Chapter Twenty-Four: The Final Performance

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Penny woke up the next day pretty early. 

And by early, meaning she didn't sleep at all. 

She tried, and tried to fall asleep, but ended up tossing and turning. Sometimes she would fall close her eyes and lose track of the time, but she would wake up again and not feel refreshed. 

She was worried about the audition. She wanted to do well, but wasn't optimistic. All she could feel throughout the night was dread, as if she was preparing herself for the worst. 

Around six in the morning, she decided to roll out of bed and make herself a cup of coffee. The penthouse was very quiet, while the city was starting to wake up. The sky was starting to lighten, creating a stormy blue gray. Penny yawned while staring out the huge windows before going into the kitchen to make herself some coffee. 

With a plain white mug in her hand, she decides to go outside and enjoy her coffee there. She grabbed a thick coat and put on a pair of random shoes at the front door and walked out to the terrance. Even though she has lived here for a month, she has never been out on it. She always sees it through the window, but never actually goes out. It wasn't too big. Enough for an outdoor couch with a coffee table, a high table with a closed umbrella, and various plants around the edges. 

She is unsure how those plants are still alive. She has never seen anyone care for them. 

She opens the heavy sliding door and steps out into the cold. Thankfully, it wasn't windy, like how it usually was in November. It was definitely below forty degrees Fahrenheit, but since she was all bundled up with a hot mug of coffee, she was okay with it. 

She gingerly sat down on the chair and kicked her feet onto the coffee table. Then she just sat there, looking into the morning sky as clouds roll across and the sunrise colors change as the sun becomes more visible. 

Sometimes, she would just close her eyes and listen to the sounds of cars whizzing by. She would slow her breath down and just try to relax. It worked for the most part, but that was because she felt separate from her reality. What she was doing now and what she was going to do were on two separate timelines. The former was in her perfect world where nothing was wrong and everything was just right. The latter was a reminder of how everything can go wrong and how out of control she felt. 

After an hour, she decides to go back inside. The maid was already in the kitchen. Penny scared the poor old woman with the sound of opening the patio door. 

"Ah, Penny! I didn't know you were outside!"

Penny gave the woman an apologetic smile and placed her empty mug in the dishwasher. 

"Would you like me to make you some breakfast?" Ms. Birdie asked. 

"No, it's okay. I'm not really hungry," it wasn't quite a lie. She really wasn't that hungry, but she really didn't feel like eating. She felt so exhausted that she didn't even want to chew. She felt full enough with the coffee. 

Daniel was coming to pick her up around ten o'clock, so she a little less than three hours to get ready. It was honestly a lot of time, but due to her lack of sleep, it was just enough. 

She hopped in the shower and used all the hot water. Most of that time was spent spacing out, getting lost in thoughts or memories that were not welcomed. Out of the shower, she sat of the toilet seat, air drying, and scrolling through her phone to keep herself busy. She went to the closet and stared, not knowing what to wear. After an hour of grabbing clothes and feeling them in her hand, she decided on a navy blue, shapeless sweater dress. It reached a little above her knee and the sleeves were long. She paired it with a pair of high heeled black ankle boots. 

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