Chapter Thirty-Six: Long Day

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Once Penny was finished being touched in strange places for the purpose of getting her measurements, Rosa instructed her to follow. Together, in silenced, they walked to a smaller room. It was had light tan wood floors, the same beige colored walls as the rehearsal space. The room was taken up by a large table with chairs surrounding it. 

Sitting in the chairs was the cast and some of the crew. 

It was time for first impressions. She was going to meet her coworkers. 

Please God, Please! I have never asked for anything, but please, I hope these people like me! 

Diane and Yoora are sitting right in the middle, a huge box in front of them. Diane notices the shy redhead at the entrance of the door. It was a similar scene to earlier that day. She was baffled on how shy she is compared to when she is acting. It was like to different people. 

"Everyone! I would like to direct your attention to Penelope Marshall, our wonderful lead," Diane stood and gestured to her. 

"You forgot beautiful," Corey said under his breath, staring at her with a cocky smirk. Little does he know that Penny is a married woman. The specific detail on that relationship, however, are not important. 

Penny heard the comment, but chose to ignore it. "Hi, everyone!" She said, trying to sound optimistic and not let the anxiety come through. 

"Come to the table," Yoora this time addressed everyone, "so we can hand out scripts and get to know each other."

All of the people in the room, which wasn't that mean, sat down around the table. Penny just found an open seat at random and sat down. Corey decided to slide in next to her. She could help but roll her eyes

"Penelope Marshal playing Scarlet, a waitress at Club Cabaret who takes an interest in taking out toxic men," Yoora reads the character description. Penny walks up to the desk and takes her scripts. It already has her name in it as well as a number one. She also grabs a pencil and highlighter to mark up her script when the time comes. 

"Corey Patton playing Sam, an undercover cop and love interest to Scarlet." He walks up and grabs her scripts. Not before whispering in Penny's ears:

"I am so excited to work so closely with you."

A shiver went down her spine. Not the good kind... the uncomfortable kind. 

"Adam Hall playing all of the strippers boyfriends, therefore has man different names in the show. Those are Roger, Dick, Chad, Micky, and Rafael."

This man, Adam, was quite handsome. He had a natural deep, bronze, brown skin tone and loosely coiled hair where the ends where bleached. He wasn't the tallest, maybe an inch or two taller than Penny. He had rich brown eyes and full black eyebrows. She saw something catch in the light, and that was a septum piercing, just a simple good hoop. 

"Thomas Olsen playing Club Owner, who is given no name and treats the girls terribly." 

This was the last man in the room, and surely the oldest. Well, not too old. He had pale, fawn skin tone and a thin wired mustache and a balding head. He had piercing blue eyes that made Penny a little uncomfortable. He grabbed his script and hurried back to his seat. He looked a little unsettled to be there. He was clearly not like everyone else. 

"Now on to the strippers. I am just going to call the actors out and then the character name. Anastasia Allen playing Gigi"

This was the first "stripper" to step forward. She had one of the most naturally blonde and brightest blonde hair that Penny had every seen. She can't tell if it was genetic or from a box, but either way it was stunning. It was styled medium length with gentle curls. She also had sun-kissed golden white skin and small little freckles that spread across her nose and up her cheek bones. Her brown eyes were a chestnut color and her lips were a soft reddish-pink. She was slightly curvy, similar to Penny's body actually, but nothing out-of-the-ordinary. 

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