i love spinning in my spinny chair

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spin me round again and again

and again and again and again

and again and again and again

a thousand revolutions!!!!

then bring me to a halt
so that it is vertigo
that muddles my head
and not the interior pounding
against porcelain skull

i am stationary
but my eyes clutch
at thrilling nostalgia
dance again! they scream
and with a fierce tug to the


at my optic nerves
they squash my jelly brain to jam
on walls of skeletal glass
dance again! they shriek
gripping skinny reins of nerves
and with a mighty


they summon a hurricane in my tub
kaijune force whipping hairline cracks
from which purple berry jam bleeds out
drip drip dripping out of my right earlobe
earth's colossal magnet
pulling the liquid taut
a perpendicular maroon thread
down to the ground

i giggle
because my glass bowl
has spilled its contents
and i see pirouettes of frenzy
you're dancing! you're dancing!
you're alive

candy swirl orbs spy
rainbow taffy pulled in ribbons
circling round and round
in white nougat hollow
but a body made of rock sugar
a stalagmite in reverse
to the distant left
there is drumming on my ivory door

shut up

i spin again
to feel alive

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