🍦🚲 You Guys Hang Out 🍦🚲

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| Gon |

- Gon being the over-energetic one he is he often drags you along with him and Killua to train,  which usually ends up with you and Killua bickering about each other's weak strategies and how you let the other win. You both soon could've been ripping each other's throats had it not been the sweet little cinnamon roll to step in. Pulling his best-friend away.

- You would often find yourself staying up late with Gon at the gym talking about your past experiences and future dreams. Even though you didn't wanted to pry into his personal space, Gon would tell you all about his father and how he works hard everyday to meet him one day. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for him for never meeting his father. 

- He would walk you to your room and come to pick up you in the morning as well. Though a grumpy looking white head would always complain about you being a 'princess' who takes a lot of time. Gon may or may not try to sit next to you most of the times be it at the eating table or in the audience. He just couldn't help but keep chatting with you with every chance he got.

- After you guys met Wing, the three of you would stick together even longer practicing your nen. Both you and Gon were Enhancers which made you both even closer. He would share all the tricks he could master while you would always try to keep up with the both of them knowing the fast learners they were. Little by little you and Gon got closer than you both realized.

| Killua |

- Killua called you sooner than you hoped. Which was the very next day. He and Alluka of-course! would call you to join them whenever they went somewhere new. Be it an amusement park, an aquarium, a fancy restaurant or even a carnival. 

- You would look out for Alluka just like Killua maybe the reason why you would often find the assassin staring at you. You guys wouldn't talk much but would always find the other by your side. The occasional hand brushes, shoulders bumps or even catching each other off-guard by holding hands to not to get separated in the crowd like an instinct, hit you guys long after the little Alluka points it out. 

- Often people would mistake you for a cute young couple. Which ends up with a lot of stuttering and blushing cheeks. The way both of you try to keep up your cool badass aura mostly makes the other smirk or chuckle, knowing full well about the dork you both can be.

- Killua would always walk you back to your hotel without a word. Soon it became a habit and none of you would even pay any heed to it. Random questions about life and sudden awkward jokes about your families were way too common between you two which none of you ever expected. Killua soon found himself getting used to having you in his life.

| Hisoka |

- You didn't wanted to but you found yourself crossing the same street again and again with Hisoka by your side. Even though you could easily take the other way round, which was even shorter as he stated, you still lingered on the same dark street with the red-haired 'Magician'. Oh yeah! he corrected you on the very first day, he wasn't a clown no! He was a magician. So, you made it a point to remember that.

- Even when Hisoka gave off this creepy and scary aura like....all the time. You felt at ease by his side. He would even perform some small tricks at times making you giggle at his antics. One thing you noticed about your 'waking partner' was that he noticed even the smallest details about you or the change in your mood. Not to mention, Hisoka is a pretty good listener.

- Hisoka rarely like you don't even remember if he ever called you by your name!! He would find the weirdest or cutest names for you 'Butterfly'  'Princess'  'Bunny'  'Rose' Oh! this one time he called you 'Kitten' which made you let out a small 'Meow' in amusement. He didn't let you live that down for a really long time. He also told you about how there were so many potential hunters out there he would like to fight against. That explained the bruises!

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