💭 They Think About You 💭

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| Gon |

- This hard-working cute boi thinks about you a lot! Like really. Sometimes Killua has to punch him to wake him up from his dream land. His mind goes wondering on to if you think he's strong? if he's handsome? if he's someone you'd date....wait a second what!?

- Gon loves your smile, and he is aware of that. He'll do anything to make you smile and laugh cause he thinks it brightens his day. He may or may not find himself wondering if you can stay by his side forever. Whenever he trains with you he realizes that you're a strong girl who can take care of herself and admires you for that, but then his ego as a 'man' gets hurt. Lol!

- This boy gets slightly nervous when you and Killua are talking cause he thinks that his best friend might be able to make you fall for him. Though no matter how hard he tries, the fact that someone else might take you away....it saddens this boy. Then there comes the thought of why it affects him, the first day this question popped in his head he couldn't focus on anything the entire day.

- He knew he couldn't talk to Killua about it so sneakily he called Leorio. The second this cutie told everything to his older friend, he howled in laughter stating that Gon likes you. Yup! and from that second forth he could no longer control his emotions around you. He will smile and grin happily, tag along with you like a pup even compliment you from time-to-time.

'It's decided then, I'll ask (Y/n) out on a date!' 

| Killua |

- Ok people! Killua's no stupid. He know what he knows. The fact that you're a beautiful girl who cares for his sister and is badass as well, he knows he finds that attractive. This little assassin often finds himself lost in thoughts of whether you can like him back! Though you're a weirdo but he seems to be attracting a lot of weird people lately.

- Killua loves to hang out with you. As much as he doesn't wants to admit it, he likes to be alone with you but then Alluka has to be looked after. One reason why Killua buys you food all the time is because he loves how your eyes lighten up every time you enjoy your meals. Being raised in a family of assassins with being taught not to love or care, he found himself craving more and more of you. 

- When he finally put his actions and feelings together for you, he was frustrated. He would spend hours playing video games or eating chocolates to distract himself but his mind would go back to you. He knew he liked you. He wasn't ready for that. He wasn't ready to put someone in danger just because of his greed to be with them, it would haunt him forever if something happened to you due to him.

- He couldn't stop himself though. The day he sorted out his feelings for you he knew he needed to act on them or you'll leave sooner or later. This badass killer would try his best to take you out to more fancy or beautiful places. He may try to hold you hand out of nowhere making some excuse to know if you'd stay or let go. He'd be delighted the moment you'd hold his hand back tighter.

'Ok! maybe I can make this work afterall'

| Hisoka |

- Ok where do I start.... this psychotic jester of a man is only there to kill some time he has on his hands. Or so he planned. Hisoka never ever in a lifetime planned on 'actually' feeling something for someone. He merely kept a companion or rather an interesting girl beside him he happened to bump into one day. 

- Something. That's the word for what he felt. It wasn't his usual obsession to see what you're capable of or if he could use you in any way. He enjoyed your company. He liked to have your small figure walking by his side. To know someone (you) is depended on him if danger is right about the corner. To have someone who sees you as a normal person for once.

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