7: stay with me

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ray's POV:

today is her last day here. she's packing all her stuff. I was just laying down infront of the tv, when y/n calls me.

"hey do u know where my brush is? " y/n said behind the couch.

"here" i have a trick up my sleeve. i took her hair brush from the table and raise it up.

"thanks" she was about to take it from me. then i pulled her to the couch. wrapping my arms around her. "ahh-" i wouldn't let go of her "ray, what are you doing? " her voice muffled cause her face is buried on my chest.

"nothing, just cuddling my girlfriend" i planted several kisses all over her face "you can do all that later, stay with me" i connected my forehead against hers.

"okay, alright" her head on my soulder and her hand on my chest rubbing it. we watched whatever there was on tv.

your POV:

i noticed that ray fell asleep. i tried to get up without waking him up. i went to the bedroom and continue to pack my stuff.

i should leave something for ray, i thought to myself. i picked out my green sweater, fold it nicely and hid it under the bed. i then pull the the hair tie from my hair and put it on top. for safe keeping, incase of an emergency.

~time passes~

"rayy! sweetheart, come on!" i shout from outside the apartment. "my flight is in 2 hours!" i got into the car.

"alright, alright" he ran from inside, he closes the trunk of the car, and got into the driver's seat. "can't a guy pee in peace?" he starts the car "ready babe?" i look at him and shook my head.

"yeap, let's go!" i said enthusiasticly.

from the apartment to the airport is an hour drive.

"hey, you alright?" ray tap my shoulder. I've been blanking this whole time. "you haven't said anything for 5 minutes"

"my bad, i was just thinking" i fake smile and look down at my hands.

"about what?"


"might as well tell me now, we don't have much time" he raise an eyebrow and a side smirk.

"don't say that!" i hit his arm, playfuly.

"sorry, sorry" he laugh a bit and raise his hand up for defense.

"what do we do now, ray? I don't know what I'd do without you" my voice drops a little, sounding sadder.

"you are gonna be fine! infact, you are gonna do great. how do u go along before i came?" his voice is in a "don't worry" voice tone, acting chill.

"i was good, i guess. i would get out every weekend" i tried to remember what i would usually do.

"i won't stop you from doing that. i never would!"

"i knoww... but i could be spending that time with you, ya know?" i frown and fiddled with my fingers.

"i know, i honestly don't know what to do too. my apartment is gonna feel so empty" i smile after he said that, knowing i had the emergency pack that i left for him. "it won't be long"

"remember, you are gonna visit after the tour" i grab his hand, so he would listen to me carefully, and stare at him.

"wouldn't miss it for the world" his eyes still glued to the front, cause he's still driving.

"good" i took my hand off from his. i look at some cd so i could play them. i took the misfits cd, and turned it on.

i was just singing to the songs then ray took my hand from the air and held it. i wasn't expecting that, so i stopped singing cause i was blushing. i looked at him and nervous laughed, blushing like crazy. we continued to sing the songs together.

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