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A/N - Hi,  I am trying to get back on track with my posts :) Also, please check out my other book if you like Stephen King's 'IT'. Here is Chapter 10!

Chapter 10

· Ash's POV·

Once I finally wedge an axe into a dummy's heart, I wonder what other station I could try out, so I take a good look around, camouflage and painting. Nope, I know I suck at that and there is no point trying to get better at it because let's just say, Ash and art are not synonyms more like opposites or antonyms. When it comes to art, I'm a dead end.

I have already been to the spearing station, I don't want to go to the heavy lifting weights station or the sword station because careers are swarming those stations.

Maybe I can learn how to-
Just as I am about to go over to the fishing and knotting station, I see something that somehow gets my blood boiling, in a way yet I don't know how it does.

Brooke is there, and Row, District 4's male tribute is practically hugging her from the back, you can see his flirty grin from miles away. I don't like that, but I'm probably just overreacting. I mean, what's the word that could happen?

So I decide to go over to the survival station, and practice starting a fire. I eventually give up, because no matter what I did, I can not light one.

"You need more friction, and lower your hands at a faster pace."

"Nova. District 7. Hello."

"Hello, to you too. 12." Nova, was around my age, probably younger. Probably 15 or 16.

"Wanna be allies?" Wow, well she got straight to the point.

"Well, no offence Nova, but why would you wanna be allies with me?" I was genuinely serious, I show nothing special, and I don't really know what Nova can do. Maybe it's from the chariot parade, maybe-

"I know you're going to be allies with your girlfriend, and she shows potential. Something you look for in an ally."

Ouch. She was using me to get to Brooke.

"A) she is not my girlfriend..." it pained me to say this, because it is all I wanted. I wanted Brooke. But that will never be possible, "... B) why do you think we would be allies, and C) why would we want you as an ally. Sorry that sounded mean, I just meant that ri-"

"I know what you meant and it's fine. I want you both as allies, because you're good in combat, and I'm the brains. We would make a great team."

And just in a matter of seconds, a sort of fire is ignited. "Follow me," after a couple of minutes, I learn that Nova is incredibly smart, she knows every type of food, berry, and death scenario planned out for durability and survival.

"Now show me what you can do,"

So I show her my knife skills, I know Peeta said I shouldn't, but Nova just showed me all her cards, I'm not going to hide mine, when a good ally is on the line.

We go over to the knife simulation, and I pick up a set of knives, and set up the simulation to the hardest level.

Suddenly, I saw an orange pixel hologram running at me, so I throw a knife and it wedges in where the hologram's heart would be, making it shatter into mini orange blocks.

I keep shooting these holograms with my knives hitting dead center in the bullseye each time. I have one knife left, and a hologram with a trident comes running at me from nowhere, and my knife sits right between the hologram's eyes. (Or where they would be), and the hologram bursts into mini orange pixels.

Once I am done, I see a couple of tributes looking impressed, and Nova claps mockingly, "impressive, it's a shame your girlfriend didn't see it." Nova gestures her hand towards the combat station where the tributes can go head to head in one-to-one combat.

I frowned when I looked over there, not because Brooke didn't see my knife throwing skills, but because of the scene in front of my eyes.

I know I claimed Brooke was not my girlfriend, but in reality that was all I wanted.

There was absolutely no way that would work out howler because Brooke was getting out of the arena, not me. And if even for a second, there was a way to get the both of us out with hope, that hope was trampled.

So this Chapter 10, please don't hate, and thanks for reading! :) Another alliance? I had no idea how to end this chapter, so I'm sorry it's short. But, as always thanks for reading if you got this far.  ._.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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