Chapter Twenty-Nine: Surprise Guest

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"Dylan, you're here."

That was Dylan Romano, Daniel's twin brother and the man who has been away for his family for years. The resemblance between the brothers was striking. They were copies of each other, except for different clothes and hair styles. Both had a clean shaved face and vivid green eyes. The shade of blond was as if it was from one tube of paint. If they stood back to back, the height would be the same, even the width of every muscle in the body.

It was astonishing how similar they are.

However, his aura was different. Penny observed how he hugged his mother. Amelia was tightly holding onto her son, afraid that he was going to leave her. She buried her head into his chest as if to make sure he was real. She had wet tears forming in the corners of her eyes, not willing to have a full blown breakdown before Thanksgiving dinner.

Danny, the closest brother, eyes were wide open, with similar tears in his eyes. His arms swayed back and forth, ready to attack his brother when given the chance. He had a growing smile on his lips, just excited to see him again.

Dylan, on the other hand, had a neutral face. No emotion whatsoever crossed his face as his mother started to cry into his chest. His arms were loosely around her, as if he didn't even want to touch her. He was closed-off and not there for family.

He is here for a reason, Penny determined. He was familiar, as if she met his cold personality before, but she couldn't put his figure on it.

Amelia let go of her son and everyone else got a chance to reconnect with the long lost brother. The last time they saw him was at Tessa's birth when he went to visit the mother and father. So, it has been three years. Sofia and Ben had to reintroduce Dylan to their children. Lukas was excited for another fun uncle. Tessa was a little confused in how similar he looked to Uncle Danny. She turned her head away and hid in her mother's hair.

Lastly, Quentin had to introduce his guest: Penny and Birdie. He started off with Penny, saying that he was her wife. They politely shook hands. She was still unsure of him. Lastly, Alberta Cotta was introduced as William Marshall's previous maid, and Penny's closest person to the family. For the first time, Dylan's expression changed, from the neutral expression to a sinister look.

This will be so easy for me, he thinks to himself.

"Why don't we eat before the food get's cold," Dante shouts to the whole family and everyone crowded Dylan as they walk back to the dining room.

Throughout the dinner, he discussed what he had been doing for three years. Well, he didn't go into detail, except for the fact that he has been traveling and exploring the world. The most exploring he does on his trips is the inside of a hotel room or the body of a dead man.

Quentin was lost in the stories of his brother, describing various locations. He always looked up to the man, now more than ever. He was a free man, able to travel the world. When he traveled, the only thing he explored was the inside of a conference room.

The two didn't realize how alike they were.

Penny, on the other hand, didn't care much for the man. She focused on her food and nursing her vodka drink beside her. She soon became clumsy with her fork and knife, unable to cut some turkey or unable to scoop up some mashed potatoes. She was afraid to talk at the moment. Her speech might slur, or she might do her favorite thing when she was drunk: talking her ass off about her father. It's the reason why she never gets drunk. She got drunk twice in her life. Once with Ms. Birdie on her 21st birthday. Most of the time was spent ranting about her father Second was at her first official cast party after her first job. She sat next to a random girl who was involved and told her whole life story. Thankfully, after asking her the next day what she remembered, it was nothing. That girl got black out drunk, and the moment Penny told her life story, she blacked out. 

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