Chapter Forty: The Car and The Plan

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DR waited patiently for the car, like he was told too. Finally on that Friday, upon walking into the apartment with a bag of Chinese food, he found another note of his kitchen table. As well as a pair of car keys that sit on top. 

It is parked across the street in the lot, only drive it the one time. Burn this note. 

He took the note and the lighter he kept in his pocket, lit it over the sink, and watched the white paper turn to soft gray ash. He leaned over the sink, head in his hands. 

DR was tired. He didn't know what to do. The more he thinks, the more sober he is, the more he doesn't want to kill her. However, he doesn't want to die either. His survival needs to matter more than hers. 

He ate the food in silences, feeling quite pathetic. The creeping feeling of missing his family is coming from the darkest holes in his heart. Never once did he miss his family in all the years he has been working. After seeing them all so happy on Thanksgiving makes him realize what he is missing. 

He is missing the feeling of love. 

He once had it with his past girlfriend, but now that she is died, he thought he had nothing. 

Now, he is longing for his family. 

DR promise to himself that once the girl is dead, he is leaving The Company and coming back to his family. They will be grieving the death of the girl and he will be able to enter seamlessly. 

After eating, he grabbed the keys and left to check out the car. It was a simple black SUV. The plates were from Montana and there was no registration in the car. He obviously has to be careful on the road and not attract the attention of cops. That will be fairly easy since it is hard to speed to even be pulled over on the busy streets of Manhattan. 

The inside of the car are light beige faux leather seats and a black dash. It wasn't anything special, but it was special to him. It was the car he was going to kill someone with. He knows how to hit a person right and get away like a hit and run. He has done it some many times he perfected the art of it. 

He pushed away from the car and walks back to his apartment. He will sleep on this all and form a plan in the morning. 


DR woke on a Saturday with a pounding headache and a swirling stomach. Once going back to the apartment, he basically drank his whole collection away and fell asleep around four in the morning. 

It wasn't like he had anything better to do with his time. 

It was slightly after noon at that Saturday. He dragged himself from the bed and took a shower, trying to rid himself of the vile alcohol smell. He forgoes breakfast/lunch and instead consume about three cigarettes and prompts when to work on his plan. 

DR tonight will survey the area and how Marshall gets home. He barely remembers his little trip to mug the girl. However, he does remember he has to be careful because she might be on watch. He won't bring the car because she might recognize it later. Once he is sure of her route back to the penthouse, he will strike. Fast and hard. Then speed away into the night, dump the car in a Company provided location. 

Then his plan is to leave the Company and never come back. He is done, he will be out. 

Right now, the only thing on his mind is Penelope Marshall. 

A killer.

A killer that stabbed an innocent man with a kitchen knife in his own home. 

A killer that lied and is perfectly okay with the harsh reality of taking someone else's life. 

A killer that is started to sound a lot like himself. 


That night DR walked in the shadows on the other side of the street, careful to not make any noise or even look at her. 

The glances he did get saw her frantically looking around and taking in her surrounds. Quick steps, constantly looking around, especially when crossing the few alley ways. She crossed about four streets, which were all one-ways. She actually waits for the light to tell her to walk, assuring that the light for the cars are red. 

This was going to be harder than he thought. 

He will have to come up fast and unexpected through only one of the streets. He only has one chance at this. If he misses, he will have to rethink everything. He also realizes that he needs for her to relax to the streets of New York. She looks so tense and on edge. 

Once she feels safe, that is when DR is going to take her life. 

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