Chapter Twenty-Two: Kidnapped

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DR did not wake up suddenly. It was a slow process, assisted by awful, terrible pain. He has felt his share of hangovers over the years, but this one takes the crown. He drank an outrageous amount of alcohol, so much so that he doesn't remember very much from the night, including where he is and how he got there. 

He wants to open his eyes, but his head hurts so much. He prefers to keep his eyes screwed shut, afraid of where he was. He tried to move his hands to rub his eyes, then realized that he couldn't move. 

He really needed to open his eyes now. 

At first, his vision was unclear, a gentle fuzz blanketed his eyes. One his eyes adjusted, the first thing he realized was that the room was dark. Some light peaked out from a window curtain, but it was still dark. The second thing he realized was that he was laying on his side, with his hands tied together and chained to the bed. 

Kinky, was the first thing that came to his mind. Then he thought, Shit! How the fuck did this happen?

He shimmed himself to a sitting position. The chain relaxed, which gave him more freedom to move his arms. The first thing he did was try to break free. However, he soon gave up once seeing that the chain was attached to a lock that required a key he clearly did not have. 

The next thing he tried was yelling into the void, "HELLO KIDNAPPERS! I AM AWAKE! I MAY THROW UP ON THE BED AND I ALSO HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!"

He gave it a second, not expecting his kidnappers to come right away. He himself has never been kidnapped, but The Company does teach its employee what to do just in case. 

A few minutes later a man with tan skin, tattoos, and a buzz cut walks into the bedroom. Sadly, this wasn't Ross DeLuca. This was most likely a member of the gang meant to scare him. Maybe the goal was to get him to stop investigating. Either way, it made DeLuca look even more suspicious. An innocent man wouldn't kidnap another innocent man. 

The man grabbed a wooden chair in the room and sat down. He was leaned back, legs opens in the typical "man-spread" fashion, and his arms crossed over his chest. DR was good at recognizing body language. This man was trying to show his dominance over him. 

The man across from DR spoke first, "So, I hear you are going after one of our own? DeLuca, right?" 

DR was in a horrible mood, especially with a full bladder, upset stomach, and raging headache all while tied to a bed. In response, he just shrugs his shoulders and looks around the room. 

"You know," the man threatened, "I don't have to do anything. I can just leave you there. You can piss, shit, and vomit all over yourself and I will be sitting here doing nothing."

Now this threaten intimated DR. No one likes to be covered in bodily fluids. He started to talk with his bladder on his mind, "I was hired to find someone's murder. DeLuca is a suspect."

The gang member across from DR nods his head. This wasn't the first time he has come across someone like this. He has heard rumors of a powerful underground company. One of its most popular services was hiring hitmen to solve the murders of influential men, then kill the murders. The gang he is a member of, the Gallo family, was familiar with them. This company has tried to pin a few murders on them. Overtime, they have learned how recognize these people. The mystery man checks most of the boxes: no IDs, fancy clothing and cars, no internet presence, and an arrogant attitude. These men were trained in everything under the sun. They were dangerous. Now one of them was going after the nephew of the leader. 

Ross DeLuca was actual in the house where DR was kidnapped. There was a hidden camera on the man that was sent in. He knows that DR was after him. He needs to know more about the man, to hurt those who he loves. He will not go down for the murder of William Marshall. 

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