Chapter Forty-Four: One Fateful Night

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They finished Act Two that morning, fixed a few things, and eat lunch. Penny got a chance to change out of her costume for lunch, so that it doesn't get stained and ruined. Corey remained distant, surprisingly not saying anything about the kiss. However, his grins and smirks clearly reveal how he felt. 

At lunch, the girls (except Malia who seemed slightly jealous) teased her about the kiss, how they would actually be a good couple. That Penny could change his cocky attitude and teach him how to be a good person. But Penny doesn't want that role. She doesn't want to end up with someone who is less then decent and have the responsibility of changing him. She already has a husband at home, who is above decent. He didn't need her to work him, since he already did it himself. He changed without her immediate help. 

But she didn't say how she had feelings for her husband, since it was none of there business. 

Soon it was time to get the dress back on and practice Act One. Thankfully, Corey didn't have anything to do and was sent off to help the crew load the truck to move anything else to the theater. 

It ran rather smoothly. Sure there were some mistakes here and there. Specifically, Penny missed one arm movement in a dance. It wasn't a big deal. However, she seemed out of touch. Looking at the door every so often, watching everyone who came in and out. 

Every so often when Penny and one of the girls were back stage, they would always make fun and tease her, claiming that she was looking for Corey. 

It was strange because Penny kind of was. She wants to apologize for being so rude to him in the beginning. He wasn't so bad. He started to treat the girl and rest of the cast with more respect. He gave Penny her distances.

And he sure knows how to kiss a woman! Penny blushed at her thoughts. She couldn't help it. She doesn't know if its the therapy, Quentin, or the dress, but Penny was feeling some things she was repressing for a long time. She never dated or kissed a man outside of stage, even if she wanted to. She kept those feelings and urges deep down so that no one can see them. Now, it is all spilling out. 

Penny felt the urge to explore her sexuality. Not explore who she feels attracted to, but what to do with that attraction. She almost feels torn...torn between Quentin and Corey. Corey was just this random dude. He would mean nothing to her but a fling. For Quentin, however, Penny felt much deeper for him. Every morning she would wake up, sit across from him, and stare into his green eyes. Their connection building everyday. Penny has a feelings that soon she will never want to leave Quentin, and there marriage would actually be a marriage. 

Penny doesn't know if she wants to be with just one person, because there is always that fear that someone else is out there. 

It is a lot to think about right now for Penny. She is one week from the first show and she is trying to understand her past childhood trauma. Penny makes a mental note to talk about all of this with Aubrey when she sees her next. 

After final notes and words from the director, it was time to leave for the day. Penny went back to the bathroom to slip off the dress. But first, she took her phone and took a few mirror pictures. Sending some of the more classy ones to Quentin. In response, she got some emojis with heart eyes and a few worried questions: does it fit well, are you comfortable, do you like it?

Once handing the dress bag back to Rosa, who will take it personally to the theater, Penny finally texted him back. She addressed all his questioned and asked out his day. She got her jacket and her bag from the music room, saying goodbye to everyone, and started to exit the building. 

She continued texting Quentin during her walk back. She had become so accustom to the path, she would walk it her her sleep. She stopped briefly, glancing every so often at the light, waiting for it to be the pedestrians turn. Once it turn white, Penny looked down at her phone and started walking across. 

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