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After Glenstorm knocked some sense into me, Thomas and I journeyed back to the castle. I locked him in his stall and helped Mr. Henry give Thomas his lunch. He never ate unless I was around and that made me feel important somehow. I did have a friend that I could turn to in times of need.

After that, I rushed to the castle. Déjà vu hit me once again as I entered the dining room. "You should have started without me." I smiled as I took my place on Caspian's left, opposite to the Professor.

"We could never, dear." The Professor said.

"Not without you." Caspian continued.

I blushed as I took my seat and then, we started eating. "What happened with the Council?" I asked them after some time. 

They looked at each other as usual. "They found your voicing out of opinion to be really bold." Caspian said.

"They want a proper Coronation ceremony." The Professor said. "On the day you were born."


The reason I exclaimed was because the three of us had talked about any ceremony related to the Coronation after all of us found out who I was. We also talked about whether I wanted to take over the kingdom. But it was just too much for me to talk about and so, I had told them that I would talk about it slowly and that I needed time. I was very grateful when they told me that they understood.

I knew that I would have to attend a Coronation ceremony but I thought that it could be in some time. But once again, I was facing reality of having to attend it within two months. Two months until my eighteenth birthday and coronation to become a Queen.

"I showed them the Prophecy and explained it to them how we found out that you were the Lost Legacy." The Professor explained.

'The Lost Legacy' sounded cool. But 'Princess Sophie'? Never call me that. I was never a Princess. I was only Sophie Adams - an orphan, a person in need of help, a loner and a human being.

"They happen to believe that the sooner you get crowned, the sooner they could handle the diplomatic relations." Caspian explained.

I had no clue what that meant. Actually, I did know what he meant, but I didn't want to think about that responsibility that would be handed to me. I trusted the Professor's and Caspian's judgement.

"We can keep it small." Caspian assured me as I thought about it.

"But we have to send out word to other kingdoms that you are the Heir of Narnia." The Professor informed.

"Oh my God

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"Oh my God." I leaned back on my seat. "I cannot believe that this is happening. But we don't want to offend the members of the Council." I said, slowly.

"That's right, dear." The Professor said.

I sighed. "All right. Bring it on." The two of them smiled reassuringly. "But nothing fancy, and we are not spending a lot on this. I know that you like to keep lavish parties but we're not spending more than necessary on this."

The Legacy's Return (#2)Where stories live. Discover now