Chapter Thirty-Three: Deciding I

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Daniel was so close to breaking.

God, I should have gone into acting.

His face remained passive, but his fast walking and sharp breath could tell anyone his true feelings. He was going to share that as soon as he got in his car.

He tried to put together a speech in his mind, to not come off awful. However, once he was in the car and started it, with Miss Penelope Marshall sitting next to him in the passenger seat, he forgot all his manners.

"What were you thinking!" He exclaimed, hitting his hands against the steering wheel. He hoped that his action would relieve some of this pent up anger over Penny's hesitation, but it just left his palms stinging.

He just wants the best for the girl. He can't even comprehend why she didn't sign the contract right there. It was a good deal. She got paid well, her times were normal for an actor, and she was the freaking lead of a show. He couldn't think of anything better. What was there to think about?

The sudden yelling scared Penny. She was in a confined spot, and the only thing keeping her from going off the deep end was the fact that she could open the door anytime. Even if the door locked, she could still undo it and leave.

"I don't know," she muttered to herself. She doesn't know why she turned it down. The women she met were smart, ambitious, and friendly. The fact that she was the lead in a new show was amazing. It was something she always dreamed about. However, she got a feeling in the pit of her stomach. Not a "something bad is going to happen if you take it" feeling, but a "I can't live up to this" feeling. However, explaining that to Danny did not feel like an easy task.

So, she answered him with the typical "I don't know".

She couldn't listen to him talk about how she got the role of a reason, or how talented she is, when she didn't feel it anymore. The only thing she was confident about in the past was her skills as an actress and singer. Now, her confidence level is at an all time low, and nothing could change that.

"You don't know? Oh, you do know. You are being a coward and an idiot right now. This is everything anybody would want. If I knew you were this dumb, I wouldn't have offered to work for you for free," He exasperated. Dan doesn't really think that Penny is dumb, but he is so infurated and confused, he said things he didn't mean.

Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She didn't mean to cause all of this. "I'm sorry" she chokes out in a whisper.

"Sure you are," with that he started the car and drove back to the penthouse that was ten minutes away.

She is thankful that Danny had calmed down and wasn't yelling and screaming at her anymore. But, she could feel the disappointment radiate from him. The way he didn't look at her as her cries and sniffles increased, not even worried about her, spoke volumes. The way he dropped her off in front, when he usually came up with her, and then sped away, like he couldn't wait to rid himself of her.

This only causes the tear to pile up more, and force themselves harshly through her eyelid and down her face. The snot in her nose starts to build, also forces itself out.

At that moment, out in front of the penthouse doors, she did not look beautiful. Actually quite the opposite. She tried not to make a big scene, so she scurried into the building. Her face was so red and glistening with tears, the doorman barely recognized her. However, he knew that hair like he knows the back of his hand. She ran away from anyone, hiding her face, and entering the elevator alone. She still tried to maintain her composer, well, try to hold together the strings that are seconds away from snapping.

Quentin was back in his room, packing away the clothes that were finished in the laundry. It was a mundane task that any man had to do. He was able to work efficiently, only because his mind was focused on Penny while his hands worked separately. He was wondering how her meeting was going.

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