Chapter Ten: Preparations with a New Friend

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Quentin left early again the next morning. He was in a slightly better mood than what he was beforehand. Today, he was more bored than anything. The day had no meaning, just another day at work. Feeling like this just added another one, the irritation.

Penny had a night with no nightmares. It wasn't an easy night, but she didn't have any dreams. She tossed and turned, all around fitful night. However, once it was time to get out of bed, it was hard to find the motivation. She just wanted to stay in bed and go back to sleep, but she also knew she had a guest coming over. So, she dragged her body out of bed and into the bathroom.

Her body feels as those the center of the earth is pulling her down. So, to succumb to this feeling, she turns on the bath and lays down in water too hot for her skin to handle.

She didn't get out until there was a knock at the door, "Penny, Daniel Romano is here to see you."

Penny says okay and starts to drain the water. She sits at the bottom of the tub and watch the dirty water drain away. She dries off quickly and puts on another pair of black leggings and this times a dark gray shirt.

Penny brought down her computer, hoping that Dan might know the WIFI password. It felt so stupid...this little mission of hers. All she wanted was to use the internet, but thing after thing just prevented her.

He is sitting on the couch with an iPad in his lap and scrolling through his phone. Once she is downstairs, she says, "I'm sorry about the wait. I was in the bath and lost track of time. I also didn't know what time you were coming." Penny forces a smile and laugh. She was actually glad to see someone who is nice to her.

"It's okay Penny," he looks up from his phone. "How about we get started?"

Penny started to feel better being in Dan's presences. He was like a shining star in the family, much like his younger sister Addison. They were both people that absolutely loved life and every part of it. Penny would love to learn how to feel that way.

Together, the two moved to the dining room table and sat across from each other.

"So, Penny can you just give me the basics about what you can do and then a list of shows and credentials you have," Danny gives her a smile and opens up the iPad to write down her answers.

"Well, I am a mezzo soprano and I do have dancing experience, specifically in tap and jazz..." Penny continued to give a run-down of all the shows she has been in since freshman year of high school. It was a good number of shows, and she proud of the roles she has landed.

"Nice!" Daniel exclaims when she finished, and Penny blushes a little. "This is an awesome rap sheet you've got. Ugh, why are you so amazing? So, what are your normal audition songs?"

Penny was blushing like crazy, not offended was she complimented, "For a ballad I do Crossing a Bridge from Anastasia. For the upbeat song, I do a cut version of Roxie from Chicago. I just like to have fun with the song."

"Okay, can you pull up the back tracks on your computer so I can listen," Dan says while typing on his computer. It was interesting for Penny to see Daniel in a serious, working mood. At dinner the other night, all he was doing to cracking jokes and teasing his siblings. Now, he was all business.

"About that..." Penny looked down, embarrassed. "Quentin hasn't given it to me ye.t I was hoping that you knew the password."

"Wow! My brother is a huge asshole," there was the man Penny met at dinner. "I'll call him and say that I need it." He pulled out his phone.


A half hour earlier, Quentin was working in his office like every other weekday. Like usual, he was distracted by other things. His office was decorated purposely so he couldn't get distracted by random things. He had his desk with a monitor, a couch at the other end by the wall, a chair in front of him. To his right, he had a filing cabinet and the key belonged to his receptionist. The office was also on the top, so he could barely see below him.

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