👀💋 First Kiss 💋👀

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| Gon |

You and Gon were coming back from another one of your dates. Laughing and conversing about nen sometimes, you both failed to notice a certain silver head tailing you both secretly from the shadows

"Ne (Y/n) chan...do you think Killua- umm" Gon tries to say but ends up rubbing his neck

Stop walking you turn over to your adorable boyfriend and tilt your head to the side 

"I...recently I've been spending less time with Killua cause we're always together, do you think he will start to-" he murmurs lowering his head looking at the ground

You cup his cheeks in both your hands and squish them a bit turning his face up to yours with a smile

"No! Killua is you best friend Gon. True you guys have been hanging around less lately but he won't ever hate you or drift away from you for that..." you smile squishing his cheeks more

"Really!" his eyes glimmer in hope

"Of-course! Oh then how about this, you guys should spend go out somewhere like you used to!" you advised him

"Yes! I will, after all...KILLUA IS MY BEST-FRIEND" he cheers throwing his hands up

"GON!!!!" you hear someone yell

It wall happens in slow-motion, you thought you saw Killua jump out from a bush and the next Gon tumbles over when Killua pushes into him jerking him forward and before you could react the black haired teen urges forward slamming his lips to yours.

You both stay like that for 5 seconds in shock before moving back with embarrassed faces. A red tint on your cheeks though before either of you could speak a word you see Killua falling backward and lose consciousness


| Killua |

"No Alluka you can't ask (Y/n) for her heart!" Killua scolded his sister for the third time, standing under your building

You hid behind a wall a bit scared to make your entrance since Killua told you a bit about Alluka and her conditions as 'Nanika'

"Hey! I didn't keep you both waiting for long did I!?" you step out seeing you boyfriend smile at you his hands in his pockets as usual

"Let's go (Y/n) nee~" Alluka suddenly appears grabbing your hand smiling happily 

You felt a certain uncertainty of being alone with Alluka for God knows what she might ask for! Just then, your boyfriend comes along draping his arm on your shoulder bringing you to his side

"You okay sweets?" he asks his sapphire eyes captivating yours, you lightly nod

"(Y/n) nee~" Alluka stares up at you her hands folded behind her

"What i-is it Alluka?" you try to sound calm 

"I want...." you feel a sickening feeling erupting in your chest as you hear the words 'I want'

"...you to kiss Killua Nii-chan" she ends

"HUH!!!" both you and Killua yell at the same time. A blush rising to both your faces becoming a nervous and stuttering mess. Still, you didn't want anything like Killua told you to happen when Alluka's wish is not fulfilled. With slightly trembling hands you grasp the Zoldyck's shoulders stilling him 

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