank thinks it's a good idea, he was so stoked he told the other boys. they are all in it. i got the information that i needed, and ready to go.

the plan is, they are all gonna cancel their practice last minute. so i have time to sneak into his apartment, with the key frank gave me.

~the day of~

ray's POV:

I'm getting back to my apartment they forgot to tell me that the practice is cancelled for today. i decided i would get some liquor. i usually just get a bottle of whiskey, but i had this gut feeling of wine,  so i got that.

I'm opening the door of my apartment. i put my jacket on the hanger. i walk to the kitchen and got a glass for my wine.

"boo! " *camera clicks*

i jumped.


"fucking hell!  what are you doing here, silly?? " i bend forward a little bit to hug her. she laughs.

"surprisee!, visiting you of course" we both pulled away. her hands on my shoulder and my hands on her waist. "still looking good ray" she pats my face.

"ah, you know. my famous Beefaroni diet" i tap my stomach. she laughs. "this is so unexpected, but i don't mind".

"yeah, it's called a surprise rayy!"

i told her to bring the wine to the couch. i took another glass with me. we catch up on a lot of things. she told me the guys are all in this. so we gave them a call.

gerard: "hello"

y/n: "gee,  I'm heree! "

gerard: "y/n!" we can hear the guys speaking in the background.

mikey: "put it on speaker, man! "

gerard: "jesus wait! " i look at y/n, we both just shake our head.

frank: "hey y/n!,  how was your train?! "

ray: "frank,  you're on speaker you don't have to yell" she laughs.

y/n: "it was alright, it was exhausting though"

ray: "i can't believe you guys could hide this from me, u guys could never keep a secret"

mikey: "first time for everything right? "

we continued the call for a few more minutes. y/n looks really tired, and she yawned for the 3rd time. i said goodbye to the guys. she fell asleep already. i take a clean blanket and a pillow. i move her into a more comfortable position on the couch and kissed her forehead.

~next morning~

i feel something warm, something i'm holding. it's y/n. she must've crawled into my bed at night. she smells so nice, her hair smells like vanilla.

"good morning, ray" she said, i must've woken her up somehow. shit, did she notice me sniffing her head?

"morning" i stretch my arms and yawned.

"what's for breakfast?"

"oh, yeah. we are gonna see the boys. is that alright?"

"really? that's sounds great". she sit up. "where's the bathroom?"

"it's on the corner left" she gets up and left.

she took 30 minutes to get ready, and i did absolutely nothing. we left and walk to the diner.

your POV:

this walk is wonderful, jersey has less tall buildings than New York, but it has the same vibe. today, i woke up in ray's arms, he was spooning me. his head was so close to mine i think he was breathing on me, i got chills on my arms.

"y/n?!". a voice called for me. shit, i thought to myself. i know that voice. it's brad. i look at ray, with disappointment on my face. i slowly turn around. "who the fuck's this? " he yells.

"who the fuck are you? " ray had a cool tone,  but scary.

"no one, what are you u doing here stalker?" i answered, i didn't expect him to be here. what a small world right?

"I'm visiting a family, what are you doing here?" he still had a mad tone. brad is so annoying.

"none of your business, i think it's better if we just ignore each other, i really can't deal with you" i turn around to walk away.

"hey, I'm not done talking" he pulls my arm. ray saw this.

ray punches him, a right jab. i immediately separated the two.

"stop it!" i yell out. brad almost hit me, but he didn't. "come on, ray. lets go" i grab his arm and fast walk away from brad, just like the last time i went away from brad.

ray's POV:

"y/n you gotta tell who that guy is" i blocked her way, my hands on her shoulders. standing infront of her.

"he's my ex, we broke up 8 months ago" she looks down.

"did he ever hit you? " i lower my head to face her. is she jumpy because he hit her? what did he do to make her like this? i like to scare her a lot, she must have so much trauma. I'm so messed up, i should have known.

"he use to pull my arm a lot, my arm use to be all blue and shit" i pulled her to sit on the bench,  after i heard her sniffles, i knew we need to sit down for this. "i never thought i would get into a toxic relationship like that, I'm glad i got out when i could" her voice cracks and got whiney,  and more sniffles. she tried to tone down her cry, i can tell she's holding back. "he makes me feel uncomfortable, remember when we had our date? " i nodded. "him and his friends was there, i didn't want him to ruin our date like this".

i embraces her from the side with my head flopped over. she laughs, she really does try to make things better. such a tough girl.

"you are my own personal teddy bear" she flopped her head on my shoulder. "oh shit, the guys! "

~fast forward~

your POV:
"hey!  there they are" gerard shouts. i just realized gerard has this cute accent.

"gee!" i hug him, i never really spoke to him much the last time i saw him. but, we talked a lot on the phone, when plotting our plan.

"what took so long? " frank open one of his arm to hug me.

"i made him show me the long way, sorry". i lied, but i am sorry.

"hi" i said to mikey,  mikey didn't say anything he just smile and went in for a hug.

we sat down,  and ordered breakfast. they promised me that they will show me around after this. i just knew this is gonna be a great summer.

hi can we talk about how vocal ray is on twitter? boys who are educated on things like that are my weaknesses. oh you watched podcasts on systematic racism and how the government is fucked? that's hot. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote if you do! ty.

stay gold,
ice bear.

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