Chapter Twelve: First New York Audition

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Penny spent the day before her audition memorizing her monologue. By the end of the day, she could say it in her sleep, word for word. Before going to bed, she practiced her two songs. She also got her outfit ready. She got a pair of black jeans, a white button down shirt, a burnt orange cardigan, and black booties. It was a causal look, but still impressive. It showed effort.

She woke up early to take a shower. Straightened her hair to perfection and applied simple makeup with easy. Her usual look. Before leaving the bathroom, Penny took a good look at herself. She was entering a new life. She was in a new city, about to find a new job.

She set out a sign, looked in the mirror and said, "You can do this. You are awesome and they will see that. Go out there and crush it."

Downstairs, she ate a light breakfast with a large cup of coffee. At this point, she drank so much coffee it barely affected her. She was a true caffeine addict. Afterwards, she sat on her phone and waited for the fateful text from Danny.

She spent a good hour pacing and practicing until she got the text that he was there. She kissed Ms. Birdie on the cheek and rushed to the elevator. Outside, Danny was leaning against his car, waiting for the young woman. She popped out of the front door, and he said, "You ready, my shining star?" He couldn't help but boop her nose.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She was a little bouncy, but she was still smiling. In the car ride, Penny closed her eyes and did some breathing exercises. This is what she did every time before going on stage. It calmed her down and help her enter a character.

She told herself that it wasn't a big deal. It was just any normal audition she would go to at her home city. In reality, though, it was not. This was a huge deal! She is auditioning for Broadway shows. Even Off-Broadway was very elite. Even being cast as a swing in New York City could be life changing.

Danny already set up an audition for Penelope Marshall. The waiting room wasn't too busy since it was by appointment. They found two seats together near the back of the room. While they wait, they were just silent. Neither knew what to say. It wasn't like this was her first audition. Danny could say words of encouragement, but he already knew that she has heard those things a thousand times.

"Everything is going to be fine!"

"You are going to do great!"

Penny knew that she was going to do great, but sometimes great isn't good enough. She saw true talent in this room, talent of all kinds. It is truly up to what the casting director wants. So, she and Danny sat in silence.

Eventually, her name was called.

It was time.

She grabbed her folder full of everything she needed: resume, headshots, and sheet music. She looked at her manager, and they both smiled at each other. Penny turned her head and walked confidently to the woman who called her name.

Penny walked some distance, and they only sound was the steps of her boots and her nervous breathing. The woman guided Penny into a large room, where there was a table, grand piano, and three people, including the man at the piano.

"Hello, Penelope Marshall..." A man said, looking at the paper. He looked up at the redheaded girl to confirm that this was the right person. Penny nodded. "So, you can give us your resume and you can give him," he points to the gentleman at the piano, "your sheet music."

Penny did just that, giving each person a polite smile.

"First, I wanted to see you perform your monologue. After that you will sing for us. There will be no dancing at this audition."

Penny replied with a simple "Okay."

She closed her eyes for a brief second, took a nice breath in, opened her eyes, released the breath, and began. She did it exactly how she did it yesterday and this morning. No mistakes, no slips, no breaking character. She put her everything into the dramatic monologue.

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