👉🏻 Hand Holding 👈🏻

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Gon couldn't help but have a debate with his stuttering self. "(Y/n) chan wouldn't mind me holding her hand right!?" is what he's prolly thinking about. After minutes of grumbling under his breath, he would finally take your hand in his in a gentle loving grip, flustering you. Holding your hand would have him grinning widely making you visibly blush more leaving the on lookers to say something like "Cute". He is afterall, a bright ball of sunshine. Gon will definitely make this a thing from then for whenever you guys go out from time to time...or even if you don't~


He was so conflicted about it that you even caught him staring at your hand in a death glare. It was like he was trying to overcome a hurdle and it's taking everything in him to get it done. But all of it flew away when he heard you chuckle at his helplessness. Oh no! He literally snatched your hand gripping it tightly while a pink colour dusted his cheeks. With a shaky frown to mask his embarrassment he losened his grip a bit to slide his fingers in between yours. Poor baby~ hopefully you didn't hear his ragging heartbeat or he yours.


This guy is the sneaky one. You would probably be talking to someone else or focused on something to realise it. It's only when you feel a warm strong hold on your hand that you look slightly amused and surprisingly at the Magician only for him to smile down at you. He just adores how small your hand is in comparison to his. It makes a part of him want to protect you from anything that might be lingering the next corner. He wouldn't let go of your hand at all 🔸~


He was unsure about it. Not "if he should!" No! More like "what's the point?" Yup. That's Illumi we're talking about. On the other hand ever since he started dating you, a part of him wants you just to himself. So it came as a surprise to both you and him when his cold and slightly rough hand held yours. It was such a gentle grip that had you not been paying attention to him, you probably wouldn't have noticed. Still neither did he let go or showed any sign of dislike. Actually, he kind of liked it plus he would do anything to see you shy like that.


Chrollo pretty much loves being all flirty and cheerful around you. So when you asked him to hold onto the dogs leashes cause they were being too troublesome to handle by yourself, you never expected Chrollo to grab your hand and run in the same direction as the dogs led you. His laugh was beautiful. Though it seemed stupid running after a bunch dogs who were busy chasing a squirrel, his hand gripped yours tightly...it felt nice.


This baby was a bit awkard when this thought suddenly crashed in his brain with a BOOMAJHVDHFBIAHD. Ahem. You both were in the city and honestly, he was a bit uncomfortable. He didn't even about think it, he was just nervous and felt out of place so he did what he thought would calm him. You were startled suddenly when you felt his comparatively bigger hand grasp yours in a firm grip. Giving him a small nod and smile you caressed the back of his hand with your thumb soothing him. And poof it became a habit.


This guy wasn't shy or gave it any thought nope. He just needed to make sure that Machi wasn't looking. Lol. The moment the group split he grabbed your hand in his leading you in the other direction. Your flustered look made him chuckle and place a quick kiss on the side of your head. "You're just too adorable Princess, and all mine" he would smirk, turning that blush to a darker shade of red. You wouldn't tell him but even if it's just for a while you don't want him to let go of your hand.


He's not particularly fond of it. Not that he hates it or anything no!! It's just this one thing known as "comrades". He hates that. His 'family' howled in laughter when they saw Feitan and you holding hands, saying something along the lines "You lost Baby boyy~" (LMAO). He snapped at them so he usually doesn't like hand holding. But if you REALLY want to then after a comment or two he'd give in. He has a huge soft spot for you and those puppy dog eyes.


Keep calm and love Meruem. Is the mission kids. This precious baby literally spend a whole hour playing with your hand, intervening his fingers with yours and then letting go to only repeat it again for a few minutes to convey the final judgement "Your hand is really soft and delicate My queen". He would trace the lines on your palm checking if yours match with his. He would latch himself to your hand from then forth whenever you and him stroll around or een if you both are just laying around. He loves holding that fragile hand of yours.

Woo~ I'm sorry for taking so long. My college is just as merciful as Feitan...so yeah! But may I add the love I'm getting- I mean the book is getting is unbelievable and is really appreciated~ <3 I read all ya comments and that's exactly what's keeping me working for more. Make sure to like comment and subscribe lol! See ya next time my readers~

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