‼ He Blushes ‼

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| Gon |

The three of you Gon Killua and you, were out to the market to get some snacks

"(Y/n) chan do you want ice-cream?" Gon asked holding up a huge box of ice-cream

"Yeah why not!" you nodded your head with a smile, picking out some chips and gum

In the corner of the shop you noticed a certain silver haired teen overflowing the cart with chocolates, with a grinning cat face.

'Killua must really love those...'

Leaving the shop, you stood dumbfounded at the exit. It was raining heavily. There was no way you'd make it like that, with no umbrella not to mention. You gave a long sigh as Killua started muttering something under his breath 

A hand gently took yours interlacing it's fingers with yours, it was Gon.

"I think we should we wait for a while, or we can just make a run for it" he suggested peering at you and his best-friend for a reply

"It's not gonna stop for a while and it's starting to get dark soon as well. We can try..." the little assassin shrugged

It was a bad idea.

The snacks were wet, you were wet, your clothes were wet and the floor was dripping. 

"I said we could've waited" you grumbled brushing a hand through your wet hair

While running at an incredible speed to reach the hotel on time, you people jumped into some puddles, pushes to each other and eventually ended up wet like a cat. Gon and Killua took off their jackets but get their shirts on, you did too your jacket I meant but...

"Umm (Y-Y/n) chan..." you looked back at Gon and Killua both their faces flushed red

Gon was blushing red with round wide eyes trying to avoid your gaze while Killua was looking away with a red hue covering his cheeks as well his posture rather stiff

'Hmmm is something wrong? why are they blushing?'

You were just about to ask them but they flinched visibly. 

"Ah!" it hit you, looking down at your wet pink shirt clinging onto you turning almost transparent you gave a small scream rushing to your room 

"(Y/n) chan will be angry with me...." 

"At least you're her boyfriend..."

| Killua |

Today you were babysitting Alluka.

"Umm is there something you need?" you asked her politely sitting on the opposite couch from her

"No! I'm fine with just spending the time with you (Y/n) nee" she beamed at you

As much as you would love to believe that Alluka means no harm to you or anyone. You finally witnessed what happens when her wish is not fulfilled. It was just some days ago in the park, you and Killua turned away only for a minute when this piercing cry echoed in the park. 

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