Chapter Eighteen: The Break Up

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Quentin has barely seen Penny since she has moved to New York. He liked it that way. He did his thing and she did her thing. Anyways, Quentin had a kind of girlfriend. He spent a majority of his time with her and truly enjoyed her company. She was a gorgeous young woman with a fiery personality. 

At first, they saw each other as much as possible in a passionate sort of way. They couldn't get enough of each other, as if lighter fluid had been added. Like actual lighter fluid, the fire quickly died down. They still enjoyed each other's company, but the passion had died down. They saw each other less and less, realizing that they needed time apart. 

Quentin greatly appreciated it because he wasn't the best at relationship. He always finds a way to annoy the girl too much or ruin it. The time apart allowed those sides of Quentin to be expressed so that no one got hurt. 

The truth was that Quentin had ADHD. He was diagnosed when he was a young boy after teachers saw the boys habit of not being able to stop moving, constant outburst, and not paying attention. His parents were not taken back by the news. They knew it was going to be difficult since they had so many other children, but they tried there best. 

His grades would be all over the place. Some assignments would be perfect, close to being beyond what his age could do. Other times, the assignment wasn't turned in as Quinn would be focused on other things or not being able to focus at all. 

He would also get on all of his teachers bad sides. He was the class clown, annoying students, "bad kid" all roped into one. Somedays he would stare out the window, not bothering anyone but the teacher who tried to forces his attention to her. Other days, we would constantly talk to his peers around him, causing no one to be able to focus. 

What was always constant was his right knee bouncing, and never stop bouncing. 

While Quentin was able to overcome and manage some symptoms of his disorder, it followed him into adulthood. As a teen and young adult, he became constantly moody and reckless. In college, he would go to parties and drink until he blacked out. When he wasn't drinking, he would be forgetting assignments for class and focusing on something.

The mood swings were horrible, especially at home with his family. He was impatient and constantly argumentative, finding any chance to fight with his family until he was distracted by something else. He would enter screaming matches with his mother, father, and siblings over petty things which resulted in someone storming out of the house. During this time, the family felt as though they were in shambles. Deep in there hearts they all loved each other, but Quentin wasn't able to control himself. 

The family was thankful when he left for college, but they were still worried. He was entering a high pressure world without ADHD medication. It resulted in Quentin almost being kicked out freshman year. What got his act together was getting into an accident while recklessly driving alone. Thankfully, no one was killed in the process, but Quentin broke his arm and had a concussion. He finally realized that he needed help on how to manage his life with ADHD. Over the summer, before sophomore year of college, he saw a therapist that helped him manage. He was still reckless, but he learned to take risks that could never hurt anyone. He was able to channel and understand his mood swings. They greatly decreased, but didn't disappear.

Now, ADHD no longer controls Quentin. It is still present in his life though. He can be forgetful, distracted easily, hyper-focused on tasks, and not focused at all. He still has a short temper and fidgets, though. A new task in adulthood that has been challenging is keeping relationships. As a child, he was often ignored by his peers, with the exceptions of his best friend Logan Hill. His high school, he was seen as a "bad boy". Girls flocked to fix him and ended up with broken hearts. Boys wanted to be as cool as him. 

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