✨ Second Meeting & Becoming Friends ✨

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| Gon |

- You and Gon met again while sitting in the arena. Killua was in the ring fighting against his opponent. When you saw the black haired boy sitting all by himself, looking impatiently at the fight. He was fidgeting nervously making you worry slightly. 

- When you sat down next to him, he jumped slightly. You introduced yourself as did he the both of you watching his friend Killua, beat his opponent in seconds. When he thanked you properly for helping him earlier.

- Killua was not so welcoming when he saw you with Gon but he let a small smile slide anyways. Gon on the other hand couldn't stop smiling for getting another friend. Offering you stick with them through Heavens arena.

- You accepted. The three of you going through the rest of the day together. All the way, Gon couldn't be anymore happier.

| Killua |

- You met Killua again in a cafe. He was eating some pastries with a really pretty long haired girl, who was busy gobbling the delicacies. That's when he noticed you looking for a seat.

- He wasn't generally glad to see you there but nonetheless offered you to join them. He was really cautious regarding something and you could tell. You met Alluka, his umm sister. 

- He would bug with a question ever so often until Alluka stopped him saying he's making you uncomfortable. There forth he would casually ask about your nen and other abilities, without realizing the both of you talked until sunset.

- By the end of the day, Alluka took a liking to you and wanted to hang out again soon. Reluctantly, Killua asked for your number for his sister. Bruh! who are you trying to fool with that you thought, but gave it to him anyways.

| Hisoka |

- Ever since your encounter with the clown guy you couldn't shake the creepy feeling. Unfortunately one night you had to cross by the same street again since you were running late. Doing your best to avoid anyone and anything at all.

- Bad luck sweetie! when you turned just round the corner you spotted a group of men drunk and you knew right away this wasn't going to end well. The second you tried to walk past them without so even glancing their way, one of them grabbed your arm yanking you against him. 

-  Suddenly he gave a terrified look and backed away slowly with his friends running off leaving him behind. You turned around to find the same guy with a frown on his face. You thanked him for whatever he did! A smile playing on his lips.

- Surprisingly enough he offered to drop you off to the end of the dark streets at least. Had it been for any other situation you would've bolted but given your still nervous conscious you agreed. Keeping your distance from the guy as he made small talk walking by your side, you couldn't help but smile. Maybe clowns aren't so bad! Maybe...

| Illumi |

- It was the sixth time that the same pair of friends!? showed up at the bar. They've been making it a habit for every weekend. By now you would even get their drinks without them even ordering it. Hisoka was a smooth talker.

- They mostly kept to themselves but the black haired guy seemed to be the quiet type cause he never held a chat with you expect for asking you to refill his drink, he was a pleasant person though. Hisoka was the one who took the liberty of trading each other's names.

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